WGAR News: Aboriginal issues and the Northern Territory (NT) Elections

Newsletter date: 5 September 2012

* Chris Graham: Aboriginal voters vent their fury... and change a government
* Emma Murphy: Aboriginal voters punish NT Labor
* Eva Cox: NT Labor counts the cost of federal and state indigenous policies
* Ken Parish: Arrogant Indigenous policies that toppled NT Labor is a lesson for Feds
* Patrick O’Connor: Labor loses office in the Northern Territory
* Bob Gosford: The CLP brings bush politics back to the town
* Rolf Gerritsen: Was the NT election outcome a shockwave or a regional ripple?
* NT News: Labor apology wanted
* Other Northern Territory (NT) election articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Elections
* Peter Robson: NT Aboriginal community rejects government lease
* Paul Pholeros (Health Habitat) speaks on NT homelands
* ABC Radio Australia: Aboriginal elders want more government consultations on relocation
* Tracker: UN warns Aust govt against Stronger Futures... again
* Lisa Martin: Call to regain trust of indigenous people
* Interview with Chris Graham, managing editor of Tracker
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Dan Harrison: Calls for federal law to criminalise racial abuse
* Other articles


- Analysis / Opinion

newsTracker: Aboriginal voters vent their fury... and change a government
25 Aug 12: "NORTHERN TERRITORY: Since it was awarded self government in the late 1970s, the Northern Territory elections have always been decided by 10 key seats in the northern suburbs of Darwin. Aboriginal voters out bush were never able to change a government in their own right. Tonight, all that changed. ... Ironically, the NT intervention played a factor in the election, and it was the Liberals, of course, who introduced it. But it’s been Labor whose run it for the past five years. That the super shires policy has cost them victory tonight." By Chris Graham, Walkley Award and Human Rights award winning writer, the Managing Editor of Tracker


- Analysis / Opinion

Green Left: Aboriginal voters punish NT Labor
30 Aug 12: "Aboriginal voters in remote Northern Territory put themselves decisively onto the political agenda in the August 25 territory election. As other commentators have noted, it was probably the first time in Australia’s history when this otherwise marginalised section of the population decided an election. ... Through the dismantling of their councils, and the whitewashed "Stronger Futures consultations" in 2011, when articulate, angry voices fell on a federal government’s deaf ears, Aboriginal people got the message loud and clear: Labor wasn’t listening." By Emma Murphy


- Analysis / Opinion

The Conversation: NT Labor counts the cost of federal and state indigenous policies
27 Aug 12: "The ALP losses in the Northern Territory are fairly clearly related to Aboriginal rejection of their treatment – not just what was done to them, but how it was done. There has been little acknowledgement by ALP governments in the last few years of how major policies on both a state and federal level have roused local ire. The Northern Territory Emergency Response group (NTER) was perceived to have failed to seriously seek and incorporate local input into Stronger Futures, the extension of the NT Intervention." By Eva Cox, Professorial Fellow Jumbunna IHL, University of Technology, Sydney


- Analysis / Opinion

The Conversation: Arrogant Indigenous policies that toppled NT Labor is a lesson for Feds
27 Aug 12: "The sources of Aboriginal resentment toward Labor are not difficult to identify:
* Residual hostility flowing from the heavy-handed paternalistic measures of the Howard government's federal Intervention which the Rudd/Gillard government adopted, tweaked and re-badged as Stronger Futures;
* Territory and federal government withdrawal of funding to many remote Aboriginal outstation communities ... ;
* The Territory government's amalgamation of previous small community-based local councils into much larger "super shires"." By Ken Parish, lecturer, Charles Darwin University


- Analysis / Opinion

WSWS: Labor loses office in the Northern Territory
28 Aug 12: "The Australian Labor Party (ALP) has lost office in the Northern Territory, following last Saturday’s election. ... The voting shift in Aboriginal communities reflects bitter hostility towards Labor. In collaboration with the federal Labor government since 2007, the Territory Labor government enacted a series of right-wing, repressive measures that worsened the Third World type social conditions endured by many Aborigines. ... The federal government’s "intervention" into the Northern Territory Aboriginal communities ... has only exacerbated the situation." Patrick O’Connor


