Brough clashes with The National Indigenous - Brough accused of racism
Brough clashes with National Indigenous Times
by: Lara Sinclair
From:The Australian
August 29, 20121:37PM
THE return to federal politics of one-time Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Mal Brough has been interrupted by a clash with the National Indigenous Times and indigenous leaders.
Mr Brough was accused of racism after he called the NIT a "rag run out of a basement in Canberra'' in a report in The Sunshine Coast Daily on Monday.
Kathy Sundstrom | 29th August 2012 5:15 AM
MAL Brough has been slammed for his "redneck tendencies" and has been accused of racism following his comments about Australia's leading indigenous affairs newspaper.
Some have called for the newly endorsed candidate for Fisher's resignation from the LNP and investigation by the Human Rights Commission and Equal Opportunities Commission.
The Daily was contacted by journalist Gerry Georgatos, who was with a group of 10 elders in Perth, including activists Marianne Mackay and Maureen Culbong.
They were furious at Mr Brough's comment, reported in The Daily on Monday, that the National Indigenous Times was a "rag run out of a basement in Canberra".
Mr Brough had been responding to quotes, reported in the National Indigenous Times, by 30 indigenous leaders who were angry at his preselection.
Mr Brough told The Daily he did not believe they represented the views of indigenous people.
He stood by these comments yesterday.
National Indigenous Times editor Stephen Hagan sent The Daily a statement saying Mr Brough was displaying "redneck tendencies by rejecting the comments of the 30 highly regarded and respected indigenous leaders".
He said Mr Brough's remark that the leaders did not represent the views of indigenous Australia was patently wrong and it was disrespectful for him to comment that way.
He rejected the suggestion that the newspaper was run out of a basement in Canberra.
"The National Indigenous Times operates from registered business premises in Canberra and has done so for more than 10 years," Mr Hagan said.
Mr Georgatos, who is also a PHD researcher in racism, said the subject had gone viral across the country as it had offended a lot of people.
He said Mr Brough should have known better.
"The language used by a person of the stature of Mal Brough who has entertained a ministerial portfolio in Indigenous Affairs - his use of language is indicative of racism and of discrimination and is utterly inexcusable," he said.
"He shouldn't be representing any person in parliament."
Mr Georgatos said he would complain to the LNP as well as the Human Rights Commission and Equal Opportunities Commission and had invited Mr Brough to a debate in the electorate of Fisher.
Ms Mackay said she was disgusted with Mr Brough and called for his immediate resignation.
She said the majority of the 30 Aboriginal figures, many of them elders, were well known, many highly qualified with an academic background and stature.
She said the National Indigenous Times - the only newspaper to focus on indigenous issues - represented the voice of the people.
"That's our people in that newspaper. The comments against the National Indigenous Times are comments against all of us involved in the process," Ms Mackay said.
Mr Brough said he had no plans to retract his statements and they were of "no concern".
"The National Indigenous Times is not reflective whatsoever of Australians, let alone indigenous Australians," he said.
(Within the first 24 hours online at the Sunshine Coast there were 75 comments posted)
HERE is the original article by the Sunshine Coast:
Kathy Sundstrom, August 27, 2012
MAL Brough has been the LNP candidate for Fisher for less than a month and already the mud-slinging has begun - from both directions.
Mr Brough sent out a press release last week strongly criticising his former party colleague Peter Slipper.
At the same time indigenous leaders were taking a shot at Mr Brough, the former Aboriginal affairs minister.
The National Indigenous Times newspaper printed the thoughts of "30 indigenous leaders" which varied from "horror to dismay" at the thought of Mr Brough resuming his role if Tony Abbott won the next election.
Michael Anderson, the last survivor of the tent embassy in Canberra, was quoted as saying Mr Brough's preselection "is a disaster".
East Arnhem Land Yolngu Elder, the Rev Djiniyini Gondarra also said he was concerned Mr Brough "would make it worse than it already is".
Mr Brough said he wasn't worried about comments made "by a rag run out of a basement in Canberra".
"It doesn't concern me, it doesn't reflect the views of the (indigenous) people," he said.
What did concern him was Mr Slipper's refusal to allow a "matter of public importance" to be debated in question time in parliament.
Mr Slipper stepped aside from the Speaker's chair, pending an investigation into claims of sexual harassment from his media advisor James Ashby.
But Mr Brough said Mr Sipper was still "literally pulling the strings behind the scenes".
He said Mr Slipper continued to undertake administrative tasks.
And last Tuesday, the second anniversary of the election which brought Julia Gillard into power, Mr Slipper had a hand in "refusing to allow a parliamentary debate on Labor's failures".
"Mr Slipper did what he does best, he followed Labor's orders", Mr Brough said.
"On the day of the second anniversary of the election, Mr Slipper took the extraordinary action of denying the parliament the opportunity to debate Labor's failures."
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott had formally requested a debate take place about Labor's record over the past two years. Mr Slipper denied this.
Mr Brough said, "judgment of the people of Fisher" would be determined at the next election, expected in a year.
He said he had spent the past few months walking the streets of the Sunshine Coast and hearing first-hand how tough businesses were finding it.
He said many were just happy to see a face as Mr Slipper has hardly been seen since the Ashby scandal surfaced in April.
Mr Slipper did not return the Daily's request for comment.

“Warped and myopic view towards Aborigines”
By Ray Jackson, President of the Indigenous Social Justice Association
Without a doubt we Aborigines and other people of good and sound minds must see the possible return of this person of such a warped and myopic view towards Aborigines to the federal parliament with much fear and trepidation. Even Tony Abbott is loath to have him return but for reasons different to any concern for Aborigines.
Whilst Brough is well known as not being necessarily the architect of the original NT Intervention against our brothers and sisters in the 73 designated communities that Howard attempted to use as a circuit-breaker for his re-election by claiming a faux concern for the plight of Aboriginal children and youth and the almost universal horror of both paedophiles and paedophilia, he, Brough, was self-identified as being the whip-hand of its introduction. Their joint “concern” to the alleged horrors was clearly shown by the required legislation for the invasion of the NT communities not mentioning 'child-abuse' once in all of its hundreds of pages. What was frequently mentioned, however, was mining and the forced leases of Aboriginal land back to the federal government.
I am still waiting for an authorised report that paedophiles and paedophilia were rife in the NT communities. Not one report of such practices being wiped out in these communities. There were reports of such activities in WA and SA that were dealt with by the appropriate state governments and their police forces. All this was being done as Krudd, Howard’s shadow, continued to push for the return of federal control of Aboriginal land. Whatever sexual activity proved to exist occurred mainly between consenting youth and/or under the traditional law of culturally arranged marriages between families. Police interference into such activities in fact led to deaths in custody events happening. It is not as if such sexual activity is restricted only to Aboriginal communities. It is a cross-ethnic national issue and always has been with the sometime exception of that somewhat quaint practice of the 'shotgun wedding' that was most prevalent during the time of my youth. Forcing lustful teenagers to marry led to major social problems during that time, besides the personal trauma, both private and public.
But back to Brough.
