
WGAR News: Alice Springs Rally to Stop Black Deaths in Custody - 5 October 2012

Newsletter date: 4 October 2012

* Alice Springs Rally to Stop Black Deaths in Custody - 5 Oct 2012
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Jaqui Phillips (ANTaR) and Craig Longman (NPAN)
* Gerry Georgatos: Climate of Death: justice denied means more will die
* 98.9 FM: 30th Anniversary Commonwealth Games Protest [5-7 Oct 2012]
* The Telegraph: Fire crews called to tent embassy blaze in South Brisbane
* Background to the Aboriginal tent embassies
* Other articles


- Upcoming event

Calling all dumpster divers in Melbourne.

My name is Michael Budinski.

I am currently planning a documentary that explores Dumpster Diving in Melbourne.

I am seeking experienced Dumpster Divers who would be happy to let me follow them along on a series of 'dives', in addition to discussing why they dive and general Freegan philosophy.

Other than a general lack of awareness, there seems to be a lot of confusion among the general public as to why people choose to dive.


Tarkine World Heritage Now!


Tarkine – World Heritage Now!

A group of activists have gathered at the community forum today in Launceston to send a clear message to the Labour Government that the Tarkine needs an emergency world heritage listing.

T-shirts reading “TARKINE HERITAGE LISTING” were displayed outside the community cabinet forum at the Launceston College on Brisbane Street. Members of the newly formed environmental advocacy group GroundSwell maintained a silent peaceful vigil as the cabinet continued inside.


IMF Gold Sales

WASHINGTON, DC - Last week, the Executive Board of the IMF approved the second installment of the nearly $2.7 billion from their windfall gold sale profits to support concessional lending to low-income nations through the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT) and extend a 0% interest rate that will make this trust available for future generations beyond 2014. This momentous move is in conjunction with their approval of the first installment of $1.1 billion to do the same, totaling roughly $4 billion to go into the PRGT.

Melbourne: Churches & Church Vehicles Sprayed, Public Walls Reclaimed

source :

325 receives and transmits:

On Sunday the 31st of September under the cover of darkness we set off with hatred in our hearts & cans of spray-paint in our back-packs.

Once again we found ourselves in the outer northern suburbs of Melbourne – in particular the predominantly low-income neighborhood of Glenroy.

And once more we decided to direct our anger at the church; there always seem to be plenty of churches in the poorer suburbs & Glenroy is no exception.


The ethics behind eating meat

Meat is very good brain food. Most of the meat we eat comes from herbivores, herbivores are animals that eat plant material. Its important that we always protect herbivores so that they are not exploited too much by meat eaters, the main threat to these herbivores is humans. Their are alot of animals that are carnivores as well & we should control their populations to a certain extent without them become endangered or close to extinction.


Muslim anger and the ethical human rights approach.

Muslim anger and the ethical human rights approach

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.
Auckland City.
Ph: (0064) (09) 940 9658

Statement by our council on the recent riots in Bangladesh.

Greater freedom not less freedom. Muslims could direct their anger towards supporting a peaceful fight for an ethical approach to human rights, development, and globalization for World Peace – it would replace neoliberalism.


Woolworths profiting from poverty

This Sunday, GetUp members created one of the biggest news stories of the weekend. 

Well OK, it wasn’t quite as big as the grand finals. But because of the footy, this weekend’s newspapers were the most read of the year, and they carried a huge story - based on GetUp research – about the shocking impact of Woolworths’ poker machines.

It’s all explained in this new infographic. Check it out and help share it far and wide so the truth is inescapable:

Northern Territory (NT) Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 3 events from 5 October 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 5 October 2012: Alice Springs, NT
Protest: Stop Black Deaths in Custody
Justice for Kwementyaye Briscoe
No to the CLP’s prison camps
"On Friday, the Country Liberal’s new
Minister for Central Australia Robin Lambley
will convene a forum with "key stakeholders"
to discuss "all aspects of alcohol policy".
The meeting is being held in response to
recommendations by the NT Coroner
Greg Cavanagh, following the death of
Kwementyaye Briscoe in the Alice Springs
watch house on January 5 this year.

