
Sydney events: Invasion Day Screening + Rally 9th Anniv of TJ Hickey's death + Kimberley Festival

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 29 January 2013: Petersham, Sydney, NSW
Invasion Day Special Screening and Fundraiser
The Inner West Film Forum
"In the wake of Invasion Day 2013
we present two important screenings …
* The Invasion Continues… Video from the NT Intervention.
Presented by Paddy Gibson
* One People Sing Freedom (1988)"
"Assisting STICS to continue its fight against the
Northern Territory Intervention"
STICS (Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney)

WA events: Kimberley update for new and existing volunteers + Walk the Lurujarri Dreaming Trail

Perth and Western Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Tue 5 February 2013: West Perth, WA
Kimberley update for new and existing volunteers
- meet our new staff!
The Wilderness Society WA Inc
"The new year has brought with it many changes,
including some great additions to our WA Perth
campaign team. Join us in our offices in West
Perth on Tuesday Feb 5th from 5:30pm to
meet the new team, hear a campaign update and
get involved in exciting actions and events coming up!"

Melbourne events: Land Theft, Police Thugs and Gillards Anti-Indigenous Agenda + Marxism Conference

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Wed 7 February 2013: Brunswick, Melbourne, Vic
Next Meeting
Indigenous Social Justice Association - Melbourne:
Event details:

Event: Sat 9 February 2013: Carlton, Melbourne, Vic
Land Theft, Police Thugs and Gillards Anti-Indigenous Agenda
"Socialist Alternative presents:
* Chris Graham: The managing editor of Tracker magazine.
Chris is also the former and founding editor of the


South Australia events: 146th Justice and Peace Candle Light Walk + Radioactive Exposure Tour 2013

Adelaide and South Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 1 March 2013: Adelaide, SA
146th Justice and Peace Candle Light Walk
around Government House
Gather at dusk on the first Friday of the month
(except January and February)
"Join us on the Candle Light Walk to
call for a Treaty and Bill of Rights, and
to support the Ngarrindjeri and all other
Aboriginal people and the Stolen Generations,
their families and communities left behind,
in their call for Peace and Justice."

Queensland events: ANTaR Closing the Gap in Indigenous Health Award + State of Emergency Exhibition

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Mon 18 March 2013: Qld
Annual ANTaR Qld
Closing the Gap in Indigenous Health Award
"We are happy to announce that the
Annual ANTaR Qld Closing the Gap in Indigenous
Health Award will continue to be hosted with a
Parliamentary sponsor and will continue to highlight
the wonderful success stories in health from around
our State."
"In negotiation with the new Government and Minister Elmes,
the Award ceremony has been rescheduled to

Canberra events: Centenary of Canberra celebrates First Aust'ns + Kevin Gilbert Art Retrospective

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 13 February 2013: Barton, Canberra, ACT
Constitutional Recognition Forum
Tanya Hosch and Jason Glanville
National Press Club of Australia Forum
"A big moment in history beckons.
To vote at a referendum so the first Australians,
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people,
are recognised in our Constitution."
Event details:

Event: 25 January - 25 May 2013: Canberra, ACT


Anarchists attack Australia

In the early hours of January 26th we tipped a bucket of paint on a statue celebrating the First Fleet in Brighton Le Sands, Botany Bay.

We later threw numerous paint bombs at a massive statue of James Cook in Hyde Park, who according the plaque on the monument “discovered this territory in 1770”.

We sprayed stencils reading: "FUCK AUSSIE PRIDE", "DESTROY COLONIAL AUSTRALIA" & "PROUDLY UNAUSTRALIAN" throughout the city, Redfern, Newtown, Marrickville, Sydenham and at Bicentennial Park and Carss Park, where ‘Australia Day’ celebrations were to take place.


Electrical blackouts predicted all over Australia

The extreme heat we have experienced all over Australia due to climate change has basically halved the life of the insulation in electrical transformers all over the country, therefore we can expect alot of electrical blackouts in the future.

What is causing the extreme heat ?

[1] Australias increased CO2 emmisions which are the result of failing to construct renewable energy infrastructure & renewable energy systems.

[2] Global Warming. 1998 was the year (666 x 3) otherwise known as the end of the fifth sun & the beginning of the sixth sun.