He is most definitely of the fundamentalist kind and has the messiah complex that only he, and he alone, has the answer to the most sorry plight of those poor and wretched natives that must, not need, mind you, but must be saved. This act may or may not satisfy his particular fundamentalist lusts or perhaps his fervour will turn to saving those of the Muslim faiths (like Christianity, there are several sects) some of whom are known to seriously fight back. One can only wonder where Brough will finish up but it must be clearly understood that we, and others, do not want him in the federal parliament. Ever!
Is Brough a 'racist'? To properly answer that we would need a much bigger post than this will be but, to my mind, Brough and others of his fundamentalist kin, must be actually aware that they are racist in their everyday dealings with others not of their favoured, in their own mind, kind. Brough, like Howard, and too many others are, I believe, misanthropic in their leanings of not trusting people of colour. They are wasp-ish through and through and that being the case they ergo therefore do not recognise any other race or ethnicity outside of their own. The verbal vomit of radio, press and now TV, including such examples as Bolt, Jones, Ackerman, among others, are definitely dyed-in-the-wool out-and-out racists. These racists go out of their way to be racist in a most controversial manner by seeking in their bilious offerings to be more outlandish than their peers. This is only done as an effort to push up their own ratings by such controversial pieces that they believe they are somehow important to the government misanthropes besides pumping up their own sense of indignation that few really take any notice of them. Bolt revelled in his perceived victory of claiming the right to be able to identify who is, and can be, Aboriginal. All this rubbish is given the somewhat tattered flag of 'free speech' that is code for 'I want the right to racially vilify those whom I consider are way below me on the social scale. whether I am right or not is indeed a moot point and detracts not one whit from my saying so.' Regardless of our colour, and please take note Ms Bess Price, we Aborigines only have the right to question who is or is not an Aborigine. No non-Aborigine can argue that point.
Are we going to have the non-glbti community stating who is or is not gay? Of course not! And the same with our people. One must remember, or at least be reminded, that after 224 years of the use and abuse of our women and girls I am surprised that there is any colour left. It is a long known fact that the Aborigines of the NT and remote areas referred to those of a more washed-out hue as 'yella fellas' and this discrimination of the outcome of the invasion was picked up by Howard and Brough to say to our darker brothers and sisters that they were, in truth, the real Aborigines while their somewhat paler cousins of the eastern seaboard and the towns and cities were somehow not 'real' Aborigines because we had been invaded the longest and consequently had lost our lands, culture, languages, traditional law/lore and our colour. Our less invaded cousins, whilst still suffering the genocide of the invasion, continued to very tenuously hold on to what we had lost. This Howard/ Brough brainwash of separateness has been picked up by some in the NT, namely the Brough acolyte, Ms Bess Price.
Ms. Price is married to an Englishman and that is, in itself, ok but I seriously question how much of that English thinking that a long term marriage would have been introduced into Ms Price's cultural way of thinking. Her husband is English and their children are Aboriginal Australians with a British descent. Now, it is on the public record that both Bess and her husband want their progeny to be proud of both heritages as well they should be but I just wonder how much their 'Britishness' has detracted from their Aboriginal heritage. Had Bess married with her Aboriginal-appointed cultural husband then surely her view and the views of her children would be different. I know of many mixed marriages, both ethnically and religiously, and I believe from my own observations that the dominant culture/religion holds more sway in the upbringing of the children unless, of course, such a marriage is indeed made in heaven. And maybe, just maybe, this may be the position that Ms Price finds herself in. But I doubt it.
But be that as it may, the politics of Howard and Brough has fallen on the very fertile ground of the Price family whereby Bess backs the Intervention but does not live in the town camps adjacent to Alice Springs nor does she reside in the remote area camps but she and her family live comfortably, I am informed, in the suburbia of Alice Springs. Bess, to my understanding, is most critical of those who speak out against the Intervention, despite their colour but especially with the lack of it, that only her more pigmented brethren have the right to speak up in supporting the Intervention. How she reconciles Ms Marcia Langton and her support I’m unsure.
Aboriginal identity and how that identification is made and by whom is a cultural minefield. I am sure in my own mind that despite being what I call a 'concrete Koori', and by that I mean an Aborigine who was born in the city of Sydney to a white Australian father and an Aboriginal mother, who was removed from my Aboriginal mother, along with my siblings, because my father had had the bad circumstances to be killed up on the Kokoda Track during the New Guinea campaign. The year was 1943 and the governments of the invaders declared that my Aboriginal mother apparently did not reach the bullshit high standards of the invader society, so we were removed. At age 3, perhaps 4, I was adopted by a young married woman of Australian and Danish stock who renamed me, after having been given advice to do so along with the usual malicious and criminal information that our Aboriginal mothers did not want us 'yella-fella' kids!
Unlike Bess, I lost all the aforementioned knowledges and skills and because of this I’m told by Ms Bess Price I just cannot match her purity of Aboriginality! I totally reject such racial abuse against my own racial identity. Several times over the years I have been enquired of as to why I claim my mother's history and lineage as I 'don't look Aboriginal' and the answer is quite simple: because your society and governments told me in such a despicable and traumatic manner that I could not be.
And to hell with that! I am also asked from time to time why I am so outspoken on matters Aboriginal and again it's quite a simple answer: because it is pay-back time! Recently I was asked at a reconciliation group at Parramatta what was my inspiration and motivation over the previous 25 years odd, since coming out of the 'cultural' closet, and without any need to muse on the question I answered, hate.
Hate of a system that has wronged so many of the stolen generations and such wrong as is still continuing against my Aboriginal people to this very moment. A hate for the ignorant and callous denial of the humanity of my Aboriginal people. A hate against a cruel and racist government system that will not be extinguished until I am.
It is for these few reasons and more, Ms Price and Brough, that you will never ever speak for me. I especially advise readers to look at the photo of Brough above. If that is not a depiction of messianic fervour then I don't know what is.
And I don't want misanthropes like Brough in the federal parliament. We have enough to put up with Abbott, Ruddock and the others in the invader parliaments all around the Aboriginal nations. This is one reason that I am standing, along with my comrades in the housing action team, for a position on the Sydney city council so the fight can continue at another level.
One other matter of import. Ms Marianne MacKay was quoted in your reporting as suggesting that the National Indigenous Times is the only Aboriginal-based newspaper. It is not. We are privileged to also have the Koori Mail and the Tracker and more power to the three of them. We need them all.
More and more in government are reading and listening
Ray, I learned a lot about you reading this and I hope more people read it.
In reference to Aboriginal peoples focused news media there are an increasing number of such news media, and this is part of the political landscape's unfolding great hopes - there's the weekly National Indigenous Times, the fortnightly Koori Mail, the monthly Tracker, and then there are the regional newspapers, all of us doing what we can to highlight news that other news media may not be covering and giving voice too, there is NITV, and SBS does its bit with Living Black and other programs, and the increasing radio broadcast news from Tiga Bayles and Karen Dorante and others in Queensland, CAAMA in the NT, Nyoongar radio in Perth, and scores more.
And Indymedia Australia does its bit too.
It's all making a difference, more and more in government are reading and listening.
And despite the Prime Minister attacking Citizen Media it too does its job - 'nutjobs' is a derogatory and discriminatory comment and she too should have known better, and as if too imply it against everyone in Citizen Media, when ironically many have issue with many within the mainstream news media!
