Yahoo! now supporting HTTPS globally for their mail and messaging services

Today, Yahoo! told us that they're now supporting HTTPS globally for their mail and messaging services, an important and overdue step for the security and privacy of their users. Their decision comes on the heels of Access members publicly calling for the switch, as well as an open letter by civil society and security experts sent to new CEO Marissa Mayer pushing for the company to support HTTPS.

Great work and congratulations! Together, your voices helped spark conversations amongst some of Yahoo!'s top decision-makers.

Pending technical analysis of its implementation, we believe this decision by Yahoo! responds to some of the concerns raised by you, and signals a continuing strengthening of their services’ privacy protections.

Many at-risk users depend on Yahoo! Mail, and the HTTPS option is an important step toward protecting their safety and human rights to privacy and freedom of expression. We look forward to working with Yahoo! as the company rolls out HTTPS by default globally across all products and services.

Click the link below to find out more about Yahoo!'s decision:

Thanks for your support, 
Mike Rispoli
Access Campaign Team

Access defends and extends the digital rights of users at risk around the world. By combining tech-driven policy, user engagement, and direct technical support, we fight for open and secure communications for all.