WGAR News: Protest over land council mining plans: Mel Barnes, Green Left

Newsletter date: 28 January 2013


* Mel Barnes, Green Left: Protest over land council mining plans

* Brisbane Times: Indigenous rally on Australia Day in Qld
* SMH: Sodden but not sunk: How Queenslanders marked Australia Day
* Sovereign Union: Invasion Day March Brisbane 2013
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement
* Background to Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy, Musgrave Park, South Brisbane, Qld

* SBS Radionews Audio: Reviewing the MDGs: Pt 2 [Millennium Development Goals]

PHILIPPINES - Akbayan Celebrates Compensation Act to victims of Martial Law

Akbayan Party-list lauded the conclusion of the bicameral conference committee (bicam) on the Compensation Bill for victims of human rights violations during the dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos, calling it a “victory of the Filipino people and of Philippine democracy” after a decades-long struggle of advocates and victims of Martial Law abuses for justice.

Aboriginal genes suggest Indian migration

Australia might not have been as isolated for the 40,000 years prior to European colonisation as once thought, according to a new study which has found evidence of substantial gene flow between Indian populations and Australia about 4000 years ago.

The research also suggests the dingo might have arrived on Australian shores about that time – along with tool technology and food processing – though other experts are sceptical.

WGAR News: 'Tent Embassy' returns to Heirisson Island: The West Australian

Newsletter date: 27 January 2013


* The West Australian: 'Tent Embassy' returns to Heirisson Island
* Background to Nyoongar Tent Embassy, Heirisson Island, Perth, WA
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement

* Tracker: Mature Australia needs new flag: academic

* SBS Living Black: Approval Granted to Destroy Aboriginal Heritage Sites
* ABC: Number of land acquisition mistakes unknown
* Background to the Save The Kimberley Campaign - James Price Point, north of Broome, WA

* SBS Living Black: No Criminal Charges Against Police

The past week in nuclear news, by Christina Macpherson

Articles about these items, and source links, can be found at and at

Aboriginal issues to the fore this week. Yesterday an deal was announced between the Mirrar Aboriginal and Energy Resources of Australia, (ERA) after 14 years of negotiations, over the Ranger uranium mine. Highly respected senior traditional owner Ms Yvonne Margarula, has welcomed the agreements, and that’s good enough for me.

WGAR News: "Day of Mourning protest: The most significant moment in Aboriginal political history"

Newsletter date: 26 January 2013


* NIRS: Day of Mourning protest: The most significant moment in Aboriginal political history
* NIRS: Australia Day a "race-based" celebration
* Joseph Toscano, Anarchist World - 3CR Audio: Inappropriate 'Australia Day', Invasion Day
* Peter Gebhardt, The Age: A national day of shame
* NIRS: Treaty demands to be outlined at Melbourne protest
* WGAR News: Aboriginal Sovereignty Day, Invasion Day and Survival Day Events: Sat 26 January 2013

* Tracker: Win for tent embassy activists

Shell and Goldman Sachs win the Public Eye Awards 2013

Dear Friends of the Public Eye

The die is cast, the expert jury and the public have chosen: Goldman Sachs and Shell receive the Public Eye naming and shaming awards. Both corporations are prime examples of companies with a greed for profit, leading to social and ecological misdeeds. By presenting the Public Eye Awards today in Davos, we have set a counterpoint to the elitist rendezvous between politics and business at the WEF.

The Shortwave Report 1/25/13 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (January 25) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

WGAR News: Daughter of 'Maralinga test victim' speaks out: YouTube

Newsletter date: 24 January 2013


* YouTube: Daughter of 'Maralinga test victim' speaks out
* SBS Radionews Audio: Maralinga compo collapse prompts calls for Act of Grace
* ABC Radio National Breakfast: Maralinga compensation - Guest: WA Greens Senator Scott Ludlum
* Paul Langley's Nuclear History Blog: In Contradiction to the British Position that Proof of Radiological Harm Does Not Exist. Part 2
* Background to Justice for Aboriginal victims of Maralinga nuclear tests

* Sovereign Union condemns Peris-Kneebone "steamrolling"