Multiple voices erode monopoly politics, and someday maybe we'll secure multiple parties in parliament once again eroding monopoly politics where it matters most, in our parliaments.
one hec of a voice and journo
Gerry is a cut above the rest as a journo and one hec of an advocate, he should be on talkshows instead of some of the run of the mill types
Just to clarify, the National Indigenous Times journalist who wrote the article that Mr Brough dismissed was Geoff Bagnall. Geoff is a senior journalist with the NIT, and he is responsible for interviewing the 30 Elders and persons of note.
I responded with some comments to the Sunshine Coast Daily in response to Mr Brough's own comments - I had called his office twice before so doing.
The first 77 posts from the Sunshine Coast Daily
Easier to read and attribute if you go to:
By intherightplace from Caloundra, a day ago Reply | Suggest removal
I SO wish the media would stop reporting any comment that comes out of anyone's mouth before the issue is properly addressed!! Mr Georgatos - as anyone else does - has access of recourse through several channels. I'm so tired of pre-emptive, negative one-sided speculation in the media generating more and more complaining and whingeing! We're a fortunate, free country - why can't the majority of the population see that and start working towards a better future for us all??
By GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo, a day ago Reply
I can agree with you to a certain extent, however the inappropriate language, which Mr Brough said he will not retract, came directly, and not by hearsay, from Mr Brough - directly to the Sunshine Coast journalist. Secondly, I did contact the LNP, twice, prior to any comment to the Sunshine Coast to discuss the issues with Mr Brough and to seek remedy where appropriate and for his fair comment however there has been no reply. Thirdly, it comes with the territory that certain peoples of certain stature should be held accountable in the public domain. Politics is a calling and not a sphere of influence to be denigrated by those seeking to serve it. And yes, I agree with you that we as peoples in the blessings of society should coalesce humanity by working together towards a better future "for all of us" without anyone laying claim, explicit or otherwise, that they the know the views of the majority. and nor should the dismiss as irrelevant the views of any perceived minority. Kindly, Gerry Georgatos
By intherightplace from Caloundra, a day ago Reply
Replying to: GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo on 29/8/2012 @ 11:19AM “
I can agree with you to a certain extent, however the inappropriate language, which Mr Brough said he will not retract, came directly, and not by hearsay, from Mr Brough - directly to the Sunshine Coast journalist. Secondly, I did contact the LNP, twice, prior to any comment to the Sunshine Coast to discuss the issues with Mr Brough and to seek remedy where appropriate and for his fair comment however there has been no reply. Thirdly, it comes with the territory that certain peoples of certain stature should be held accountable in the public domain. Politics is a calling and not a sphere of influence to be denigrated by those seeking to serve it. And yes, I agree with you that we as peoples in the blessings of society should coalesce humanity by working together towards a better future "for all of us" without anyone laying claim, explicit or otherwise, that they the know the views of the majority. and nor should the dismiss as irrelevant the views of any perceived minority. Kindly, Gerry Georgatos”
Thank you for your response Mr Georgatos. I am the last person to support racism. I hate these divisive views, and believe the comments of indigenous leaders should be given high regard and will likely represent differing viewpoints. However, I can imagine Mr Brough saying the same thing about a publication he didn't approve of regardless of whether it represented indigenous viewpoint.. Inappropriate language seems to be common within conservative politics and their supporters (see Grahame Morris' comment on Leigh Sales on ABC Radio earlier this week) . I wish you were right in saying politics is a 'calling' - and that our representatives attracted respect! Certainly doesn't seem that way in current times.
By PeterBaulch from North Arm, a day ago Reply
Mr Brough is playing specifically to the large minority of hidebound conservatives among the Fisher constituency who are the core LNP supporters, from whom he anticipates a warm reception for his attitude to Aborigines. Inside of a year we will see whether a majority in Fisher vote to taint themselves with it.
By b4ref33t from Bli Bli, a day ago Reply
Not often I agree with you Mr Baulch, but events of late seems to indicate the federal conservative have a new branding "More Howard than Howard". Unless they're so confident Tony Abbott is going to get in the lodge, they're making swinging voters like me very anxious, and it has not been said lightly because I'm extremely anxious about Julia Gillard.
By Mungogerrie from Noosa Heads, a day ago Reply
~Mal Brough was not making a 'racist ' comment...this Georgatos person is looking for trouble!.. All Mr Brough said was 'A rag run out of a basement in Canberra'..
What is going on with people all over Australia making mole hills into a racist comment..then into a mountain!..
Mal Brough was instrumental in making a huge difference in Aboriginal communites during his time in the Howard Govt, he earned the respect of many Aboriginal Elders for his contributions..more than any other politician in the past in fact!..
I would like to see him get this Portfolio again and very soon.. Georgatos, who is studying to become an expert on going to be nothing but trouble in the future for anyone who opens their mouth...Freedom of speech is being eroded so quickly in Australia!...We must be allowed to make comments and critisms that are with merit!..~
By doctor49 from Battery Hill, a day ago Reply
Always telling when 'freedom of speech' is appropriated by one interest or another.
Perhaps freedom of speech (comments and criticisms) actually means that people have to think before opening their mouths (and keyboards).
By marksid from Coolum Beach, a day ago Reply
Dear sir, i am indigenous and have travelled a lot of this country and work within the field and i will tell you here that Mr broughs intervention had & has very minimal support, and as of today much of the problems still remain, as for respected politicians you really need to research mate, as for freedom of speech i think you just had some which was unavailable a mere 10 or 15yrs ago
By Pescadero from Coolum Beach, a day ago Reply
All the charm and intellectual integrity of Pauline Hanson.
He should do well in Fisher.
By stu777 from Maroochydore Bc, a day ago Reply
+1 - He's a shoe in for fisher with these comments and sentiments. -- now this isn't a reflection on Brough, it may be taken out of context as I think it has been, rather a reflection of the types of attitudes, here on the coast that will win him the votes.
By wallet72 from Pelican Waters, a day ago Reply
Can someone tell me what is racist about 'a rag run out of a basement in Canberra'? I've heard other papers described in unkindly manners - wouldn't wrap fish in it' is my favourite - so why is the comment racist?
By marksid from Coolum Beach, a day ago Reply
By GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo, a day ago Reply
Mate, that is not what imputations are about, not the slur on the newspaper, rather best you read both articles by the Sunshine once again please and maybe it will click. Please refer to the comments about the 30 Aborginal folk who were interviewed. Kindly, Gerry
By GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo, a day ago Reply
In the original Sunshine Coast article "Electorate rival in war of words" consider the following:
'The National Indigenous Times newspaper printed the thoughts of "30 indigenous leaders" which varied from "horror to dismay" at the thought of Mr Brough resuming his role if Tony Abbott won the next election. '
'Michael Anderson, the last survivor of the tent embassy in Canberra, was quoted as saying Mr Brough's preselection "is a disaster".'
'East Arnhem Land Yolngu Elder, the Rev Djiniyini Gondarra also said he was concerned Mr Brough "would make it worse than it already is".'
'Mr Brough said he wasn't worried about comments made "by a rag run out of a basement in Canberra".'
'"It doesn't concern me, it doesn't reflect the views of the (indigenous) people," he said.'
It doesn't concern him what 30 Elders nationwide have to say? - the veils and layers are many - is he the doyen of all knowledge Aboriginal and the Elders and Aboriginal academics have nothing to contribute?
