
Philippines: Coalition clamor for the freedom of information (FOI) bill

Still enough time for FOI – if House leadership supports it. With only nine session days remaining before Congress adjourns for a long election break, members of the Right to Know Right Now Coalition are reminding members of Congress that they still have enough time to pass the Freedom of Information (FOI) bill even without the prodding of Malacanang.

All that is needed, the Coalition says, is a clear commitment from the leaders of the House of Representatives.

Tour Down Under sponsor Santos told 'on ya bike' over CSG in the Pilliga

The Santos sponsored Tour Down Under was visited today by anti-CSG activists from the Pilliga Forest near Gunnedah in New South Wales. The protesters on bicycles took their protest to Santos Head Office in Adelaide today. Santos is the major sponsor of the Tour Down Under, so activists such as @thepilligamouse and several koalas hoped on their bikes to ride around Adelaide this morning to protest Santos’s destructive and toxic coal seam gas operations in Eastern Australia’s largest remaining temperate woodland and surrounding farmlands. They were joined by NSW politician and grazier David Quince.

Related: Total Fire Ban exemption for Santos CSG plant riles Pilliga residents


Planners need to allow for Coastal wetlands migration due to sea level rise, climate change

Coastal Wetlands are under pressure. They face rising seas from climate change, but their biggest obstacle to migrate naturally inland is human development with roads, houses and other infrastructure blocking their way. And our urban planners are largely unaware of this tricky situation.

Related: Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions (CEED) | WetlandCare Australia | UNEP

WGAR News: ALSWA calls for bipartisan commitment to justice reinvestment: Aboriginal Legal Service

Newsletter date: 20 January 2013


* ALSWA calls for bipartisan commitment to justice reinvestment
* NIRS: WA legal service slams criminal justice system failures
* Background to Aboriginal imprisonment and Deaths in Custody

* Tracker: Six million to attend "Australia Day" events on Invasion date

* NITV News: NSW Aboriginal Land Council under fire over CSG permits

* Australian: Road project may be halted as Aborigines seek burial-ground injunction

* SNAICC News: Appointment of Professor Helen Milroy as a Royal Commissioner

WGAR News: Woodside given go-ahead to destroy Aboriginal sites at James Price Point: Robin Chapple

Newsletter date: 19 January 2013


* Robin Chapple MLC: Woodside given go-ahead to destroy Aboriginal sites at James Price Point
* Greens leader Senator Christine Milne: Burke must intervene as Barnett rubber stamps destruction of Aboriginal heritage at James Price Point
* The Wilderness Society: Woodside given permission to drill in Kimberley
* News re Woodside and James Price Point, Kimberley Region, WA
* Background to Walmadan Tent Embassy, James Price Point, north of Broome, Kimberley Region, WA

* Other articles


The Shortwave Report 1/18/13 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (January 18) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

This week's show features stories from NHK World Radio Japan, the Voice of Russia, Spanish National Radio, and Radio Havana Cuba.

Paris (France) - Solidarity action for the migrants' struggle in Australia

On Sunday January 13th, a dozen people went to Quai Branly Museum, in Paris, where an Aboriginal art exhibition was taking place.

The text below was distributed there as a leaflet and a banner was put at the entrance, blockading the access to the Museum for some time. On the banner, it was written «L'Australie traque et enferme / Vive la révolte / à Nauru comme ailleurs», which means «Australie hunts down and incarcerates / Long live revolt / in Nauru and everywhere».

WGAR News: Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies

Newsletter date: 18 January 2013

Background info page:
Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies:


* Aboriginal Sovereignty websites
(Last updated: 2 January 2013)

* Foundation Meeting of the Sovereign Union - National Unity Government (MR: 25 May 2012)

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 51 events from 17 January 2013

Newsletter date: 17 January 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 18 January 2013: Fitzroy, Melbourne, Vic
Kimberley documentary Melbourne premiere screening
"The Wyldeclan documentary film making
team are touring their new film
invited to the very exciting Melbourne premiere screening.
At The Wilderness Society Vic campaign centre
(the Loft, Leval 2) we will show a couple of short films,
hear from the filmakers then screen the feature

United Natures - a United Nations of all species

United Natures - a United Nations of all species

Documentary movie on the Rights of Mother Earth and permaculture of the inner landscape. Featuring a stellar international cast of top environmental thinkers and activists including Vandana Shiva, Dr Helen Caldicott, Polly Higgins (ecocide), Starhawk (permaculture), Father Bob Maguire, Cormac Cullinan (Wild Law), David Holmgren (co-originator of permaculture) and Michael Reynolds (earthships) amongst others. A homemade grassroots independent film self-funded by the director, Peter Charles Downey.


