
'Whatever They Say' mp3

mixed audio media show

Credits: Graham, Old Jack's Address To The Nation, Clarke and Dawe, Man The Menace, Onion News, animation samples "Super Hero Squad"

music: "Paul Ryan" PRN, "Are You Ashamed" 8 Ball Aitken, "Whats The Rush" Jayne Annepower, Electronica

28:50 min 128 kbps stereo 27 MB

What a week in nuclear news!

It has been a landmark week for Australia’s clean energy movement. The big news – BHP scrapping Marius Kloppers big dream for the world’s biggest uranium mine, and biggest man-made hole, at Olympic Dam in South Australia. Former Premier Mike Rann, who entered Australian politics as Labor’s big anti uranium campaigner, but then became the uranium lobby’s best friend - is now looking at his legacy shredded. He will be remembered as Labor’s turncoat of the century.

Activists obstruct the Margiris

BREAKING NEWS: Super trawler hits Australia. Greenpeace takes action.

This morning Greenpeace activists intercepted controversial Dutch super trawler, FV Margiris, and attempted to stop it sneaking into Port Lincoln Harbour in South Australia. The activists' inflatable boat was rammed out of the way and some of their ropes cut, but their determination remains to stop this super trawler plundering Australia’s oceans.

Over the past few weeks, as the Margiris drew closer to Australia, community outrage has swelled. The government has started to listen, but we still need it to act.


A homegrown Fukushima

A recent Japanese Parliamentary report frankly judged that the fundamental causes of last year's Fukushima nuclear disaster "are to be found in the ingrained conventions of Japanese culture: our reflexive obedience; our reluctance to question authority; our devotion to 'sticking with the program'; our groupism; and our insularity".


Mal Brough, 'Interventionist', clashes with The National Indigenous Times

Brough clashes with The National Indigenous - Brough accused of racism

Brough clashes with National Indigenous Times

by: Lara Sinclair
From:The Australian
August 29, 20121:37PM

THE return to federal politics of one-time Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Mal Brough has been interrupted by a clash with the National Indigenous Times and indigenous leaders.


WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 10 events from 21 August 2012

Newsletter date: 21 August 2012

Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia
- 10 events from 21 August 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Fri 10 - Sun 26 August 2012: Darwin, NT
Official Opening Fri 10 Aug
Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud
Photographer Jagath Dheerasekara, human rights defender
This traveling exhibition is a collaborative project with
* the Manuwangku (Muckaty) Traditional Owners,
* the Beyond Nuclear Initiative (BNI) and
* Amnesty International.
Presented by the Environment Centre NT
in association with Darwin Festival

"The Murdoch papers are really going for Labor's throat"

The Murdoch papers are really going for Labor's throat. The pickup in the
polls by Labor must be putting the wind up Murdoch.

There was a disgraceful story in the Courier Mail yesterday on Gonski.
Frontpage headling "Funds Block" sub headline "Anger grows over schools
cash review".

It turns out to be a story based on 2010 figures in an unsourced report
commissioned by The Australian.

One claim was that Wooree State High School in Cairns which has a huge
number of Aboriginal and Islander students, would lose $4.4m in funding


Moors' Law Bigger than Moore's Law -- It's about OIL, why it goes only up

Going Viral: Moors' Law for Oil says $7 a gallon gasoline in '17

Moore's Law for transistor count is ending, but now there's Moors' Law for oil and it says gasoline -- US national average -- will be $7 in 2017 as oil reaches $120 a barrel. The law is named for Kent Moors, a professor Duquesne U. Specifically, the price of oil and the number of cars in China, which drives it, double every 5 years. These murderous prices change everything in society.

Moors' LAW FOR OIL PRICES: (Kent Moors):

Show your support for Kyoto 2

Remember how you felt in 2007 when Australia finally ratified the Kyoto Protocol and joined international efforts to tackle climate change?

At last we would be helping to tackle increasingly devastating climate impacts, especially for the world’s poorest and most vulnerable communities.

As hard as it is to believe, at this point the Australian government still hasn’t signed up to Kyoto phase two. A poll released this week by WWF showed strong voter support to sign.


WGAR News: Aboriginal professor blasts Australia over land rights and the NT intervention

Newsletter date: 20 August 2012

* Sovereign Union: Townsville professor blasts Australia over land rights and Intervention at international conference
* NIT: It’s a resounding no to Mal Brough
* Duncan Kennedy, BBC: Debate over Australia welfare 'credit card'
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Peter Robson: NT elections: some progressive choices among law and order slugfest
* Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation: Federal Court highlights FMG liability at Solomon

Top academics rebel against State Capture in favor of truth and ethical human rights.

Top academics rebel against State Capture in favor of truth and ethical human rights.

Anthony Ravlich MA, BSc, Dip Crim(Hons), Author
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.
Auckland City.
Ph: (0064) (09) 940.9658

More top academics are breaking the long silence of academia regarding the rights omissions, such as children’s rights, and the new ethical human rights approach which includes all the rights.


Melbourne UK consulate rally and occupation (17th August 2012)

On Friday 17th August, in response to the UK Government threats against the Ecuadorean Embassy and there refusal to allow Assange safe passage to Ecuador where he has been given political asylum, a protest was held at the UK Consulate in Melbourne. Three protestors entered the consulate and tried to talk to staff about the treatment of Assange. Staff hid from the protestors and Federal Police and local police entered the Consulate. One protestor was arrested when he tried to bring water to those inside the Consulate. The video's below give a good account of what happened on the day.


It's time Julia Gillard and the ALP accept a Royal Commission and Police probe into the AWU Bruce Wilson affair!


By Gary Adshead, Sean Cowan - The West Australian - August 18

An unremarkable Maylands storage unit could provide new clues to $1 million fraud allegations written off by police but which have frustrated union officials and dogged Prime Minister Julia Gillard during her political career.

Has the world misused fossil fuels

Since mankind discovered fossil fuels he has done his best to use up as much fossil fuels as he possibly could, with total disregard for future generations & in regards to crude oil reserves which is usually converted to petrol or diesel fuel, well their is only 40 years left of supply, the media is broadcasting shows like farmer wants a wife to encourage people to learn to live off the land, hopefully respecting the schools of permaculture as petrol & diesel resources will soon run out.