US gun lobbyists fighting tooth and nail to stop a treaty banning the sale of weapons to warlords and dictators

Gun lobbyists in the USA are trying to stop a treaty that would keep guns out of the hands of war criminals.

Help cut the NRA's funding by telling big corporations like Ramada Hotels, Best Western, and Avis Rent-A-Car to stop making sweetheart deals with pro-gun lobbyists.

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An enormously powerful group of gun lobbyists in the US is fighting tooth and nail to stop a treaty banning the sale of weapons to warlords and dictators. It’s called the National Rifle Association, or NRA, and it’s bought hundreds of Members of Congress who vote in lock-step with the interests of the gun industry.

We might not be able to vote against the NRA’s agenda, but we definitely have the power to fight back against its efforts to fund its lobbying operation. That’s because major global corporations like Best Western, Ramada, and Avis have partnership deals with the NRA. If we can push these corporate partners out of bed with the NRA, then we can undermine the NRA’s power at this critical moment -- and help ensure that weapons stop ending up in the hands of warlords and dictators.

Tell Ramada, Best Western, Avis and other companies: End your partnership with the NRA.

Time and again, the NRA has blocked effective gun controls laws in the US. But it's not just American citizens, like the children killed in the Sandy Hook school shooting, who suffer as a result. The consequences of lax US gun laws are felt all over the world. Guns are smuggled from the USA to Canada and Latin America, and they're used to arm international criminal organisations responsible for thousands of innocent deaths and countless human rights abuses every year.

Last summer the NRA stopped the US Senate from ratifying the Arms Trade treaty, which is designed to keep weapons out of the hands of the perpetrators of genocide, and bragged about its victory over the UN. Now, with a new round talks approaching, there's another chance to pass the treaty, and human rights advocates like United To End Genocide are pushing the NRA to drop its opposition. But the NRA's leaders have shown no sign of budging and continue to spread false information about the treaty.

Click here to  show the NRA there are consequences to meddling with international law, by pushing its corporate partners to leave.

Meanwhile, businesses like Ramada, Avis, and Best Western charge NRA members less than they charge you and me in exchange for the organisation's seal of approval. The NRA uses benefits like the ones offered by Ramada to advertise and recruit new members -- many of whom are hunters or otherwise are responsible gun owners who don’t endorse the NRA’s dangerous policies in Washington.

The NRA’s corporate partners can get away with these deals because most consumers aren’t aware of them. We need to come together and make sure NRA sponsorships become a big liability for corporations like Ramada.

These companies have a global brand to protect, and they certainly doesn’t want those brands tied to the atrocious policies that the NRA is pushing in Washington. We need to speak out now and ensure that Ramada, Best Western, and Avis and other corporations aren’t lending a hand to the lobbyists who are making it easier for war criminals to buy more guns.

Tell these companies to stop cutting deals with the NRA.

Thanks for all you do,

Rob and the team at


More Information:

NRA Press Release, NRA stops U.N. arms trade treaty, 27 July 2012

United to End Genocide, We Stop Genocie in 2013 with the Arms Trade Treaty, 2 January 2013

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