- Analysis / Opinion

The Northern Myth - Bob Gosford in the NT: The CLP brings bush politics back to the town
27 Aug 12: "By rights Northern Territory Country Liberal Party leader Terry Mills should have won government in the Northern Territory in 2008. ... Kerry Moir, then President of the Local Government Association of the NT had early concerns about the interaction of the Commonwealth’s NT Intervention and the Shire reforms. As I reported in July 2007 she was scathing about the combined effect of these policies on small communities: ... " By Bob Gosford: "After three years of living in the small township of Yuendumu I live 300 kilometres away in suburban Alice Springs"


- Analysis / Opinion

The Conversation: Was the NT election outcome a shockwave or a regional ripple?
30 Aug 12: " ... Territory Labor painted the defeat as a vote against the Brough-Howard Federal Emergency Response (the "Intervention") of 2007 and Federal Labor’s continuation of that policy package as the "Stronger Futures" policy. A counter-view formed in the NT media claimed it was the NT government’s forcible amalgamation of the small Aboriginal Community Governments, into the so-called "super shires", that alienated the Aboriginal vote from Labor." By Rolf Gerritsen, Professorial Research Fellow, Northern Institute, Charles Darwin University


- News

NT News: Labor apology wanted
28 Aug 12: ""Labor needs to say sorry, I think, to people in the bush," Ms Scrymgour told the ABC. "We didn't stand up to the Federal Government." She said NT Labor shouldn't have supported the Commonwealth's replacement Intervention laws - Stronger Futures - because "nothing was changing for Aboriginal people on the ground"."


- Analysis / Opinion

The Conversation: Politics without passion: NT election another act in an uninspiring policy circus
31 Aug 12: "Labor has just lost another election in Australia to the opposition in an electoral race that was dominated by negative messages, where both parties attempted unsuccessfully to differentiate themselves from their federal counterparts. This is just the most recent illustration of the limits of modern parliamentary democracy in Australia." By Gerhard Hoffstaedter Lecturer in anthropology at University of Queensland and Aurelien Mondon Lecturer in French Studies at University of Bath

ABC: Going bush in the Northern Territory election
31 Aug 12: "The Country Liberal Party has ended Labor's 11-year reign in the Northern Territory. Sara Everingham looks at how this election was won and lost in the bush. Contrary to the conventional wisdom that NT elections are decided in Darwin's northern suburbs, the latest election was won in the bush."

National Indigenous Times: Editorial: The BLACK Vote
30 Aug 12: "The outcome of the Northern Territory elections on the weekend points emphatically to the power of the BLACK vote. No longer can it be taken for granted that Indigenous people nationwide will vote Labor based on its egalitarianism principal of all people are equal and deserving of equal rights and opportunities. The trouble with that outdated Labor principal is, as a voter, you really don't... "

Australian: Labor took too much for granted in the NT
28 Aug 12: "WHAT an amazing election result in the Northern Territory. The pundits pretty much had it as a win for Labor or at least a tight contest. In the end it was a landslide caused by locals outside the inner city who appear to have finally had enough of the Labor Party's platitudes."

Age: Labor loses territory with a dose of bush medicine
27 Aug 12: "It is nonsense to think the NT result has no federal implications. ... Clearly, the sweeping changes to indigenous policy that began with the intervention under John Howard and ended with Macklin's ''Stronger Futures'' policy, have not been embraced by indigenous voters, who remain profoundly alienated from Canberra and Labor. But it would be a mistake to interpret Saturday's indigenous vote for the Country Liberals as a vote against the intervention." By Russell Skelton, contributing editor

Tracker: CLP heading for victory in Territory elections
25 Aug 12: "NORTHERN TERRITORY: The Henderson Government is serious electoral trouble this evening, with the CLP polling strongly across the territory in a number of key seats.
Most notably, Francis Xavier for the CLP has polled strongly in the seat of Arafura, formerly held by the ALP’s retiring Marion Scrymgour." Chris Graham, a Walkley Award and Human Rights award winning writer, the Managing Editor of Tracker

- Audio

Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association:
29 Aug 12: "The Northern Territory’s new Chief Minister Terry Mills says Aboriginal people in the NT need to be empowered and the Federal Government now needs to repair its relationship with them."

Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association:
28 Aug 12: "The architect of the Aboriginal Affairs policies which led to a massive swing away from Labor and brought the Country Liberal Party back into government in the Northern Territory says his party now has to make sure that it gets the implementation of these policies. Mr Ryan told CAAMA Radio that the party started its election campaigning just four weeks prior to polling day on a budget of just 900 dollars with 8 candidates that will now go down in Australian political history."

ABC PM: NT Labor focused on Darwin at expense of the bush
27 Aug 12: "In the Northern Territory, a debate continues about the meaning of the weekend's election result. Many people were surprised to see the Country Liberal Party win government on the back of the Aboriginal vote in the bush. Some Labor figures in the territory have blamed the result on the federal intervention. But others say the answer lies closer to home."

ABC Radio Australia: Northern Territory Labor blames federal colleagues for election loss
27 Aug 12: "In Australia's Northern Territory, the Country Liberals leader Terry Mills went out of his way in his victory speech on Saturday to thank indigenous Australians for their support in getting his party back into power."

ABC Radio Australia: Bush calling the shots after NT election
27 Aug 12: "Incoming NT chief minister Terry Mills plans a trip to the Territory's outback communities after sweeping to power on the back of votes from remote electorates. ... "If the CLP won the elections, especially in the bush, they didn't win it because they had a better program than us, they won it because the bush took revenge for the intervention, that started from a Liberal government and continued unfortunately by a Labor government in Canberra," he said."

Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association:
27 Aug 12: "The Country Liberals have swept back into Government in the Northern Territory in the most unlikely of circumstances on the back of the Aboriginal bush vote."

- News

newsTracker: Labor losing in Arafura and Stuart
31 Aug 12: "NORTHERN TERRITORY: Labor is looking increasingly likely to narrowly lose two tight contests and hold only eight seats in the Northern Territory’s 25-seat parliament. In the electorates of Arafura and Stuart the Country Liberal Party (CLP) remains in front by a nose, five days after the NT elections, although results are still too close to call. On two-party terms in the seat of Stuart, an electorate the size of Germany, former Environment Minister Karl Hampton from the Australian Labor Party (ALP) trails his aunt, Bess Price, from the CLP by 143 votes, with nearly 3000 votes counted."

National Indigenous Times: First Nations now is a political force, says Japarta Ryan
30 Aug 12: "By National Indigenous Times reporter Geoff Bagnall. For Maurie Japarta Ryan, the founder of the First Nations Party which stood eight candidates in last weekend's Northern Territory election, the win by the Country Liberal Party represents a huge success for his fledgling political party. First Nations candidates stood in eight seats and while none were elected, Mr Ryan... "

National Indigenous Times: Labor’s Black Saturday
30 Aug 12: "Meet the new power players in the Northern Territory. They are five newly elected members of the Northern Territory Parliament. They also represent the largest number of Indigenous politicians ever elected to a State, Territory or Federal Parliament in Australia's history. They were elected last weekend on a promise to, among others things, give back to the communities the power to have a direct input into... "

National Indigenous Times: Labor didn’t deliver, says CLP’s election candidates
30 Aug 12: "The Country Liberal Party's Indigenous candidates believe voters rejected NT Labor in the Northern Territory election because they no longer believed them. The Aboriginal CLP MLAs were united in the opinion the Labor Party was "on the nose" with Indigenous voters with a liberal helping of displeasure at Federal Intervention policies. Adam Giles said the Shires and Homelands policies cut deep but Labor... "

National Indigenous Radio Service: Ryan disappointed in 'low' voter turnout, calls for education
29 Aug 12: "First Nations Political Party founder Maurie Japarta Ryan says nearly 50 per cent of registered voters in regional areas of the Northern Territory didn't vote in the weekend's NT election. The election saw the Country Liberals successful in beating Labor in the Territory for the first time for 15 years. Mr. Ryan ran for the seat of Stuart, securing over 17 per cent of the vote, but says the low number of voters was disappointing."

Koori Mail: Mills due to be sworn in
[scroll down page] http://www.koorimail.com/index.php
28 Aug 12: "THE Northern Territory's new chief minister, Country Liberals leader Terry Mills, is due to be sworn in this afternoon. Final election results may not be known until preferences are officially distributed on Friday evening, following the deadline for the receipt of postal votes. Two seats – Stuart and Arafura – are still undecided but the CLP already has 14 seats confirmed, one more than they needed to govern the Territory's 25-seat Legislative Assembly. Aboriginal votes in bush seats shaped the result, prompting a warning today from NSW Aboriginal Land Council chairman Stephen Ryan that the poll could foreshadow discontent expressed at the next federal election over federal Labor's decision to effectively extend the NT Intervention for another decade."

