Australia: we're paying for floods and fires

Dear friends across Australia,

Almost 50 degrees one week, floods the next! Climate change is here, but our government continues to give billions a year in petrol credits to mining companies. Enough is enough. Let’s turn up the heat on the government this election year to end these polluter handouts! Sign now.

Just this January, deadly floods have devastated Queensland and we’ve had to add a new colour to the weather map as parts of Australia broke records reaching nearly 50 degrees. This could be the new normal, but the election has just been called and we have a chance to push our government to do much more to combat climate change.

It seems crazy, but taxpayers in Australia pay $1.7 billion every single year to fuel mega-mining machines. These gas guzzling trucks, diggers and bulldozers fry the planet. If we can close this huge loophole, we will save mountains of money and could force the richest companies in Australia to be more efficient with their fuel.

Let’s end their fuel free ride. Treasurer Wayne Swan can strike this line from our national budget -- sign the urgent petition below to urge him to act, then forward this email to everyone. When we reach 100,000 signers, Avaaz will set up a mining truck installation outside Parliament House to deliver our call to Swan's front door.

Drought, fires, flooding, tornados; we’ve seen it all. Scientists predict that without more immediate actions, the temperature of the planet could rise by over 4 degrees before the end of the century. That would be game-over for our coral reef, for our snow fields, for the Australia we’ve grown up with.

When you or I buy petrol at the pump, we pay 38c a litre to the federal government. So why wouldn’t some of the most profitable companies in Australia pay their fair share? The Fuel Tax Credit Scheme costs more every year than our public schools!

Elections are the time our leaders are most likely to hear our voices -- let’s use this year's as an opportunity to once again hold our politicians feet to the fire of climate change and demand they move beyond words. $1.7 billion is a lot of money, enough to spur a green energy revolution and help our vulnerable communities adapt. Sign the petition now, and then forward this email widely:

Together we’ve campaigned and won on carbon tax and on Australian leadership at international climate talks: small steps on the road to a safer climate. Today, let’s take a giant stride forward and end these insane polluter payments which fuel heatwaves, crazy storms and flooding.

With hope,

Iain, Emily, Michelle, Rewan, Allison, Ben and the whole Avaaz team


Clean-up launched after deadly Australia floods (AFP)

Australia goes purple as temperatures soar off the charts (CBS)

Billions spent on fossil fuel incentives (The Sydney Morning Herald)

G20 and fossil fuel subsidies (ACF)

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