Cuts to single parent payments could violate international laws


The Federal Government has been questioned by the United Nations over cuts to single parent payments. A letter from the United Nations special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights says the allowance could be a violation of several international laws that Australia is party to.
Report offered to 270 community radio statyions at


It appears the UN understand on a mature level the vulnerability of a mother with a young baby.
This vulnerability is huge.
The supports needed are vital and real as no one should stand alone with a baby, on a penalised benefit or in any penalised position.

We've seen an extreme example of penalising young mothers alone with their babies in forced adoptions as this is being focused on in Australia afrer the Senate inquiry.
This however created the most profoundly traumatic separation of mothers and babies. there's a link here.

How long before we all realise the human frailty of a mother standing alone with a baby or young child?

Too many assume they, the single mothers, make this choice, when they are a minority, there is all too often no choice, the father is "not available".

Any kind of family which has to stand alone is an exclusion from a civil society, let alone a sole mother with her baby or young child.

So good to see the UN looking at this.