Australian: Julia Gillard 'must consult indigenous people', says Alison Anderson
28 Aug 12: "NORTHERN Territory MP Alison Anderson has called on the Gillard government to come back and talk to local indigenous communities about the intervention, in the wake of the swing against Labor at the weekend's election. Ms Anderson, a former Labor turned Country Liberal Party candidate who received almost a 25 per cent swing in her electorate of Namatjira, said Aboriginal people in the NT were sick of being rail-roaded by Canberra on intervention policies."

Australian: Left sent message as Northern Territory Labor rule ends
27 Aug 12: "MORE than a decade of progressive policies have been rejected by Australia's first people, with Aborigines taking the lead in sweeping the Northern Territory Labor government from office to take control for themselves. The dramatic shift in the Top End's political landscape will see decision-making power handed back to local indigenous people, including through a strong presence in parliament and regular, full-cabinet meetings held four times a year with panels of traditional leaders."

Financial Review: NT indigenous snub a 'lesson for fed govt'
27 Aug 12: "The Northern Territory's new chief minister has warned the federal government needs to show more respect to Aboriginal people, accusing Labor of "sucking the life out of communities" in its handling of the intervention program."

Australian: Labor told to look elsewhere to explain election result
27 Aug 12: "INDIGENOUS leaders have dismissed claims that a backlash over the federal intervention in remote Northern Territory communities contributed to the huge conservative swing in the bush that swept Labor from power. Former chief minister Clare Martin and federal ministers Bill Shorten and Craig Emerson suggested in the wake of Labor's election loss in the Territory that malcontent over the intervention may have been a contributing factor."

Australian: NT Aborigines seize the chance for a fresh start
27 Aug 12: "WHILE disappointed with Saturday's Northern Territory election result, Labor senator for the Territory Trish Crossin hit the nail on the head when she said that "for the first time in this nation's history, in any state or territory, the outcome has been decided by people in the bush, indigenous people"."

Australian: Warren Snowdon says there was a lack of recognition of Labor's achievements
27 Aug 12: "LABOR reforms affecting the Northern Territory's indigenous people may have been taken for granted or misunderstood, federal frontbencher and Territory MP Warren Snowdon said. Mr Snowdon and Territory Labor senator Trish Crossin attributed the election result largely to state factors, particularly municipal reforms that were badly received in the bush, but identified a broader failure by Labor to communicate with indigenous voters."

Australian: Federal intervention 'may have hurt' Labor, ousted in the NorthernTerritory
26 Aug 12: "LABOR frontbencher Minister Bill Shorten has conceded that "residual resentment over the federal government intervention" might have played a role in Labor losing government in the Northern Territory. Speaking on the Ten Network's Meet the Press, the Workplace Relations Minister played down the federal implications of Paul Henderson's defeat in yesterday's poll, declaring the unpopular amalgamation of local governments a key reason for Labor's loss, after 11 years in power."

Australian: Indigenous voters tell NT ALP 'we matter'
26 Aug 12: "THE ALP in the Northern Territory received a political bloody nose on Saturday, courtesy of a backlash from indigenous voters. ... The intervention in Aboriginal communities, started by John Howard and re-named Stronger Futures after the ALP took it over, has been deeply unpopular in many indigenous communities."

Australian: Indigenous voters dump Labor in Territory, putting the CLP back in power after 11 years
26 Aug 12: "A BUSH backlash among indigenous voters has swept the Country Liberal Party to power in the Northern Territory, ending 11 years of Labor rule. Northern Territory elections are traditionally decided in Darwin's suburbs, but last night the regional vote was crucial, with big swings against Labor in remote areas."

Herald Sun: Federal Labor downplays NT loss
26 Aug 12: "FEDERAL Labor has distanced itself from the election result in the Northern Territory, which resulted in a defeat for the Australian Labor Party after 11 years in power. Bush voters led a backlash against the ALP, with the Country Liberal Party claiming victory in the NT's 25-seat Legislative Assembly."


