Death in custody petition

the family of mr. briscoe has set up a petition so that the public can join with patricia morton-thomas and the other members to declare to the nt government that the alice springs police must be sanctioned for their totally inadequate treatment of mr. briscoe when he was in their custody, supposedly for his protection because he was inebriated. he had not committed any crime nor was he charged with any.

video evidence clearly showed the callous brutality of the police towards mr. briscoe.
these 'bully-men', these protected thugs must be brought to the same level of justice that would be meted out to you and me had we been guilty of such brutal assaults. we do not want, nor do we deserve, to have these brutes serving in our police forces. they must go!!!!!!
please sign the petition and spread it as widely as possible.
together we can make change.
ray jackson
indigenous social justice association
(m) 0450 651 063
(p)  02 9318 0947
address  1303/200 pitt street waterloo 2017
we live and work on the stolen lands of the gadigal people.
sovereignty  treaty  social justice   

Change.orgPatricia's started a petition on that we thought you might be interested in signing -- read on for a moving message in her own words.
Patricia's nephew died in custody because of “completely inadequate” care by police. She’s asking for justice.
Sign Patricia's Petition

George -

On 4 January 2012, my nephew T. Daniels Briscoe died in police custody. 

He was dragged, shoved and slung about the Alice Springs lock up, resulting in a head injury that the police completely ignored. They ignored other detainees who yelled for help when they heard my nephew choking. They listened to music and surfed the net while he lay dying. 

My nephew was taken into custody supposedly for his own protection. The coroner found his treatment was “completely inadequate”, and the police were “utterly derelict” in their duty of care. 

Yet not one of the officers involved has been sanctioned. So I’ve started a petition to seek justice. I know this will not bring my nephew back to me, but maybe it will save another life in the future.

My nephew was a soft hearted, funny and humble man. He was generous to a fault and would give his last dollar to anybody in need. He kept my family connected and reminded us that money and wealth would not mourn for us when we passed, only those we love and love us.

Since 2009, four Aboriginal people in Alice Springs alone have died in the hands of authorities. They have promised changes, but my nephew’s death is proof those promises were not kept. 

The current CLP government came to power thanks to the support of the indigenous community, and it says it hasn’t ruled out taking further action. We have a chance to make sure justice is done, but I worry that if we don’t act now, it will be like every other time -- he will be forgotten. 

Please sign, and encourage everyone you know to help and lend their support. We need people to pay attention and speak out. My nephew, other victims and our community have been ignored for too long. 

Thank you,

Patricia Morton-Thomas

