
Police state from sea to "The Shining" sea

See my documentations of a Police State out of control as exemplified by current events and by my own personal experiences with thugs of police, fbi, cia nationwide.

The current Los Angeles Police hunt against their own (Mr. Dorner) exemplifies many of my well documented points over the past twenty years, primarily that the police, fbi, cia are thugs, psychopathic liars, assassins, mass murderers and serial killers who are out of control against an expanding number and variety of Targets. The people like terrified lambs accept this ridiculous and pitiful state of affairs.


Cairns bans fluoride in water supply

In a rare decision The Cairns Regional Council has voted to stop fluoridating its water supplies, calling the practice ‘involuntary mass medication’.

The Queensland Government last year changed the law to give councils control over fluoride policy.

Cairns Mayor Bob Manning says 'mass medication' must not proceed without community consent.

The move will save the council about $400,000 a year.

Nearby Townsville is now also looking at the issue and could follow Cairns.


WGAR News: Sovereignty not constitutional recognition the key to closing the gap: The Wire

Newsletter date: 9 February 2013


* The Wire: Sovereignty not Constitutional recognition the key to Closing the Gap
* Sovereign Union: Governments 'Act of Recognition' has some very serious implications
* NIRS: Raising life expectancy not a case of throwing around money: Mansell
* Close the Gap Campaign Steering Committee: Shadow Report 2013
* Congress Close the Gap Statement
* Greens Senator Rachel Siewert: Government commitment to flawed policies clouds efforts to close the gap

* Brisbane Times: Protesters storm Rudd's Brisbane office

Anderson warns: Act of Recognition Bill breaches Aboriginal rights and freedoms under international law

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 6 February 13 - - Neither an act of recognition nor a constitutional reform referendum will make any difference to the position and treatment of Aborigines, says sovereignty campaigner, Michael Ghillar Anderson.

The Convenor of the Sovereign Union of First Nations and Peoples in Australia warns in a media release that the proposed Act of Recognition breaches Aboriginal rights and freedoms under international law.

The Shortwave Report 2/8/13 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (February 8) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

The ban of psychotronic weapons hinges on Russia and China

The chances that the ban of weapons enabling remote control of the human nervous system would be enacted seemed to be very low still at the beginning of this year. But on January 21 Globalresearch published the article „Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System”

Role of CIA-linked agents in crack epidemic

IF THEY'D BEEN IN a more respectable line of work, Norwin Meneses, Danilo Blandon and ''Freeway Rick'' Ross would have been hailed as geniuses of marketing.
This odd trio -- a smuggler, a bureaucrat and a driven ghetto teen-ager -- made fortunes creating the first mass market in America for a product so hellishly desirable that consumers will literally kill to get it: ''crack'' cocaine.

WGAR News: "Marie Sailor, an Aboriginal elder whose wages were stolen" Accent of Women, Radio 3CR

Newsletter date: 8 February 2013


* Accent of Women, Radio 3CR: "Marie Sailor, an Aboriginal elder whose wages were stolen"

* "Landmark Stolen Generations Test Case Begins in Perth" Media Statement
* Tracker: Stolen Gen victims begin landmark compensation trial

* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews William Hayward of ATSILS
* Background: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander responses to Royal Commission into child sexual abuse

* NIRS: Health provider regrets lack of community control

* NIRS: Territorians continue to speak out against funding cuts

WGAR News: Treatment not prison for our mob: NACCHO Aboriginal Health News Alerts

Newsletter date: 7 February 2013


* NACCHO Aboriginal Health News Alerts: Treatment not prison for our mob
* The Wire: Jail costs far outweigh rehabilitation
* Tracker: Jail should be a last resort for non-violent offenders: report
* AHRC: Social Justice Commissioner welcomes new report
* Greens Senators Rachel Siewert & Penny Wright: Drug and alcohol treatments to reduce crime, boost health
* NITV News: Minister backs calls for Indigenous offenders' rehab
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Gino Vumbaca & John Heron


Stop Barnett's thought police! Block WA's new mental health bill!

The email message below was forwarded to 'The West Australian', WA's only daily newspaper, last Wednesday, January 30th. As the message explains, this month (February) has been marked out for continued public perusal and discussion of the draft WA Mental Health bill tabled in State parliament towards the end of last year, and due to be discussed and deliberated on in State parliament next month.