WGAR News: Aboriginal Northern Territory (NT) Intervention and the NT Elections (18 Aug 12)
* Amy McQuire: All eyes turn to bush seats as NT election gets underway
* Daniel Fejo: First Nations NT candidate: 'Things have been taken away'
* NIT: Japarta Ryan’s plan to stop Intervention
* NT Greens: Barbara Shaw stands up for Alice Springs
* Press TV: Indigenous intervention dominates Australia NT election campaign"

WGAR News: Peter Robson: NT elections: some progressive choices among law and order slugfest (20 Aug 12)
[scroll down page] http://indymedia.org.au/2012/08/20/wgar-news-aboriginal-professor-blasts...

- News

The Guardian: Candidates gear up for Territory election
22 Aug 12: "Aboriginal politicians and aspirants are gearing up for a hard-fought contest as the Northern Territory barrels towards its next general election later this month. The poll will be held on Saturday August 25 and the number of Aboriginal candidates looks like exceeding 20. ... The NT Intervention and its new incarnation Stronger Futures, with income management, alcohol bans, and push for community leasing, is expected to influence the votes of many Aboriginal Territorians. Indications are that the future of homelands and outstations, the new "super shires" ... " By Kirstie Parker

Age: Dark clouds and red dirt
23 Aug 12: "Local issues such as the intervention, poverty and illiteracy will feature strongly among Aboriginal voters in Saturday's Northern Territory election. Oh, and Julia Gillard will be watching Labor's result very closely, writes Russell Skelton. ... ROSALIE Kunoth-Monks, a crusty veteran of indigenous politics, is enjoying the moment. She has Des Rogers, the endorsed Labor candidate for the vast electorate of Namatjira, nibbling like a trout at the end of a line baited with promise. "Des, what can you achieve for us? Labor's $300 million for outstations over 10 years is minuscule," she sniffs."

National Indigenous Times: First Nations appeals for NT Indigenous vote
23 Aug 12: "By National Indigenous Times reporter Geoff Bagnall. Maurie Ryan has appealed to the Northern Territory's Indigenous population to take a stand and vote for the First Nations Party at this weekend's Territory election claiming a win in just three seats may be enough to give the Party the balance of power in the new government. Mr Ryan, the founder of the First Nations... "

National Indigenous Radio Service: Elder supports Indigenous candidates in NT elections
22 Aug 12: "An elder from the remote community of Utopia says she’d be pleased if First Nations Political Party candidates won seats in Saturday’s Northern Territory election. Rosalie Kunoth-Monks says having more Aboriginal people in NT Parliament would contribute to change. Ms. Kunoth-Monks says she supports the bids to enter Parliament by country musician and Namatjira aspirant Warren H. Williams and Barkly candidate Valda Shannon. ... "And they are both beautiful, gentle, deep thinking, Aboriginal Australians.""

- Audio

Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association:
23 Aug 12: "The Criminal Lawyers Association of the Northern Territory has criticised a Country Liberals election promise as the de facto re-criminalisation of drunkenness."

The Wire: NT Election too close to call
Produced by Annie Hastwell
23 Aug 12: "The NT goes to the polls on Saturday. Labor has presided over a good economic period in the Territory but this may not be enough to save them, says commentator and former MLA Ken Parish. Alcohol is bound to be an issue as is public service jobs. Labor governs with a minority and a change in one seat will be enough to swing the result.
Featured in story: Ken Parish, legal academic and political commentator , Charles Darwin University"

Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association:
20 Aug 12: "The Northern Territory Chief Minister Paul Henderson, says that if Labor is returned to government at the upcoming Territory election, he will make changes which will give Aboriginal people more say and control in the running of the Shires."

The Wire: Indigenous issues dominate NT election
Produced by Biwa Kwan
20 Aug 12: "With the Northern Territory election five days away, Indigenous issues have emerged as the major point of contention between the major political parties, as they ramp up their appeal for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander vote. The Country Liberals fired the first shot promising Northern Territory Indigenous communities more autonomy and support to establish a breakaway land council or local government council. Meanwhile, Labor has promised to revise the Super Shire strategy into housing shortage and disadvantage that has eroded the decision-making power of Aboriginal communities. And commentators say the legacy of the 2008 NT intervention, although a federal issue, has also been a dominant issue in the state election campaign."

