
Michael Anderson condemns Peris-Kneebone “steamrolling”

Dubbo, central NSW, 23 January 2013 – A prominent Aboriginal sovereignty campaigner has condemned Prime Minister Gillard’s choice of former athlete, Nova Peris-Kneebone, for the Northern Territory Senate seat.

“I do not have confidence in her ability to stand up for and fight the hard fight that is coming our way,” writes Michael Ghillar Anderson in a media release. “Ms Peris-Kneebone is only being used as a public relations exercise for Labor. After all, what role has Ms Nova Peris-Kneebone played in fighting the hard political fights that we are currently involved in? Ms Nova Peris-Kneebone has not been involved in major political processes, rallies or otherwise. She has been missing in political action all the time,” Mr Anderson writes.


Australian political responses to Obama's climate change Inauguration speech

The parliamentary leaders of the Labor Party, Liberal Party and the Greens all responded to Barack Obama's statement on the necessity to act on climate change made during his 2013 inauguration speech.

The Prime Minister Julia Gillard welcomed the statement and also reiterated government policy on carbon pricing, and the trend for more extreme weather events due to climate change as articulated by climate scientists.

Tony Abbott was more combative, attempting to use his press conference question for taking a cheap shot at President Obama not being able to get climate legislation passed through congress, and attacking the Government's carbon pricing policy.

Greens leader, Senator Christine Milne, also welcomed the change in priority on climate change by the US administration and said that "the proof of President Obama's commitment will be in what the US does in the global negotiations" over the next two years.

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 53 events from 25 January 2013

Newsletter date: 23 January 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 25 January 2013: East Perth, WA
Nyoongar Tent Embassy: Last day of Freedom
- A ceremony to honour our Nyoongar Yorga Boodja
"Activities at Matagarup (Heirrison Island) hosted
by the Nyoongar Tent Embassy. Includes BBQ
(for donation) and music. ...
(Named for being the last day before invasion day.)"
"Preliminary Launch of Curtin University’s
Research on Media Reporting on the NTE"

Queensland events: Invasion Day rally and march + ANTaR Closing the Gap in Indigenous Health Award

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary - from 26 January 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sat 26 January 2013: Brisbane, Qld
Invasion Day rally and march: 2013, Brisbane
Event summary:
Event summary:
Event summary:
Event summary:

Darwin events: Monsoon Movies Film Festival (organised by Darwin Aboriginal Rights Coalition)

Northern Territory Aboriginal rights events for your diary - from 26 January 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 26 January 2013: Fannie Bay, Darwin, NT
Monsoon Movies Film Festival
Survival Day film screening:
Murundak: Songs for Freedom
Organised by Darwin Aboriginal Rights Coalition
Event details:
Event details:

NSW events: Protest at NSW ALC as support to Uncle Dootch + Saltwater Freshwater Festival Taree

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - from 25 January 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 25 January 2013: Parramatta, Sydney, NSW
Protest NSW Land Rights
"Protest 10am 25/1/13 at NSW ALC ...
as support to Uncle Dootch Kennedy in Yuin country
& Illawarra in addressing NSWALC move into Mining
exposed by Media in 2012."
"NSW Land Rights becoming mining operator affects
us all and we have had no consultation or respect
shown to date to local Aboriginal people, comunities
and 1st Nations"

Melbourne and Vic events: Survival Day Picnic at Frankston Foreshore + Invasion Day Rally and March

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary - from 26 January 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 26 January 2013: Frankston, Vic
Survival Day Picnic at Frankston Foreshore
"Whilst acknowledging the pain and trauma associated
with dispossession, Survival Day is also a time to
celebrate the strength, vitality and survival of
Indigenous culture."
Event details:
Event details:


The community radio stations with no future

Scores of smaller community radio stations could be left out of the digital future altogether.

As the big industry players move to digital broadcasting many stations may end up with no future and have to shut down.

Commercial radio, The ABC and the larger metro-wide community stations are currently making the transition to transmitting on digital radio.

About 30 large city based community stations can now be heard on both traditional radio (FM and AM) and also on digital radio.



Australia Day is celebration day for some.
Aborigines prefer to call it 'Invasion Day',
The day when Aborigines were put under the white man's thumb.

Although 200 years have come and gone,
Suffering amongst Aborigines goes on and on.

They thought that we would die out and fade away.
Have I got news for them!
Aborigines are definitely here to stay.