WGAR News: "Urgent protest on the government's constitutional recognition bill" [Thu 7 February 13]

Newsletter date: 6 February 2013


* "Urgent Protest on the Governments constitutional recognition bill" [Thu 7 February 2013]
* "Recognition Bill forced on First Nations people against their will" Press Release
* NIRS: No jurisdiction for Act of Recognition: Sovereignty campaigner
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement

* Other articles


- Event

Urgent Protest on the Governments constitutional recognition bill

FEB 6th : Solidarity Action For Egyptian Anarchists

On the 6th of February we are asking for all anarchists, freethinkers & trouble makers to gather outside the building housing the Egyptian Consulate on 50 Market St, Melbourne CBD at 3:30PM in a show of solidarity for our Egyptian anarchist brothers and sisters who are currently facing serious repression from the religious fascist Morsi and his brutal Muslim Brotherhood backed regime.


Open letter to Michael Rolik CEO and the Board of Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras

Open letter to Michael Rolik CEO and the Board of Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras

Dear Michael and Board,

Thank you Michael for your recent letter outlining the specific “What Mardi Gras won't do” and “What Mardi Gras will do” clauses, which are the reasons for rejecting the ARAMIS (Raelian Association of Religious Minorities) Expression of Interest in the Parade.


WGAR News: NT leader: Nova Peris is wrong, Stronger Futures must go: STICS

Newsletter date: 4 February 2013


* STICS: NT leader: Nova Peris is wrong, Stronger Futures must go
* 4 Feb 13 Event: STICS meeting - Guest speaker from the NT - Marie Ellis
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention

* ABC Radio National - Awaye!: The Letters Patent [1836 South Australia]
* Petition: Jay Weatherill Premier of South Australia: Uphold the 1836 SA Letters Patent

* ACF: New Kimberley parks welcomed but jettison JPP gas hub plans

Perpetual war mp3

George Orwell was right - media collage

media samples, Addicted To War Why - the US can't kick Militarism, Starwars sample, Halliburton Proud To Serve Our Troops, Defense Spending Lets Play Call To Duty Dude, Lord Of War samples, Is This Endless War On Terrorism The New Normal TYA, The Business of War, Why We Fight [sample], We Are Addicted To A War Economy, Terrorism Our Way Of Life


For devil's sake don't mine the Tarkine

Activists from environmental direct action group Groundswell have today taken peaceful action to highlight the detrimental impacts that mining in the Tarkine will have on healthy devil populations living in the region.

At 10am this morning, Groundswell activists deployed a banner reading “FOR
DEVILS SAKE, DON’T MINE THE TARKINE” from the Alexander suspension bridge, in Launceston’s Cataract Gorge. Two climbers suspended themselves alongside the banner.


Tasmanian Liberals postpone forestry protection

Tasmanian Liberals are vowing to postpone the heritage listing of native forests, further delaying a resolution of the decades-long community division.

Last Thursday the Tasmania Labor Government announced protection of 170,000 hectares of forests as part of the proposed forestry peace deal.

Liberal Senator Richard Colbeck told ABC on Friday the party opposed the deal on the grounds that it poses problems for mining and undermines parliamentary scrutiny of the peace agreement.

Senator Colbeck's clarification on how the protection does so has been sought.


Perth & WA events: Concert for the Kimberley: A concert and march in the heart of Fremantle

Perth and Western Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sun 24 February 2013: Fremantle, Perth, WA
Concert for the Kimberley:
A concert and march in the heart of Fremantle
The Wilderness Society WA Inc
"Join us in Fremantle on Sunday 24 February 2013
for a free, open-air concert featuring the
John Butler Trio, Missy Higgins, Ball Park Music,
special guest Dr Bob Brown, and others."
"This concert and rally is a call to arms for
all West Australians to stand up and protect

Melbourne events: 'Lurujarri Dreaming' doco + Commemorating the 5th anniv of the national apology

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 7 February 2013: Brunswick, Melbourne, Vic
Next Meeting
Indigenous Social Justice Association - Melbourne:
Event details:

Event: Thu 7 February 2013: Fitzroy, Melbourne, Vic
'Lurujarri Dreaming' documentary - Melbourne Sneak Preview
"'Lurujarri Dreaming', a 26 minute educational animated
documentary- outlines the Goolarabooloo tribe’s recent