- Video

ABC Lateline: Voting begins in hotly contested NT election
22 Aug 12: "The Northern Territory's minority Labor Government faces a tough battle to win a fourth term this Saturday at a time when Labor is struggling in the national polls. Voting has already begun in remote Indigenous communities. While seats in the bush have mostly been safe for Labor, this time around the opposition Country Liberals are running some high-profile candidates in the bush seats."


- News

Green Left: NT Aboriginal community rejects government lease
31 Aug 12: "The remote Northern Territory Aboriginal community of Amoonguna said on August 23 that it wants its power back and refused to renew a five-year government lease, which expired on August 17. Amoonguna, 15 kilometres south of Alice Springs, has also started legal action to remove all government workers from its land. Community Council President Marie Ellis told ABC News on August 23: "We, as a community, want the government to give us back complete control. That way we can start looking at positive strategy, working towards employment and the improvement of our community lifestyle."" By Peter Robson, Darwin

- Related News

National Indigenous Times: Central Land Council supports lease threat
30 Aug 12: "The Central Land Council has publicly supported moves by a community in central Australia to reclaim control of its land and services by refusing to sign new leases with the Federal Government. Compulsory five year land leases, which were part of the initial Northern Territory Intervention, ended earlier this month and the Federal and Territory governments are now trying to secure other leases with... "

National Indigenous Times: Kim Hill says leases in NLC area have been renewed
30 Aug 12: "Northern Land Council Chief Executive, Mr Kim Hill has supported the continuation of Federal Government leases over Aboriginal land in the Northern Territory claiming public and private infrastructure, government services, public housing and private occupancy in communities had been substantially secured by long term leases."


- Video

Vimeo by Respect and Listen: Paul Pholeros at 'Amnesty in the Alehouse'
"Paul Pholeros (Health Habitat) speaks at the ‘Amnesty in the Alehouse’ panel discussion on NT homelands held at the Steyne Hotel, Manly on 2.5.2012."


- Audio

ABC Radio Australia: Aboriginal elders want more government consultations on relocation
Presenter: Melanie Arnost
24 Aug 12: "Representatives from three Aboriginal homelands in Australia's Northern Territory have called for more consultation with the Federal Government on policies affecting indigenous peopleThey've just returned from visiting Canberra, where they raised concerns about legislation known as "Stronger Futures". They say the policy is pushing Aboriginal people to move away from their traditional homelands into towns for work and education. 12 months ago Amnesty International reported the legislation was stripping Aboriginal people of the right to remain on their ancestral lands. ...
Speaker: Rosalie Kunoth-Monks, elder, Utopia Homelands, Australia"


- News

UN warns Aust govt against Stronger Futures... again
newsTracker: http://tracker.org.au/2012/08/un-warns-aust-govt-against-stronger-future...
SMH: http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/un-concerned-about-nt-inte...
30 Aug 12: "NATIONAL: Discrimination and stigmatisation of Aboriginal people could be exacerbated under the continuation the Northern Territory intervention program, United Nations experts have warned. A joint letter, released under freedom of information laws, from UN Special Rapporteur on Poverty, Magdalena Sepulveda Carmona, and James Anaya the Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Rights, raises concerns about Australia’s human rights obligations. The Labor government rebranded the intervention "Stronger Futures" and passed legislation in late June, extending it for another decade."


- News

Age: Call to regain trust of indigenous people
29 Aug 12: "Australia's race discrimination commissioner says action to overcome disadvantage in Aboriginal communities must be built on respect and trust, rather than imposed outcomes. During a speech to the National Press Club on Wednesday, Commissioner Helen Szoke criticised the federal government's continuation of the Northern Territory intervention, which Labor has re-branded as "Stronger Futures". The program, started by the former Howard coalition government, has been deeply unpopular across many Aboriginal communities in the NT." By Lisa Martin


- Video Interview

YouTube: Green Left Report 4: Chris Graham, Carlo Sands + more
25 Aug 12: "Feature interview with Chris Graham, managing editor of Tracker plus activist news on Aboriginal boxer Damien Hooper; refugee deportations; equal marriage rallies; Miranda Gibson's tree sit; the super trawler; Quebec's student uprising and from the Resistance conference. All rounded out with the return of Carlo Sands and his take on the ALP-Coalition refugee deal. ... "


