
Uranium Film Festival brings Australian Films to Berlin

The Uranium Film Festival from Rio de Janeiro is traveling now to Berlin - together with several films from Australian filmmakers. Next October (Oct. 4th to 12th) the Festival will screen more than 50 "nuclear" documentaries and movies in the two cinemas Eiszeit and Moviemento in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Most of the films from all continents about nuclear power, uranium mining, atomic bombs, radioactive and nuclear accidents or about depleted uranium weapons will be in English, in German or with German subtitles.

Yvonne Margarula's letter to the UN expressing solidarity with the people of Fukushima

Below is a letter sent by Yvonne Margarula of the Mirrar people to Ban Ki Moon the Secretary General of the UN on the 6th of April 2011. The Mirrar are the traditional owners of the land that Ranger and Jabiluka Uranium mines are located on. These mines have been developed without the consent of the Mirrar people. The letter expresses solidarity with the people of Japan and sorrow that uraniun from the land of the Mirrar was used in the Fukushima plant.>

Dear Secretary-General,

Traditional owner blocks uranium mining near Kakadu

Traditional owner Mr Lee, the sole member of the Djok clan and senior custodian of his at Koongara which borders Kakadu National Park has turned his back on potentially hundreds of millions of dollars of mining royalties by blocking mining on his land by French company Areva. He has offered for his land instead to become part of Kakadu National Park.


Anti-nuclear protest at RIo TInto AGM in Melbourne - 26 May

Energy Resources Australia (ERA), the company responsible for the Ranger uranium mine recently revealed to have leaked millions of litres of radioactive water into the World Heritage-listed wetlands of Kakadu National Park (http://www.theage.com.au/environment/conservation/mine-fears-grow-as-pol...), is a subsidiary of Rio Tinto, which held its AGM in Melbourne today.


Ranger uranium mine contaminating Kakadu

The Ranger Uranium Mine in Kakadu is leaking 100,000 litres of contaminated water from the tailings dam everyday, according to the Commonwealth supervising scientist, Alan Hughes.

Uranium tailings are the residues from the mining process and contain around 80 per cent of the radioactivity of the original ore. According to the Australian Conservation Foundation they pose a long term hazard to humans, animals and plants.
