Electrical blackouts predicted all over Australia

The extreme heat we have experienced all over Australia due to climate change has basically halved the life of the insulation in electrical transformers all over the country, therefore we can expect alot of electrical blackouts in the future.

What is causing the extreme heat ?

[1] Australias increased CO2 emmisions which are the result of failing to construct renewable energy infrastructure & renewable energy systems.

[2] Global Warming. 1998 was the year (666 x 3) otherwise known as the end of the fifth sun & the beginning of the sixth sun.
It has been concluded by physicists that all life will be destroyed on planet earth in 1 billion years time due to the heat created by the Sun expanding into a Red Giant. Planet earth will be totally destroyed in 8 billion years time when the Sun swallows planet earth. Planet Mars will not be destroyed, this makes planet mars look like a safe place to be for many billions of years, note their may be other safe havens in our solar system as well as in foreign solar systems.