- News

ABC: Rip-offs spark plea to return Aboriginal land permits
30 Aug 12: "The Central Land Council (CLC) is calling on the Northern Territory and federal governments to bring back mandatory permits to enter remote Aboriginal communities. Under the federal intervention in the Northern Territory, entering an Aboriginal community no longer requires a permit. The CLC says the decision has left the door open for scammers to target remote areas."

news.com.au : Cardly Anyone: Government basics card not doing so well
28 Aug 12: "THIS is a Basics card. If you're given one by the Federal Government, you can only use your welfare payments to buy essentials like bread and milk - instead of porn, ciggies and beer. But you probably haven't seen one. News.com.au can reveal that only 45 places out of 5000 have been filled in a trial scheme that began July 1, with the Opposition seizing on the numbers to label the program a failure." By Daniel Piotrowski


Last updated: 1 September 2012



Last updated: 1 August 2012



- News

SMH: Calls for federal law to criminalise racial abuse
30 Aug 12: "AUSTRALIA should consider criminalising racial vilification under federal law, the Race Discrimination Commissioner, Helen Szoke, has said. The indigenous leader Les Malezer recently called for the nation to make racial vilification a criminal offence under federal law, as it was required to under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, which Australia signed in 1975. In response, a spokeswoman for the federal Attorney-General, Nicola Roxon, said the government was not contemplating changes to racial vilification laws." By Dan Harrison, Indigenous Affairs and Social Affairs Correspondent for Fairfax Media

- Related News

newsTracker: Abbott should re-think repealing race laws: Commissioner
29 Aug 12: "NATIONAL: The race discrimination commissioner has urged the opposition to rethink its proposal to repeal racial vilification laws. ... Race Discrimination Commissioner Helen Szoke told the National Press Club on Wednesday it was fine to review the balancing act of human rights but the opposition should look at the big picture. "Most human rights are not absolute," she said. "This is particularly so in relation to freedom of speech. My right to freedom of speech should not extend to racial hatred.""

Australian: Commissioner urges rethink on race law
29 Aug 12: "THE race discrimination commissioner has urged the opposition to rethink its proposal to repeal racial vilification laws. Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has said a future coalition government would roll back laws which prohibit statements that offend on racial or ethnic grounds, as part of a "new debate about freedom of speech". ... Human rights advocates are concerned scrapping the laws could unleash bigotry." By Lisa Martin


- News

newsTracker: Indigenous welfare attitudes 'unbalanced': Smallwood
31 Aug 12: "QUEENSLAND: Prominent Aboriginal leader Gracelyn Smallwood has hit out at some Aboriginal academics, describing some positions on welfare as "unbalanced". In a keynote speech to a conference on racism in Cairns on Thursday, Professor Smallwood took issue with the public comments of fellow academic Marcia Langton, who has criticised a welfare entitlement mentality in the Aboriginal community. "Welfare was won through a struggle by the poor," Prof Smallwood said. "It was never given to us because the rich and the powerful felt sorry for us. ... ""

ABC: WA under fire over stolen wages compensation
31 Aug 12: "The West Australian Government is under fire over its compensation offer to pay lost wages to thousands of the state's Indigenous workers. In March, the state government announced a six-month time period for former workers to apply for wages withheld by the government in what has become known as the stolen wages case. Between 1905 and 1972, the government withheld up to three-quarters of the wages earned by workers on state-run Native Welfare Settlements. The monies were put into government trust accounts with the promise that they would later be rightfully dispersed. But that never happened."

National Indigenous Radio Service: Community-run programs the way to go, says Dodson
31 Aug 12: "Former Australian of the Year Mick Dodson says he doesn't understand why community-run programs to address Indigenous disadvantage aren't more widely engaged. Professor Dodson was in the Kimberley recently as a judge of the Indigenous Governance Awards. He told the ABC one of this year's nominees, Fitzroy Crossing's Yiriman Project to address youth self-harm, is an example of a positive community-designed program."

National Indigenous Times: United Nations envoy told of mining impact on communities
30 Aug 12: "By National Indigenous Times West Australian reporter Gerry Georgatos. The United Nations Indigenous Rights Special Rapporteur, James Anaya has been told by members of the Yindjibarndi clan Fortescue Mining Group was failing to live up to social responsibilities and the company should copy the processes adopted by Rio Tinto in building a strong and mutually beneficial... "

National Indigenous Times: Eggington appeals for more time to prepare cases for Stolen Wages
30 Aug 12: "By National Indigenous Times West Australian reporter Gerry Georgatos. Earlier this year the Western Australian State Government added deep insult to the festering wounds of the families and victims of the Stolen Wages generations when the Indigenous Affairs Minister, Peter Collier announced he would limit compensation to just $2000 per claim."

