
Australia Day is celebration day for some.
Aborigines prefer to call it 'Invasion Day',
The day when Aborigines were put under the white man's thumb.

Although 200 years have come and gone,
Suffering amongst Aborigines goes on and on.

They thought that we would die out and fade away.
Have I got news for them!
Aborigines are definitely here to stay.

From certain areas of our land we are banned.
But our Aboriginal cirlce is getting bigger,
When we join in unison, hand in hand.

While others celebrate in high spirits we remember our dark history,
The Invasion and those endless limits.

With education as our strongest tool,
We are putting them to the test, more the fool.

Where Aboriginal history, culture and artwork was once despised,
World-wide it now has a strong following,
Instantly recognized.

After all our trials and tribulations,
We are becoming a much stronger Aboriginal nation.

Others celebrate with open elation.
We are still struggling for our salvation.

I refuse to acknowledge Australia Day.
'Invasion Day' is more appropriate I say.
