Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - from 25 January 2013

NSW events: Protest at NSW ALC as support to Uncle Dootch + Saltwater Freshwater Festival Taree

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - from 25 January 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 25 January 2013: Parramatta, Sydney, NSW
Protest NSW Land Rights
"Protest 10am 25/1/13 at NSW ALC ...
as support to Uncle Dootch Kennedy in Yuin country
& Illawarra in addressing NSWALC move into Mining
exposed by Media in 2012."
"NSW Land Rights becoming mining operator affects
us all and we have had no consultation or respect
shown to date to local Aboriginal people, comunities
and 1st Nations"