Why Global Trade Is Not Working

Australia is the world's highest carbon emitter, for Australians are the world’s worst CO2 emitters per capita. The decision to ratify the Kyoto Protocol has not been enough, alot more needs to be done.

The main reason why Australia is the world’s worst CO2 emitter per capita is that Australia relies heavily on global trade.

Technologies like the internet make the global economy work. Freedom of access to technologies, designs, patents & scientific & academic developments from all over the world. However, the logistics of the global trade of goods can consume so much energy that global trade becomes very energy demanding & may even have to be stopped, their can still be the global trade of information, freedom of access to technologies, designs, patents & scientific & academic developments from all over the world, by using technologies like the internet. But when it comes to the actual global trade of goods well this should be reduced.

With technologies like robotics their is really no need for the global trade of goods, as long as continents have a geographically diversified homegrown robotics industry.

The high Australian dollar is not sustainable for it results in the over consumption of energy resources while future generations will miss out on utilizing the worlds energy resources. The logistics involved in transporting goods into & out of Australia via overseas burns alot of energy resources. People have no idea how much energy resources are wasted by importing & exporting goods overseas. Its about time machinery & other goods were manufactured in Australia like was done in the past & the only way for this to happen is when Australia has a low dollar value & is not overly engaged in the global trade of goods.

Electric propulsion is 20 times more efficient than fossil fuel propulsion. So what do we use fossil fuels for ? We use fossil fuels to build renewable energy infrastructure.

In the future their will be the global trade of electricity.