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 7 events from 8 October 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Mon 8 to 22 October 2012: Newtown, Sydney, NSW
Homelands photographic exhibit opening
Opening: Mon 8 October 2012
"The exhibition captures a cross section of
everyday life in the Alyawarr and the Anmatyerr
communities of Utopia homelands, the Northern Territory."
"These images, in conjunction with our report
'The land holds us: Aboriginal Peoples' right to
traditional homelands in the Northern Territory'
illustrate the importance of adequate government
recognition and funding for these areas."

Perth and Fremantle Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 4 events from 5 October 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 5 - Sat 6 October 2012: Fremantle & Perth, WA
Seventh Annual National Indigenous Legal Conference
Pathways to Tomorrow:
Innovations and Intersections in Law, Land and Justice
Held at the University of Notre Dame
and the University of Western Australia
"This year’s conference addresses two key themes,
New Approaches to Justice, and
Cultural and Natural Resources Management."
Speakers include:
* the Hon Fred Chaney AO,
* Dennis Eggington,
* Mick Gooda,
* Glen Kelly,
* The Hon Wane Martin AC

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 15 events from 5 October 2012

Newsletter date: 1 October 2012

Last updated: 3 October 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 5 October 2012: Alice Springs, NT
Protest: Stop Black Deaths in Custody
Justice for Kwementyaye Briscoe
No to the CLP’s prison camps
"On Friday, the Country Liberal’s new
Minister for Central Australia Robin Lambley
will convene a forum with "key stakeholders"
to discuss "all aspects of alcohol policy".
The meeting is being held in response to
recommendations by the NT Coroner
Greg Cavanagh, following the death of

Avaaz becomes the media

Imagine if there were one website we could open with our morning coffee that felt like walking onto the global town square -- a one-stop shop with reliable news, insightful analysis, and inspirational storytelling that for the first time offered solutions and a way to take action on the issues we most care about!


30 September 2012

John AVERY, the disbarred barrister
Hobart, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA


Based on Internet articles prepared by the ABC, The Mercury, and other Australian news disseminators, you have just been released from prison.

So international readers of this letter will have some information about your despicable barristerial behaviour which put you behind bars, this is what David Killick of The Mercury, 28 September 2012, wrote about you:


Video: Newcastle residents protest health effects of proposed 4th coal terminal

Newcastle residents and activists protested the lack of consideration of health and climate change effects in the proposed building of a fourth coal terminal at the port of Newcastle, already the world's largest coal port. A peaceful protest and 'lockon' occurred outside The office of NSW Minister for Planning Brad Hazzard last Thursday who is due to consider the merits of the proposal.

Related: Newcastle’s T4 project puts short-term profit before health | Something in the air: time for independent testing in coal areas | Coal Terminal Action Group


help please

Hi my name is MATTHEW J HARRISON i have recently been held imprisoned at graylands mental health unit(hospital)I am a 43 YO male who has come to the attention of the authorites before as i was born and lived in perth most of my life.


WGAR News: STICS's response to Coroner’s report about the Death in Custody of Kwementyaye Briscoe

Newsletter date: 1 October 2012

* STICS's response to Coroner’s report about the Death in Custody of Kwementyaye Briscoe
* Done By Law: No justice: The Coroner’s findings into Kwementyaye Briscoe’s death
* First Nations sovereignty movement asks UN to deny Australia a seat on the Security Council
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement
* Living Black: How has Australia faired in upholding the UN's Declaration on Rights of Indigenous People?
* The Wire: Calls for Indigenous Language in Early Education

WGAR News: "Report finds serious flaws in delivery of gov't services to NT Aboriginal communities"

Newsletter date: 30 September 2012

* SNAICC News: Report finds serious flaws in delivery of government services to NT Aboriginal communities
* Bob Gosford in the NT: Olga Havnen to government: "Lift your game, big time"
* Brian Johnstone: Black Power: The day the bush bit back [NT elections]
* Living Black: Outstanding Contribution to the Stolen Generations
* Other articles


- News

Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC):

CLIMATE of DEATH - justice denied means more will die

CLIMATE of DEATH - justice denied means more will die, by Gerry Georgatos (courtesy of the National Indigenous Times -

"We have to get rid of racist cops. I don't want to dwell on the past but I have grown up bitter," said Nyungar Elder Ben Taylor. Mr Taylor is on the mark when he says, "They have been killing our people for two hundred years."