Today's SC article had provided an opportunity for Mr Brough to clarify or retract, and instead, 'Mr Brough had been responding to quotes, reported in the National Indigenous Times, by 30 indigenous leaders who were angry at his preselection.'
'Mr Brough told The Daily he did not believe they represented the views of indigenous people.'
'He stood by these comments yesterday.'
Is this someone who should once again be a minister for anybody?
By wallet72 from Pelican Waters, about 12 hours ago Reply
Replying to: GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo on 29/8/2012 @ 6:05PM “
In the original Sunshine Coast article "Electorate rival in war of words" consider the following: 'The National Indigenous Times newspaper printed the thoughts of "30 indigenous leaders" which varied from "horror to dismay" at the thought of Mr Brough resuming his role if Tony Abbott won the next election. ' 'Michael Anderson, the last survivor of the tent embassy in Canberra, was quoted as saying Mr Brough's preselection "is a disaster".' 'East Arnhem Land Yolngu Elder, the Rev Djiniyini Gondarra also said he was concerned Mr Brough "would make it worse than it already is".' 'Mr Brough said he wasn't worried about comments made "by a rag run out of a basement in Canberra".' '"It doesn't concern me, it doesn't reflect the views of the (indigenous) people," he said.' It doesn't concern him what 30 Elders nationwide have to say? - the veils and layers are many - is he the doyen of all knowledge Aboriginal and the Elders and Aboriginal academics have nothing to contribute? Today's SC article had provided an opportunity for Mr Brough to clarify or retract, and instead, 'Mr Brough had been responding to quotes, reported in the National Indigenous Times, by 30 indigenous leaders who were angry at his preselection.' 'Mr Brough told The Daily he did not believe they represented the views of indigenous people.' 'He stood by these comments yesterday.' Is this someone who should once again be a minister for anybody?”
you haven't pointed out any racism in any of the articles. His comments could be taken as insulting, just like their comments about him becoming minister could be taken as insulting. Don't confuse insults with racist slurs, there was nothing racist about it.
By EyeWitness from Sunshine Coast, a day ago Reply
Mal Brough is claiming and complaining that the paper is run from Canberra? Does he know where Parliament House is?
How can we expect him to represent us if he already has contempt for our system of representation? As much as I want him away from here I suggest we don't give him the chance to get as far as Canberra.
By flyboy from Maroochydore, a day ago Reply
PeterBaulch I find your predictable comment offensive. Like any voters in any electorate across this country, we individually vote for the person who we think should represent us in Canberra. You and pescadero have to accept that we will exercise our democratic right just like you will and if Mal Brough is the winner, so be it.
He is also entitled to free speech when it comes to making a comment about the media, be it a "rag in Canberra" or any other outlet. Comments about the media are made by people every day but does that make them racist?
But I guess if this Mr. Georgatos is doing a PhD in racism, he must know all about it.
By doctor49 from Battery Hill, a day ago Reply
Doubtless your concern is two words - 'hidebound' and 'taint'. Because the rest of the statement is just that, a statement.
And your proposal is what? That free speech means you can say what you like, without consequences? And that 'democratic right' means you can't be called to accept the responsibility for who you vote for? And that if it's popular it's right (when it's just popular).
Only in this mediocracy.
By Pescadero from Coolum Beach, a day ago Reply
Some of us just think free speech is bit more than the belittling and abuse of others, the favourite pastime of the LNP.
Brough is an obnoxious know-nothing who thinks it is his place to tell Aborigines who their leader are. Frankly, the man is an arrogant fool to go on like this. Nevertheless he fits the lunar right in Fisher like a glove. Fisher is probably one of the few seats in modern Oz where his kind of behaviour is still admired.
By adrian from Buderim, a day ago Reply
What a load of rot, having a go at the media or politicians is a freedom that everyone in this country has the right to. The statement made by Mal Brough has no racial meaning to it that I can see. I read the local 'rag' every week.
People with taxpayer funded PhD's on racism should use them to better society, not stir up hornets nests - be they of any colour.
By Muggins from Pacific Paradise, a day ago Reply
From my reading of the statement 'a rag run out of a basement in Canberra', isn't racist, it is merely a reference to the location of the journalists publishing the paper, that it is in the isolated state of the ACT. An area cushioned from the realities of the greater Australian continental Island. And remote from the people it purports to represent.
The problem is also, the federal politicians are by location in the same isolated location as the Paper.
Insulated from the realities of the people and the environment
By Hogbristle from Coolum Beach, a day ago Reply
It's no more racist than the rubbish that you are sprouting about the people who live in Canberra! Not all people living in Canberra are politicians - and they are certainly not "cushioned from the realities of the greater Australian continental Island"!
By abracadabrachef from Coolum Beach, a day ago Reply
what get me is these indigenous competition we have for football and cricket for indigenous people only but nothing get said about that BUT if we had these for white only we be call racist we suppose to be all equal
By marksid from Coolum Beach, a day ago Reply
maybe its just actually our turn after being mainly excluded for 200yrs, he he!!!!
By coastwatcher from Minyama, a day ago Reply
There is nothing racist or disrespectful about what Mr Brough has said. The precious souls at the National Indigenous Times and "The Elders" should grow up and stop playing the racist card , I am sure most people are over it by now.
By GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo, a day ago Reply
Mate, those with broken lives "are not over it". Can some readers focus on the original article and note that the issue is not with his slur over whether a newspaper is a 'rag' rather it is his dismissing the views of 30 Elders and leading individuals nationwide and that Mr Brough considers himself the doyen of all knowledge Aboriginal. Mate, I'll take you on a wander with me if you like through quite a few communities that will evidently change your suppositions.
In terms of people 'getting over it' there is no evidence of substantial improvements in the welfare of children in the NT. Indeed, the Closing the Gap monitoring report part 2 details some worrying statistics which indicate a break with long-term trends towards improvement that have been evident since 2000, including:
Children admitted to hospital for malnutrition
10.9 per 1000 in 2006-07
11.1 per 1000 in 2009-10
Children under 5 who are underweight
7.1 per 100 in 2007
8.2 per per 100 in 2010
Children under 5 who are wasting
4.4 per 100 in 2007
4.8 per 100 in 2010
Attempted Suicide and self-harm:
Reported incidents have increased by almost 500%. In 2007 there were 57 incidents. In 2010 there were 183. In 2011 there were 261 (Closing the Gap monitoring report part 2). Things therefore did not improve on Mr Brough and evidently got worse. However, I suppose Mr Brough knows better and will dismiss my insights and the statistics. Kindly, Gerry
By Bob-Bates from Birtinya, a day ago Reply
Replying to: GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo on 29/8/2012 @ 2:34PM “
Mate, those with broken lives "are not over it". Can some readers focus on the original article and note that the issue is not with his slur over whether a newspaper is a 'rag' rather it is his dismissing the views of 30 Elders and leading individuals nationwide and that Mr Brough considers himself the doyen of all knowledge Aboriginal. Mate, I'll take you on a wander with me if you like through quite a few communities that will evidently change your suppositions. In terms of people 'getting over it' there is no evidence of substantial improvements in the welfare of children in the NT. Indeed, the Closing the Gap monitoring report part 2 details some worrying statistics which indicate a break with long-term trends towards improvement that have been evident since 2000, including: Children admitted to hospital for malnutrition 10.9 per 1000 in 2006-07 11.1 per 1000 in 2009-10 Children under 5 who are underweight 7.1 per 100 in 2007 8.2 per per 100 in 2010 Children under 5 who are wasting 4.4 per 100 in 2007 4.8 per 100 in 2010 Attempted Suicide and self-harm: Reported incidents have increased by almost 500%. In 2007 there were 57 incidents. In 2010 there were 183. In 2011 there were 261 (Closing the Gap monitoring report part 2). Things therefore did not improve on Mr Brough and evidently got worse. However, I suppose Mr Brough knows better and will dismiss my insights and the statistics. Kindly, Gerry”
"MAL Brough has been slammed for his "redneck tendencies" and has been accused of racism following his comments about Australia's leading indigenous affairs newspaper. "
Given the way the Article is written, one can understand the mistake some of the posters have made. There is strong emphasis upon, and repeated reference to, the 'rag.'
