
Sydney events: "Stronger Futures" means Stolen Futures Forum + Documentary: Beautiful One Day

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 18 events from 6 December 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 6 December 2012, 6:30pm: Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW
To mark International Human Rights Day,
STICS will be holding an
NT Intervention / Stronger Futures Forum
Forum: After the NT Election:
The Struggle Against the NT Intervention
Aboriginal leaders speak out:
"Stronger Futures" means Stolen Futures
Special guest speakers:
* Rosalie Kunoth Monks &
* Amelia Pangarte Kunoth-Monks
from Utopia community, Central Australia

Woolloongabba Art Exhibition: Claudia's Story + Brisbane Book Launch: 'A Decision to Discriminate'

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 17 events from 6 December 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 5-7 December 2012: Gold Coast, Qld
2012 National Indigenous Health Conference
Many Pathways, One Outcome
" ... is designed to bring together both government
and non-government agencies who are working
in the field of Indigenous health with the belief
that working together can close the gap between
the state of Indigenous Health as compared to
the health of mainstream Australians."

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 35 events from 6 December 2012

Newsletter date: 6 December 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 5-7 December 2012: Gold Coast, Qld
2012 National Indigenous Health Conference
Many Pathways, One Outcome
" ... is designed to bring together both government
and non-government agencies who are working
in the field of Indigenous health with the belief
that working together can close the gap between
the state of Indigenous Health as compared to
the health of mainstream Australians."
"Organiser Maria Edubas says issues including
children's health, the prevention of chronic disease,

More actions from prevent abuse against children.

Children from both red and blue states are our future. One day they will spend part of their first Tuesday in November waiting in line to exercise their democratic voice.They will eagerly anticipate the return of non-political commercial breaks and whether excited or disappointed, welcome the final results. Then, they will be where we are now, needing to hold elected officials accountable for their campaign promises.

Ballarat: Solidarity and justice continues to resonate at Eureka Dawn vigil and march

We take for granted the limited rights and liberties we enjoy in Australia, won through the massacre at Eureka at Ballarat on the Victorian gold fields in 1854 and the social forment of the time which continues to send out political and social ripples across our continent. The Eureka Oath from 1854 continues to be a powerful statement of solidarity and justice, "We swear by the southern cross to stand truly by each other and fight to defend our rights and liberties."


Anderson says Act of Recognition is an insult

Tamworth, NSW, 4 December 2012 -- Aboriginal rights campaigner, Michael Ghillar Anderson, slams the Act of Recognition introduced by Minister Jenny Macklin as an absolute insult to First Nations Peoples.

The last survivor of the four men who set up the Aboriginal Embassy in Canberra 40 years ago says in a media release that Aboriginal people have been denied human rights since the invasion under military rules in 1788.

Mr Anderson is spokesperson for the Sovereign Union, formed in Canberra in January to campaign for Aboriginal sovereignty.

WGAR News: 1st Brisbane Sovereignty & Land Rights Conference: Sovereign Union & Treaty Republic

Newsletter date: 5 December 2012


* Sovereign Union Audio: 1st Brisbane Sovereignty & Land Rights Conference 2012
* Treaty Republic Audio: 1st Brisbane Sovereignty & Land Rights Conference 2012
* Tracker: Native title is flawed: activists [Aboriginal protesters rally outside Brisbane's Stamford Plaza Hotel]
* Sovereign Union Audio: Isabel Coe honoured at Wiradjuri traditional funeral
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement

* 'Alternative Annual Report' reveals risks for BHP Billiton Investors

Coles moving on poker machines?

Some good news, and a great opportunity.

This week it was reported that - after more than a year of engagement by GetUp members encouraging the company to quit profiting from the pain of problem gamblers - Coles is making real strides towards doing the right thing by its customers, communities and shareholders.1

WGAR News: Evaluating New Income Management in the Northern Territory: First Evaluation Report

Newsletter date: 4 December 2012


* Evaluating New Income Management in the Northern Territory: First Evaluation Report
* STICS: Report shows compulsory income management must be abandoned
* The Wire: Long-term future uncertain for income management scheme
* Tracker: Income management a failure: report
* Kieran Finnane: Income management: a lot of pain for little gain?
* Greens Senator Rachel Siewert: Wasteful income management policy based on perception, not evidence
* News regarding the Income Management Report

WGAR News: 'A Decision to Discriminate': Brisbane Book Launch + Darwin Introduction to the Book

Newsletter date: 3 December 2012


* Brisbane Book Launch: 'A Decision to Discriminate' - 12 Dec 12
* Darwin Introduction to the Book: 'A Decision to Discriminate' - 10 Dec 12
* Adelaide Book Launch: 'A Decision to Discriminate' - 9 Dec 12
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention

* Australian Human Rights Commission: Social Justice Report 2012 & Native Title Report 2012
* SBS World News Video: Gooda calls for Indigenous governance overhaul

Ausfailia: Aus-fail-ia ...abstained on UN vote for Palestine

By Douglas Chalmers...

Nothing can excuse Australia, a white supremacist settler society fantasy-land just like the fake state of Israel, which did NOT have the decency to vote FOR the rights of PALESTINIANS, uhh... that is the way of a fading Anglo colony living in the past and hanging onto the USA's coat-tails....

'Grassroots up, not Beehive down' for Chch - reflects ethical, bottom-up, human rights

'Grassroots up, not Beehive down' for Chch - reflects ethical, bottom-up, human rights

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)

Thank you to Australia indymedia for your support. Posted the following on the social networking sites yesterday:


Sandon Point Aboriginal Tent Embassy 12th Anniversary & Gathering of Sovereign Aboriginal Nations

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sat 15 and Sun 16 December 2012: McCauley’s Beach, Thirroul, NSW
Sandon Point Aboriginal Tent Embassy and
North Illawarra Reconciliation & Treaty Group
are proud to present the
SPATE 12th
Anniversary Ceremony and Community Celebration &
Gathering of the Sovereign Aboriginal Nations
"We dedicate the SPATE 12th to honouring the
leadership, strength and integrity of
Aunty Isabell Coe" (Roy Dootch Kennedy)
"Saturday morning start gathering for
cultural ceremony around the Sacred Fire
for peace and justice at Kuradji.