Sorry, we need that back

Two nights ago it was leaked that the Government is considering cutting $375 million in foreign aid. It would mean taking back money that literally saves hundreds of thousands of lives, all so the Government can pay for detaining more asylum seekers.

GetUp members jumped to action, making more than 1,500 donations. We worked day and night to make this urgent video. Cabinet is meeting in the first week of January to consider their next steps. We need to get this video out now, to show that while the world's poor don't have their own political voice in Australia, they can rely on ours.

Check your cheeky new ad, share it with friends and family, and please chip in to put it on air. GetUp members have already chipped in just over $45,000- but if together we can reach $91,000 by tomorrow, we can put it on air in every city during the New Year's Cricket Test match.

Foreign Aid Ad

Click the image above to view the ad.

There's more at stake here than one leak, one budget cut. This is the second time this year we've seen it: when budget choices get tough, foreign aid is cut, because the world's poorest -- our neighbours in East Timor and Papua New Guinea -- don't have a strong political voice to complain.

Meanwhile, industry groups who complain the loudest are untouched, so our tax dollars are still subsidising the mining industry to the tune of $5 billion a year in fossil fuel handouts.

If we don't stand up and fight now, the equation will remain the same every time and for every government. Let's go in to bat for those who most need our help. If we reach $91,000 by tomorrow we can air this every day during the New Year's test in every capital city. That's 1,000 people chipping in $48 each. If we reach $150,000 together, we can double the number of ads.

Thanks for being a part of the solution,
The GetUp team

PS -- Cabinet will be meeting just as this ad airs. Chip in now and we'll email you to let you know when to tune in and see your ad on air. Also, pick up a copy of this Friday's The Australian newspaper to see the ad we're taking out with other organisations and charities standing up for foreign aid.

GetUp is an independent, not-for-profit community campaigning group. We use new technology to empower Australians to have their say on important national issues. We receive no political party or government funding, and every campaign we run is entirely supported by voluntary donations. If you'd like to contribute to help fund GetUp's work, please donate now!