From certain areas of our land we are banned.
But our Aboriginal cirlce is getting bigger,
When we join in unison, hand in hand.

While others celebrate in high spirits we remember our dark history,


WGAR News: Background to support for the Yolngu statement and opposition to 'Stronger Futures' laws

Newsletter date: 22 January 2013

Background info page:
Background to support for the Yolngu statement and opposition to the 'Stronger Futures' laws


* Yolngu Nations Assembly Statements and Media Releases

* Compilations calling for:
support for the Yolngu statement of 24 April 2012 and
the abandonment of the Stronger Futures laws

* Supportive Statements, Media Releases and News (14 March 2012 - 3 July 2012)


The new road rail vehicle

The road rail vehicle was originally developed in Australia . . .

However longtime members of sydney indymedia & AUSI, Australien Universal Space Industries have modified the design of the vehicle so it behaves more like a scalextric slot car with added improvements.

Background to Justice for Aboriginal victims of Maralinga nuclear tests

Last updated: 18 December 2013

WGAR News: Radioactive Show: Maralinga - Muckaty - Medicine: 3CR Community Radio
[Featuring Aunty Sue Coleman-Haseldine, Barb Shaw, Penny Phillips, Isobel Phillips & Michael Fonda] (18 Dec 13)

WGAR News: David T. Rowlands, Green Left: Australian atomic massacre still ignored [Maralinga nuclear tests] (12 Jul 13)

Tasmanian bush fires sign of world to come

The image of kids in the water clinging to a dock, under a fire-red sky, captured the situation. The great Australian heat wave of 2013 also struck the southern-most part of the country, the island of Tasmania. Maybe this is the future anywhere trees grow, as global warming heats the planet.

Professor David Bowman is at the University of Tasmania in Hobart, teaching and researching Forest Ecology. He's a published expert on fire in the earth system.


Goolarabooloo law bosses lift the ante in battle with Woodside over gas hub

Gerry Georgatos - Story
Damien Kelly - Photo - Goolarabooloo Law Bosses, Phillip Roe and Richard Hunter with Eric Hunter in traditional pelican head dress - the pelican is the head dress of their particular Goolarabooloo group and symbolic of Walmandan (James Price Point) country.


WGAR News: 200 Aboriginal Maralinga victims denied compensation: Gerry Georgatos, Indymedia

Newsletter date: 21 January 2013


* Gerry Georgatos, Indymedia Australia: 200 Aboriginal Maralinga victims denied compensation
* Background to Justice for Aboriginal victims of Maralinga nuclear tests

* Gerry Georgatos, Indymedia Australia: Goolarabooloo Law Bosses lift the ante in battle with Woodside over gas hub
* Background to Walmadan Tent Embassy, James Price Point, north of Broome, Kimberley Region, WA

* Gerry Georgatos, Indymedia Australia: Lobby restaurant incident - January 26, 2012 - Will Prime Minister Gillard finally admit the truth and apologise?

Murujuga National Park at long last - however the struggle is not over

Gerry Georgatos - story
Jacquelyn Siew - photo
The West Australian Government has approved the creation of the Murujuga National Park on the Burrup Peninsula, near Karratha, however with a caveat. The National Indigenous Times has recently visited the site, twice in the last couple of weeks and it is a historical preserve that needed to be confirmed. Local Elder Wilfred Hicks is pleased, however much of the surrounds need to be preserved as petroglyphs, rock art and other historical sites need to preserved.

Lobby restaurant incident – January 26, 2012 – Will Prime Minister Gillard finally admit the truth and apologise?

Gerry Georgatos - On the 26th of January last year headlines rocketed around the world out of Canberra from the Lobby restaurant incident where more than 200 protestors descended from the nearby 40th Aboriginal Tent Embassy celebrations and vigil. The Prime Minister’s Office, despite its public denials, tried to stage manage a confrontation between Federal Opposition leader Tony Abbott and some of Aboriginal Tent Embassy’s high profile figures, including legendary co-founder of the Embassy, Michael Anderson.


200 Aboriginal Maralinga victims denied compensation

Gerry Georgatos
Maralinga’s and Emu Field’s long suffering Aboriginal victims of the British atomic tests have been told by lawyers that a class action for compensation would fail and that the fight in the courts is over because apparently it is impossible to adequately prove radiation from the atomic blasts specifically caused their illnesses and the premature deaths. Maralinga victim Yami Lester said this is “rubbish” and that his blindness was caused by nothing else other than the fallout from the blasts. He was a young child at the time.