By curriman from Currimundi, a day ago Reply
I wonder if Gerry Georgatos ever stops to think that The National Indigenous Times, and himself is racists and disrespectful .
As an Australian, i find how racists these indigenous intellectuals in Canberra can be. Read the times and everything is anti white and sqabbles over money and power between black groups. Its time to end the us and them mentality that some Aborigines continue to fester. A politician is a politician in any culture or race, and The Times is just another political paper for the wannabees.
By GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo, a day ago Reply
Friend, I do contemplate my flaws, and daily, and hence work at demarcating from them where required. I can only do my best. However, you've misrepresented my journalism and the newspaper in question - we write a variety of stories, inspirational and critical, heartening and investigative. However I agree with the sentiment of the 'political' - everything is political, all management systems and institutions are political, politics is about a critique of managing society and overseeing the perpetuity of its unfolding.
I agree with you that the mindsets of any us verse them needs to cease, firstly by reduction and then elimination. However indeed we are quite some journey from this yet - there are those trying and there are others who are stagnant, however each generation is improving albeit far too slowly, and hence many forever miss out with what you and I may enjoy or take for granted. The presumption that there is no division, no discrimination, no racism well that is just wrong. Even on the Sunshine Coast if you look around you'll find it all, however if you go to the NT for instance and other places too well it just stares you back. Kindly, Gerry
By doctor49 from Battery Hill, a day ago Reply
'As an Australian' what? You've a monopoly on wisdom? Or the right to express an opinion? Nonsense.
'Freedom is hammered out on the anvil of discussion, dissent, and debate.' (Hubert Humphrey)
By GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo, a day ago Reply
Replying to: doctor49 from Battery Hill on 29/8/2012 @ 3:23PM “
'As an Australian' what? You've a monopoly on wisdom? Or the right to express an opinion? Nonsense. 'Freedom is hammered out on the anvil of discussion, dissent, and debate.' (Hubert Humphrey)”
By newsblog2 from Coolum Beach, a day ago Reply
Replying to: GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo on 29/8/2012 @ 2:45PM “
Friend, I do contemplate my flaws, and daily, and hence work at demarcating from them where required. I can only do my best. However, you've misrepresented my journalism and the newspaper in question - we write a variety of stories, inspirational and critical, heartening and investigative. However I agree with the sentiment of the 'political' - everything is political, all management systems and institutions are political, politics is about a critique of managing society and overseeing the perpetuity of its unfolding. I agree with you that the mindsets of any us verse them needs to cease, firstly by reduction and then elimination. However indeed we are quite some journey from this yet - there are those trying and there are others who are stagnant, however each generation is improving albeit far too slowly, and hence many forever miss out with what you and I may enjoy or take for granted. The presumption that there is no division, no discrimination, no racism well that is just wrong. Even on the Sunshine Coast if you look around you'll find it all, however if you go to the NT for instance and other places too well it just stares you back. Kindly, Gerry”
By hermes from Mountain Creek, a day ago Reply
What garbage. He didn't say anything racist, he criticised a newspaper. It's a sad PC world when you can't criticise anything, in case the owners, writers or second cousins of the landlords represent some minority or ethnic group. Complain to the HRC indeed! No wonder people get turned off so many serious issues. When some people are "outraged" over issues of such monumental and trivial minutiae, it just annoys more sensible people, with the result that they end up getting irritated about the entire issue. Why not concentrate on real racism instead?
By GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo, a day ago Reply
Hello Hermes, can you describe to me what "real racism" is please?
Is it the impost of Emergency Response Action (the NT Intervention) and the second wave of it, Stronger Futures, or is it my recent discovery that up to 10 per cent of the Kimberley's population is homeless, officially 6.38 per cent, the worst homelessness rate in the nation, and one of the world's worst, and most of it Aboriginal and State and Federal Governments do little and let it slide? Who has overseen the Intervention? Why was the Racial Discrimination Act suspended by Mr Brough and Mr Howard?
Help me hear a little in understanding by what you mean by 'real racism'? Kindly, Gerry
By curras from Currimundi, a day ago Reply
Replying to: GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo on 29/8/2012 @ 2:50PM “
Hello Hermes, can you describe to me what "real racism" is please? Is it the impost of Emergency Response Action (the NT Intervention) and the second wave of it, Stronger Futures, or is it my recent discovery that up to 10 per cent of the Kimberley's population is homeless, officially 6.38 per cent, the worst homelessness rate in the nation, and one of the world's worst, and most of it Aboriginal and State and Federal Governments do little and let it slide? Who has overseen the Intervention? Why was the Racial Discrimination Act suspended by Mr Brough and Mr Howard? Help me hear a little in understanding by what you mean by 'real racism'? Kindly, Gerry”
You still havent eplained how "rag run out of a basement in Canberra". is racist. Also you have mentioned facts there not examples of racism.
By doctor49 from Battery Hill, a day ago Reply
Replying to: curras from Currimundi on 29/8/2012 @ 4:06PM “
You still havent eplained how "rag run out of a basement in Canberra". is racist. Also you have mentioned facts there not examples of racism.”
'you have mentioned facts there (sic) not examples of racism.'
OK. So what are they examples of? Community concern?
By curras from Currimundi, about 24 hours ago Reply
Replying to: doctor49 from Battery Hill on 29/8/2012 @ 5:12PM “
'you have mentioned facts there (sic) not examples of racism.' OK. So what are they examples of? Community concern? ”
They are facts about a cross section of a community not examples of racism.
By doctor49 from Battery Hill, about 23 hours ago Reply
Replying to: curras from Currimundi on 29/8/2012 @ 8:31PM “
They are facts about a cross section of a community not examples of racism.”
Well if they're facts that's alright then. Nothing to be concerned about apparently.
By coochy17 from Hervey Bay, a day ago Reply
Mal Brough was one of the best ministers ever assigned to the Indiginous Affairs portfolio in any Australian government. His decision on federal intervention in the Northern Territory will go down in the annals of history as the greatest move to protect aboriginal children from mistreatment , sexual predators , disease and malnutrition . That any person would be so low to label this man a rascist is a disgusting and demeaning act without any credence. Sometimes some acts of deliberate character bashing coming from questionable political sources are so abhorrent they should be dealt with by the appropriate authorities. Mal Brough will go on to become a minister in a coalition government in the near future and will continue his wonderful work with Australian aboriginals.
By GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo, a day ago Reply
Many disagree not only with your praise for the former Minister of Indigenous "Affairs" however in that the premises for the "Intervention" are as described and assessed by you, and in that this response to the premises that you suggest whom many disagree with and whose research demonstrates otherwise have improved anything - rather as I've already commented and underlain with statistics, Mr Brough's contributions to the Intervention have made everything worse in the Northern Territory and broken communities, families and lives.
Let us read the evidence and the research and what the experts say, not the sweeping statements of certain politicians and of their public relations teams.
Primum Non Nocere - First Do No Harm, kindly, Gerry
By coochy17 from Hervey Bay, a day ago Reply
Replying to: GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo on 29/8/2012 @ 2:55PM “
Many disagree not only with your praise for the former Minister of Indigenous "Affairs" however in that the premises for the "Intervention" are as described and assessed by you, and in that this response to the premises that you suggest whom many disagree with and whose research demonstrates otherwise have improved anything - rather as I've already commented and underlain with statistics, Mr Brough's contributions to the Intervention have made everything worse in the Northern Territory and broken communities, families and lives. Let us read the evidence and the research and what the experts say, not the sweeping statements of certain politicians and of their public relations teams. Primum Non Nocere - First Do No Harm, kindly, Gerry”
Gerry...clearly...some folks were upset to find that the problems exposed by the Northern Territory Intervention also exposed the fact that most of the problems besetting the indiginous children came from within their own communities. I do not accept your version of the outcomes of the intervention and thoroughly agee with the many aboriginal spokespersons who have called for extension of the intervention . Also i would point out that the main backing and calls for extension come not from politicians , but from the indiginous people.
There is a firming view that many of the difficulties associated in helping these folks is over-educated individuals loaded with uni-degrees , paid for by the taxpayer , interfereing with government initiatives and fostering discontent for their own self-interests. Mr Brough was and still is a champion of the indiginous people Australia wide.
Nemo Mortalium Horis Sapit - No man is at all hours wise.
By marksid from Coolum Beach, a day ago Reply
so you have been and talked to these people have you, do think child abuse, alcoholism, poverty etc are only an indigenous problem, go out here after dark and open your eyes these problems have & still exist in all forms of human life around the world in every community and every street.
the article clearly shows broughs denigration of 30 respected elders right down to the last comment "The National Indigenous Times is not reflective whatsoever of Australians, let alone indigenous Australians," he said. and that will do me, and having taken some time to read up on the racist act and the fact it does not apply in NT, i think all the Brough supporters should read up on demi god Howards additions & his law changes to enact this intervention against all human rights for the better vote from the uninformed and under educated but media savvy
By GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo, a day ago Reply
Replying to: coochy17 from Hervey Bay on 29/8/2012 @ 6:47PM “
Gerry...clearly...some folks were upset to find that the problems exposed by the Northern Territory Intervention also exposed the fact that most of the problems besetting the indiginous children came from within their own communities. I do not accept your version of the outcomes of the intervention and thoroughly agee with the many aboriginal spokespersons who have called for extension of the intervention . Also i would point out that the main backing and calls for extension come not from politicians , but from the indiginous people. There is a firming view that many of the difficulties associated in helping these folks is over-educated individuals loaded with uni-degrees , paid for by the taxpayer , interfereing with government initiatives and fostering discontent for their own self-interests. Mr Brough was and still is a champion of the indiginous people Australia wide. Nemo Mortalium Horis Sapit - No man is at all hours wise.”
You were going somewhere with your post, despite my disagreeing with your premises and assumptions, however you lost the plot with the second paragraph where you moved away from grounding your arguments and slid into sweeping statements and denigration.
In reference to your first paragraph only, I am not asking you to accept anything I am saying, this is why I am grounding arguments into what I'm writing and including various statistics and facts, for you to consider. I would love to provide links to a couple of substantive articles that could inform your deliberations however I don't think I would be allowed. If the Sunshine Coast allows me to I'll post the links. You and I obviously disagree on who is supporting the Intervention and who is not, and whether it has been beneficial or a disaster. In my view, my experience, my knowledge, in the reports before me and including my many interviews, despite some prominent folk supporting aspects of the Intervention, the majority do not support it, some feel identity has been eroded, and the majority consider it catastrophically failed. I myself consider the Northern Territory, for its Aboriginal peoples, a custodial predicament - prison-like.
By HumphreyBear from Maroochydore, about 22 hours ago Reply
The intervention suspended our race discrimination act.... why do you reckon they had to do that? Furthermore, the interventionf built 16 new police stations and no new schools or hospitals or rehab clinics etc.... The intervention is a short term, patronising political fix and i do believe mr brough is now showing his true colours.
By Keswick from Buderim, a day ago Reply
According to Ms Mackay ".........many of them elders, were well known, many highly qualified with an academic background and stature."
And how many of the "HIghly qualified with an academic background" Elders are living in the remote communities they claim to be representing and helping ?
By GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo, a day ago Reply
Keswick, a number of those interviewed do live in the 'remote' however this should not be requisite. For instance Rev. Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra OAM, senior Dhurili Clan leader of the Yolngu peoples of Northeast Arnhem Land, and who has met privately with the highest authority on human rights at the United Nations, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay. Similarly, CEO of the Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation Michael Woodley lives in Roebourne, and so on with other examples. Pick up an edition of The NIT and read the two page article with the 30 interviewed, or go online and read it, and you'll read for yourself who is remote community based, and who is front line and you does their bit from a distance, from within the metropolises that the majority of Australians live in. Hope this helps with your question.
Kindly, Gerry
By Bob-Bates from Birtinya, a day ago Reply
Probably more than the buggers in the various Parliaments around the Country who would argue they too 'represent and help' even though most of them would never have even flown over one of those remote communities.
By doctor49 from Battery Hill, a day ago Reply
Replying to: GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo on 29/8/2012 @ 3:58PM “
Keswick, a number of those interviewed do live in the 'remote' however this should not be requisite. For instance Rev. Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra OAM, senior Dhurili Clan leader of the Yolngu peoples of Northeast Arnhem Land, and who has met privately with the highest authority on human rights at the United Nations, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay. Similarly, CEO of the Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation Michael Woodley lives in Roebourne, and so on with other examples. Pick up an edition of The NIT and read the two page article with the 30 interviewed, or go online and read it, and you'll read for yourself who is remote community based, and who is front line and you does their bit from a distance, from within the metropolises that the majority of Australians live in. Hope this helps with your question. Kindly, Gerry”
Gerry, I don't think you should confuse prejudice by introducing facts.
By marksid from Coolum Beach, a day ago Reply
keswick you are part of the problem no research, no idea, (sorry i cant help it), stop believing everything in our LNP backed media as true as to indigenous affairs read the easily sourced resource that the internet holds
By hermes from Mountain Creek, a day ago Reply
Mr Gerry Georgatos makes some extremely good and thoughtful points about Indigenous disadvantage etc, which are really serious problems in Australia; but that is not the issue. The argument is whether referring to a publication as "a rag" is racist. For example, if I refer to the Guardian newspaper as a "left wing rag", am I being anti British? Of course not, even though I have British ancestry (and Mr Brough has Aboriginal ancestry). It is a version of the straw man fallacy to argue against someone's point on one issue because of their position on another, unrelated issue, what they did in their previous job or their own ethnicity.