National Indigenous Times: Charges against Musgrave Park protesters dropped
30 Aug 12: "By Callum Clayton-Dixon. All charges have now been dropped against those arrested in Musgrave Park on May 16 attempting to stop Brisbane City Council desecrating the sacred fire. Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy (BASE) released a statement declaring this to be "a victory for all Aboriginal people and our pursuit to assert our sovereignty over the land"."

National Indigenous Times: Brisbane Sovereignty Day celebrations set precedent
30 Aug 12: "By Callum Clayton-Dixon. A crowd gathered at the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy (BASE) in Musgrave Park last week to mark the first annual commemoration of National Sovereignty Day. Why the 22nd of August? On this date in 1770, Captain James Cook landed on an island in the Torres Strait. He raised the Union Jack on its shores, named it 'Possession Island' and claimed the entire east coast of... "

National Indigenous Times: Buzzacott hails halt to BHP’s Olympic Dam uranium mine
30 Aug 12: "By National Indigenous Times West Australian reporter Gerry Georgatos. Why did BHP Billiton halt the expansion plan of Olympic Dam uranium mine? The Arabunna people say the peaceful protests piled on top of BHP during the last several years and the more than 600 protesters on site at Olympic Dam only weeks ago were the final straw for the multi national company."

National Indigenous Times: Plea for support of Homelands falls on deaf ears in Canberra
30 Aug 12: "Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin has snubbed a delegation of Northern Territory Elders who travelled to Canberra last week to plead for support for their Homelands. The delegation comprising Rosalie, Kunoth-Monks and her granddaughter Amelia from Alyawarra, David Daniels from Urapunga and Richard Downs from Ampiliwatja were in... "

National Indigenous Times: Toomelah delegation left standing in Canberra over funding request
30 Aug 12: "By National Indigenous Times reporter Geoff Bagnall. A delegation of Toomelah Elders shared the same fate as their Northern Territory counterparts when officials from the department of the Federal Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Jenny Macklin refused to meet to discuss the issues affecting the troubled community. Toomelah is a New South Wales Aboriginal community in crisis and... "

Koori Mail: Self-determination 'vital' in mining talks
[scroll down page] http://www.koorimail.com/index.php
28 Aug 12: "THE National Congress of Australia's First Peoples says Aboriginal people must be prepared and informed when negotiating on impacts of the mining. Congress co-chairs Jody Broun and Les Malezer say a visit by United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples James Anaya to Njamal people's country in WA's Pilbara region last week showed there were still deep concerns about maintaining culture and protecting significant sites while negotiating fair deals from mining companies that deliver opportunities."

Koori Mail: WA Stolen Wages scheme extended
[scroll down page] http://www.koorimail.com/index.php
28 Aug 12: "THE West Australian Government has extended by three months the deadline for applications under its Stolen Wages Reparations Scheme. Applications for ex gratia payments of up to $2000 must now be made by 30 November. Only Aboriginal people born before 1958 who had their wages withheld by successive State governments between 1905-1972 are eligible. Indigenous Affairs Minister Peter Collier says more than 700 applications have already been received under the scheme but a number of stakeholders had requested an extension."

National Indigenous Radio Service: Embassy member laments police raid despite charges dropping
27 Aug 12: "A spokesperson for the Indigenous Sovereign Embassy in Brisbane says he welcomes the dropping of charges laid against 35 people during a police raid. The Embassy was evicted in May by about 200 officers to make way for a Greek festival. Wayne Wharton says he hopes the dropping of the charges might reflect a new way of dealing with Indigenous communities by Queensland police."

National Indigenous Radio Service: Police drop Embassy members' charges
24 Aug 12: "The charges against the 35 Brisbane Sovereign Embassy members were dropped in court yesterday. The members were arrested in May at the shutting down of the Embassy in Musgrave Park by police and the Brisbane City Council to make room for a Greek festival held at the site. The Embassy is currently situated about a 100 yards from its original site. Member Bogaine Spearim says it feels good to finally have the charges dropped."

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