Hobart event: Aboriginal protest rally on Australia day - hosted by the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre

Hobart Aboriginal rights event for your diary

Click on the link for details of the event ...

Event: Sat 26 January 2013: Hobart, Tas
Aboriginal protest rally on Australia day
"You are invited to attend an invasion day protest
rally hosted by the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre."
"The rally will finish at Parliament House Lawns
where a commemoration will be held to honour the
lives, land and rights stolen during the white invasion."
Event details:

- - -

About WGAR News:


WGAR News: Aboriginal Sovereignty Day, Invasion Day and Survival Day Events: Sat 26 January 2013

Newsletter date: 17 January 2013

Last updated: 22 January 2013


* Background to Sovereignty Day, Invasion Day and Survival Day
* Adelaide events
* Brisbane event
* Canberra events
* Darwin event
* Hobart event
* Melbourne and Victoria events
* Perth events
* Sydney and NSW events


Event: 26 January 2013: various locations in Australia
Sovereignty Day / Invasion Day / Survival Day
"'Australia Day', also known as Survival Day,
Invasion Day and Sovereignty Day:

Melbourne: Kimberley doco screening + Commemorating Freedom Fighters + Invasion Day Rally and March

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 11 until Sat 19 January 2013: Footscray, Melbourne, Vic
Wominjeka 2013
Koorie Space - Footscray Community Arts Centre
"Wominjeka means 'welcome' in the language
of the Kulin Nation. Wominjeka has developed as
FCAC’s annual celebration of Australia’s
Indigenous artistic and cultural practices;
and the launch of the Centre’s annual program."
Event details:


Queensland events: Show your support at Child Protection Inquiry + Invasion Day rally and march

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 14, 15 and 16 January 2013: Brisbane, Qld
Show your support at the
Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry
"Please come and support key Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander child and family advocates
calling for proficient Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander child protection framework with greater
responsibility, accountability and authority
held by the community."
Event details:

Sydney events: Yabun festival + Reflection: Australia Day Special + Invasion Day Special Screening

Sydney Aboriginal rights events for your diary - from 26 January 2013

Last updated: 20 January 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 23 November 2012 to 20 January 2013: Leichhardt, Sydney, NSW
Boomalli Aboriginal Artists Cooperative presents:
Ripple Effect: Boomalli Founding Members Exhibition
25th Anniversary Exhibition
* Officially opened by Gary Foley.
* Exhibition runs until January 20
(gallery closed over Christmas & New Years).
Featuring works by:
* Bronwyn Bancroft,
* Euphemia Bostock,
* Brenda L Croft,
* Fiona Foley,

Perth and WA events: Nyoongar Tent Embassy: Last day of Freedom + Survival Day Concert

Perth and Western Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary - from 25 January 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 25 January 2013: East Perth, WA
Nyoongar Tent Embassy: Last day of Freedom
- A ceremony to honour our Nyoongar Yorga Boodja
"Activities at Matagarup (Heirrison Island) hosted
by the Nyoongar Tent Embassy. Includes BBQ
(for donation) and music. ...
(Named for being the last day before invasion day.)"
"Preliminary Launch of Curtin University’s
Research on Media Reporting on the NTE"

WGAR News: Fears SA laws will cause higher Aboriginal incarceration rates: NITV News

Newsletter date: 16 January 2013


* NITV News: Fears SA laws will cause higher Aboriginal incarceration rates
* CAAMA: Mundine calls for national summit to tackle incarceration rates
* Background to Aboriginal imprisonment and Deaths in Custody

* Tracker: Qld child protection inquiry resumes

* NIRS: Indigenous medical expert appointed as Royal Commissioner

* Other articles


- Video

SBS World News: Fears SA laws will cause higher Aboriginal incarceration rates

Japanese Sasago syndrome, Dutch dam marker and African inferno overflow as evidences of hot expanding earth theory [global warming, geophysics and cosmology]


A good few hundreds unfailing bolts were find torn loose in almost one geophysical and technical moment of lithospheric stretching in Japanese tunnel “Sasago” in 2012. It means that long dams in Holland can one near day be toppled in the water!



Australian Heatwave part of global warming trend says IPCC head Pachauri

The IPCC chairperson is visiting Australia and commented that the Extreme heatwave and catastrophic bushfires that Australia is experiencing is an 'unmistakeable' part of a global trend of an increase in the frequency and intensity of heatwaves and other extreme weather events. Indeed, researchers from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) have just released a new study - Global increase in record-breaking monthly-mean temperatures - which clearly shows the present Australian heatwave records being broken and the US recording it's hottest year in 2012, are both part of this global trend.