By Bob-Bates from Birtinya, a day ago Reply
You have missed his point. Read up there ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
By GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo, a day ago Reply
Hermes, once again the issue is not whether there is an issue with the slur (rag).I read many newspapers which many good folk attribute that slur. The issue is around the explicit and indicative language in reference to the 30 Aboriginal Elders and figures, and in the origins-of-thinking which predicate his right to assume that they do not matter, & that he can be dismissive of them - that they represent no-one but that he does - the born-to-rule mentality. Origins-of-thinking are not necessarily contemporary however historical, they are generational.
In terms of ancestry many of us have myriad heritage, some shines bright, some leaves a hole in the heart. In reference to Mr Brough's Aboriginal heritage, that makes no difference in how one can or cannot conduct themselves or in what they may feel they can or can't say, not when it impacts upon others. To my understanding he has never identified to any Aboriginal heritage, though I have been led to believe that his brother Rob has acknowledged it, though I cannot confirm this right now. In an article by journalist Annabel Crabb, June 30, 2007 when she asked him about Aboriginal ancestry she wrote, 'Brough does not seem especially interested in the question of his Aboriginal ancestry. "Don't know for sure, no real way of ascertaining it, but I'm proud of who my family are and what they are - we are Australian," is his only comment.'
In the end we are all people, equal in our right to be equal and to coalesce kindly.
By marksid from Coolum Beach, a day ago Reply
I have British ancestry (and Mr Brough has Aboriginal ancestry). ?????? why cause he told you
By curras from Currimundi, a day ago Reply
I'm lost how is a "rag run out of a basement in Canberra". a racist comment???
By doctor49 from Battery Hill, a day ago Reply
Always a good strategy to latch onto a peripheral issue when defending an indefensible position.
Brough big noted himself. Couldn't help himself. The great 'I am'. He chose to denigrate different views from his. And described the messenger of those different views as 'a rag run out....'.
Perhaps not racist. Ego and arrogance. Ministerial material.
By GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo, a day ago Reply
Thirty Elders - that they do not count according to Mr Brough, not the cheap shot at The National Indigenous Times which he used for cover in responding to the Sunshine Coast's questions about why 30 Elders and figures interviewed by The National Indigenous Times all expressed their dissatisfaction at Mr Brough securing preselection for Fisher and declaring an interest in pursuing the ministerial portfolio of Indigenous 'Affairs'.
By curras from Currimundi, about 24 hours ago Reply
Replying to: GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo on 29/8/2012 @ 6:27PM “
Thirty Elders - that they do not count according to Mr Brough, not the cheap shot at The National Indigenous Times which he used for cover in responding to the Sunshine Coast's questions about why 30 Elders and figures interviewed by The National Indigenous Times all expressed their dissatisfaction at Mr Brough securing preselection for Fisher and declaring an interest in pursuing the ministerial portfolio of Indigenous 'Affairs'. ”
You still haven't explained why this is racist, your putting words in his mouth.
By GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo, about 23 hours ago Reply
Replying to: curras from Currimundi on 29/8/2012 @ 8:33PM “
You still haven't explained why this is racist, your putting words in his mouth.”
You're killing me Curras from Currimundi! Mr Brough is responsible for the words that come out of his mouth and from his thinking. He made his comments to the Sunshine Coast Daily, and then he was graced another chance with the Sunshine Coast and he made the same comments and declared he would retract nothing, this is definitive.
I have described what his words, language, his attitudes may signify, and to me it is clear, and I have criticised his dismissiveness of 30 Elders in that according to him their views, form and content, their experience, eye witness accounts, research, consultations do not matter, count, or are relevant. This is the pouring of scorn and disdain upon others, and Curras of Currimundi please have a read of the various Acts that are out there. In the end I reiterate that someone of the perceived stature of Mr Brough, & the responsibilities he has been allowed to entertain & may once again, well his comments, and attitude make a mockey of the Offices he has held & desires to hold again. I accept that many people do consider the sad bravado that Mr Brough carried in his comments to the Sunshine Coast to be anything more than stupid arrogance, and that the comments he made are fine with many people, and therefore permissible, however this demonstrates that we have quite a journey ahead of us. We are victims of the stereotypes, biases and prejudices, all the rubbish shoved down our throats generation after generation. Only time may right this.
By curras from Currimundi, about 14 hours ago Reply
Replying to: GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo on 29/8/2012 @ 9:41PM “
You're killing me Curras from Currimundi! Mr Brough is responsible for the words that come out of his mouth and from his thinking. He made his comments to the Sunshine Coast Daily, and then he was graced another chance with the Sunshine Coast and he made the same comments and declared he would retract nothing, this is definitive. I have described what his words, language, his attitudes may signify, and to me it is clear, and I have criticised his dismissiveness of 30 Elders in that according to him their views, form and content, their experience, eye witness accounts, research, consultations do not matter, count, or are relevant. This is the pouring of scorn and disdain upon others, and Curras of Currimundi please have a read of the various Acts that are out there. In the end I reiterate that someone of the perceived stature of Mr Brough, & the responsibilities he has been allowed to entertain & may once again, well his comments, and attitude make a mockey of the Offices he has held & desires to hold again. I accept that many people do consider the sad bravado that Mr Brough carried in his comments to the Sunshine Coast to be anything more than stupid arrogance, and that the comments he made are fine with many people, and therefore permissible, however this demonstrates that we have quite a journey ahead of us. We are victims of the stereotypes, biases and prejudices, all the rubbish shoved down our throats generation after generation. Only time may right this.”
So your implying meaning to a comment to make it racist. The actual words said arent racist.
By GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo, about 11 hours ago Reply
Replying to: curras from Currimundi on 30/8/2012 @ 6:49AM “
So your implying meaning to a comment to make it racist. The actual words said arent racist.”
Curras from Currimundi I have written 'to me it is clear'. Everything has its veils and layers, and not everything is as clear or similarly why so to the next person.
By curras from Currimundi, about 9 hours ago Reply
Replying to: GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo on 30/8/2012 @ 9:10AM “
Curras from Currimundi I have written 'to me it is clear'. Everything has its veils and layers, and not everything is as clear or similarly why so to the next person.”
So techically any statement against him could be racism as well then.
By flyboy from Maroochydore, a day ago Reply
Well said coochy17 and a lot of indigenous folk would also agree with you.
They know the situation out there as opposed to others in Canberra who think they know.
GERRY-GEORGATOS you seem to have a lot of time on your hands for someone doing a PhD in racism!
By GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo, a day ago Reply
Yes mate, there are folk, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, who would agree with Coochy17, that goes without saying, just like there are folk who disagree, and in my opinion the majority of Aboriginal folk do disagree, and there others who aren't sure, troubled by what should be done, and others oblivious. In a nutshell everyone is entitled to their opinion, an opinion that should not be belittled, diminished, and they humiliated. This is what Mr Brough has not been able to demonstrate - a respect for others to have an opinion different to him, and for them to be entitled to that opinion without being dismissed as they do not exist, matter or count, especially when for many of them the opinion is about themselves.
