Your renewables success

Remember that submission many of you wrote last month on renewable energy? Congratulations -- it worked!

On Friday, the Climate Change Authority released the findings of their review into Australia’s 20% Renewable Energy Target (RET).
We’d been worried, because journalists reported that "the process has flushed out a wave of hostility to the RET from coal-fired power stations and their allies, who want the target cut back."[1]

But this week's headline? "Coal rebuffed!" The Authority decided not to cave into the polluters’ demand to slash the target. Instead, they maintained that the 20% target was a sensible way to reduce carbon pollution.  
You should be proud of the role you played in this victory. In light of the polluters’ heavy lobbying, it’s hard to see the Authority taking the position they did without the enormous number of supportive submissions written by GetUp members, other concerned citizens and community groups.
7,813 of us sent messages to the Authority countering the heavy polluting industry's claims against renewable energy. This turned out to be 90% of the total submissions – a voice too loud to ignore.
Of course, there’s much more to do. Australia is one of the sunniest and windiest countries in the world, so even a 20% renewable energy target lacks the ambition our Government must reach for to prevent catastrophic climate change. Ultimately, we must follow the example of countries like Denmark and Scotland with their 100% renewable energy targets.
But for now, I hope this news brings a smile to the start of your week.
These industry lobbyists aren’t used to losing, and they've already indicated that they will continue to fight to cut the Renewable Energy Target  already plotting their next move. But in this battle, thanks to you, people power came out on top. 
With gratitude and hope,
Sam, for the team at GetUp!
PS - Stopping cuts to the renewable energy target is just one victory in a much bigger campaign to solve climate change. The Australian Energy Market Operator just released modelling showing Australia has the potential to generate 500 times more renewable energy than current levels[2] - but it’s moments like these that remind us all what we can achieve when we stand up together. Thank you.  

All of this is possible also because of GetUp members who chip in donations to keep our lights on (powered by renewables of course!). If you'd like to contribute to support GetUp's ongoing climate change work, please make a secure donation here.

1 Coal rebuffed: review sticks with status quo on RET, Cathy Alexander, Crikey, 26 October 2012.
2 Renewables: Australia's a land of plenty, Peter Hannam, The Sydney Morning Herald, 26 October 2012.


We have approx 200 years to realise a 80% to 100% renewables target, depends what happens in the following decades.

We should be hoping to have reached a 80% renewable energy target by at least 100 years from now.

World's uranium supplies to run out In 250 years

If we can not meet this renewable energy target, then we may as well all become indigenous again & work with permaculture & utilise the horse & cart, in other words bye bye industrial revolution & hello to rural serfdom.