Is John West being "its best"?




Last week we broke the news that John West is the Australian tuna brand causing the greatest damage to our oceans.

John West refuses to stop using fish aggregation devices (FADs) teamed up with huge nets. This indiscriminate fishing method destroys fish stocks and other marine animals like sharks, rays, baby tuna and turtles.

Australian brands Safcol, Greenseas and Sirena have all pledged to ban FADs; so has the entire UK tuna industry, including John West UK. Yet John West Australia is choosing to avoid a real commitment to the health of our oceans.

John West says “all of its products will be sourced sustainably by 2015.” This may sound positive but it is meaningless without a clear commitment to proven responsible fishing methods.

Why is it not enough?

    •    This is a vague statement with no specific commitments. John West needs to make the clear and unambiguous pledge to stop using FADs, like many other brands already have.

    •    FAD use is increasing. If there aren’t specific commitments to ban FADs by tuna companies, nothing will change on the water and the devastation will worsen.

    •    There are solutions available now. There is no such thing as a sustainable FAD, but there are proven alternative methods such as pole and line tuna. John West does have a pole and line product, which is a good start, but it only makes up 2% of its entire range.

    •    John West is Australia’s largest brand, but it’s the only major brand not to ban FADs. A responsible decision from John West will significantly reduce the tuna industry’s impact on our oceans.

To read more about the problem of FADs and what “sustainable” tuna means, please click here.

Greenpeace supports any organisation making genuine commitments to improve their environmental performance. But it is important to sort the green from the greenwash. John West is clearly only committed to the latter.

This week a small billboard company removed our ad exposing John West’s destructive fishing methods, after facing significant “commercial pressure.” Today, YouTube also removed our video.
Not deterred, we’re making sure the message gets out in different ways. And we need your help.

Tell John West to “be its best” and turn its sustainability rhetoric into action.

To read more about John West’s destructive fishing practices in the media, please click here.

For our oceans,

Nathaniel Pelle

Oceans Campaigner

Greenpeace Australia Pacific

PS It was consumer pressure that forced other Australian companies to make positive changes. You can help John West do the same. Please send this message today.