By PatriciaG from Australia, a day ago Reply
Wouldn't be just another gee-up by GET UP, would it? When will so called elitist self appointed expert "highly qualified academics" start to realise the average multi racial Australian is waking up to your name calling - you use every bit of trivia to beat us up as misogonistic homophobic racists ultra rich ingrates. Thanks Mr Shorten, for such compassionate understanding comparing your struggle to exist of your $330,000 to the now jobless, thanks to your government's antics, to New Start and pensioners. It seems only city public sector employees (gosh, nearly mistyped "workers") who lose their huge incomes and job security deserve any sympathy! And then only if a conservative government takes action to rescue a State's economy! Thanks too ex Queenslander Swan, who threatened to withdraw GST if Newman dared to increase mining royalties! Welcome to the real world, ex Bligh helpers. You might be able to get a job relocating those red back spiders that you helped save to protract that mining project - if you have time to read the hundreds of inane pages of rhetoric you assisted to regulate!
Stop insulting our Ingidinous fellow Australians with your constant patronisating! Most are no worse off, either intelligence or wealth wise, than any one else, from where I sit! But then I don't live in a basement in Canberra either!
By doctor49 from Battery Hill, about 24 hours ago Reply
If GET UP is the topic, this takes some beating.
Obviously keen for a job on the wannabe Minister's staff.
By HumphreyBear from Maroochydore, about 22 hours ago Reply
Wow. Such seething right wing indignation... Is that not the same thing you accuse GET UP et al of? Anyway, to get us back on track, i'd like to address your last paragraph. The greatest way we've ever patronised aboriginal people is telling the world child abuse and alcoholism is only endemic in aboriginal communities and the only way to 'help' them is to send in the army. Sure, they do a fantastic job at defence, but have never been a shining light in practising social work or teaching.
By Bishop from Moodlu, a day ago Reply
That's one of Mals many problems, he gets very snarky if he is pulled up or questioned on anything he says. He just wants to say what he wants no matter how inappropriate it is and he refuses to answer questions about anything and he will never ever admit he is wrong.
By marksid from Coolum Beach, a day ago Reply
Firstly, I am indigenous have resided on the coast for nearly 30yrs, I have spent most of the last 8yrs working with indigenous youth across our country and was I removed from my family. (pls don’t boo hoo me ive had 48yrs of that)
I think as stated by Mr Georgatos the point of this article is the fact that Mr Brough has denigrated the wisdom of some 30 elders, I can relate from personal experiences that our indigenous population is certainly not entirely happy with Mr Brough & he hardly equates to being the best man for the job through his perceived popularity.
People how about doing some research before your miss guided & misdirected blogs. Australia as much as this hurts you all out there is a very racist country up there with the best, although I certainly do not suggest that all are the same for I also have had my moments in both word and action, though we need to keep working forward and of course debate is an essential part.
I am sad to finish this way but we have a very long way to go
By stumped from Maroochydore, a day ago Reply
Mal Brough lost Longman because he was lazy, not because he was racist. The LNP need to recognise they picked the wrong candidate, and give the people of Fisher a decent local candidate, one with an interest in local issues, and a desire to work hard for the Sunshine Coast.
By Sunny55 from Australia, about 23 hours ago Reply
This is a complex issue and one that is not helped by name calling on either side.
Calling the paper a rag may not have been Brough's finest moment. But calling him a redneck because he choses to disagree with the views of 30 elders is pretty offensive too.
Neither comment is doing anything to help anyone in this country.
By GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo, about 22 hours ago Reply
Without the difficult challenge of people leading from the front line those behind will have little change of leveraging change. Little has been achieved by otherwise.
By Sunny55 from Australia, about 12 hours ago Reply
Replying to: GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo on 29/8/2012 @ 10:33PM “
Without the difficult challenge of people leading from the front line those behind will have little change of leveraging change. Little has been achieved by otherwise. ”
Change is always difficult and a fine balancing act.
In this instance there are two audiences that must be considered. There is no point in galvanising the indigenous community if at the same time the white community is alienated.
Careful considered leadership from both communities is needed - not name-calling. This sort fo stuff runs the risk of putting back the cause not advancing it!
By GarryClaridge from Maleny, about 11 hours ago Reply
So, describing the atitude of Mal Brough, in relation to that action, as racist is considered "name-calling"!
Certain words have meaning and are used to describe observed and derived motivators and attitudes - this is a method of communication of critical ideas.
By hunter15 from Leanyer, about 8 hours ago Reply
It is a shame on the NIT when we had a Government in the NT the Labour Party that seriously neglected the Aboriginal people with their racist action and the elections showed who has the power and not once did the NIT write about it it goes to show who the NIT supports the Labour Gov both Commonwealth & State, times have changed and if you see the support and respect Mr Brough gets from the Aboriginal people in the centre of Aust where noone wants to go they are the forgotten Aboriginal people of this country because its to hard. He has worked hard for the Aboriginal people of that area ask them about him?
By GERRY-GEORGATOS from Brisbane Gpo, about 7 hours ago Reply
Well Hunter 15 from Leanyer, what can one make of your sweeping and unsubstantiated statements? You are entitled to your unfettered support of Mr Brough however you are not entitled to false statements of whether I or the NIT support any political party, which we do not. We look at each story and issue on its merit and if you have a good read of NITs over the last year alone you'll surely note we do no-one any special favours. It was the NIT that exposed an ABC story, for which its then editor and the then NIT journalists won the Walkley Award for, that a young staff member from Mr Brough's office fabricated evidence of personal eye witness accounts of various abuses in an NT community, and was caught out after the ABC aired the program and exposed as pretending to be a 'worker' in the community. The NIT is demarcated whether it's Mrs Macklin or Mr Brough, Mr Howard or Ms Gillard we are looking at over issues that affect peoples' lives.
By tonyryan from Maroochydore Bc, 19 minutes ago Reply
GERRY-GEORGATOS... I prepared a detailed rebuttal to your ideological rants but, as usual on this issue, the editor refused to publish, so I'll simply say you clearly oppose democracy and believe government (read taxpayer)-funded lobbies can say what they like and critics should be prosecuted. NIT does not respond to questions or corrections and therefore has no credibility in my eyes. If gullible do-gooders think otherwise, that is of no interest to me.
By marksid from Coolum Beach, about an hour ago Reply
Hi Tony, i do understand your comments but surly Mr Brough should be more careful wih his statements as it has inflamed my rather large Indigenous network across Australia, Which were informed to read the article and form there own opinions. Mr Brough is not very fondly discussed at the best of times.
Brough admits Intervention failed
ARCHITECT of the controversial Northern Territory intervention Mal Brough has declared the radical policy he masterminded to end a crisis in Aboriginal Australia a comprehensive failure, amid escalating violence and dysfunction in Alice Springs.
Read Gerry Georgatos' People are not the Property of People
You'll understand the Intervention after reading this work by Gerry, and it's probably the best article on it all by anyone:
and you can also find it here too:
People are not the property of people; the Northern Territory is a prison built brick by brick by the Commonwealth
Mal Brough is a clown, Gerry should be in parliament
Mal Brough is a clown - this is one up to the Indigenous Australians and zero to Brough dumbness and rednecks. And good on you Gerry for speaking up as you do always. You should be in parliament mate, we need someone like you there, it has never been as bad as it is.