
News Limited, Herald Sun hate speech, The Australian bullying

author: Chrisentiae
date: Saturday 11 August 2012
Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne University media and communications undergraduate student Sasha Burden, completed an internship with the Herald Sun for two weeks. She wrote of her experiences in the university magazine, Farrago, page 27. (1)

The Age newspaper wrote about this in their article headed: Article pits Hun against student intern. (2)

The Herald Sun responded by complaining to Melbourne University and publicly going on the attack of the university student.

Key findings of the university student included (3):


Nuclear "renaissance" at a standstill?

In Australia, the gloom for uranium miners continues, with the spot price uranium market "at a standstill" , and no improvement in sight. Martin Ferguson pushes for tenders for his pet project, a nuclear waste dump at Muckaty, in NT, even though that plan is still under court action. Electricity generation future prospects - not so much will be needed. Photovoltaic solar panels are one factor in this, and the solar panel revolution is taking politicians by surprise.

PHILIPPINES: Appeal for Flood Victims

In scenes reminiscent of the large scale destruction wrought by Typhoon Ondoy (international name Ketsana) in late 2009 in which 400 died, torrential rains brought widespread flooding in the capital Metro Manila and nearby provinces. Almost a million people are affected and some 250,000 forced to evacuate, majority of whom are workers and poor, with 15 deaths already reported.

The Shortwave Report August 10 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (August 10) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

This week's show features stories from Radio Deutsche-Welle, the Voice of Russia, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK World Radio Japan.

The Aboriginal Visitors Scheme in disarray as two brothers attempt suicide within 12 hours

Gerry Georgatos -
In June, the National Indigenous Times broke the story of two brothers attempting suicide within 12 hours at Geraldton’s Greenough Prison and how the Aboriginal Visitors Scheme had been made defunct in the region by the Department of Corrective Services and how both the suicide attempts and the loss of the AVS had been kept from the news media.

"Aboriginal people are not sent to prison to die, or are they?" said Aboriginal Visitors Scheme (AVS) Officer, Joyce Capewell.


Russians and Canadians allowed to mine uranium in Tanzania's iconic Selous game reserve

UNESCO World Heritage Committee allows boundary change

Elephants, rhinos and the environment under threat from 60 million tons of radioactive waste

Freiburg, Germany - A foreign uranium mining conglomerate will be allowed to exploit the precious Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania after the World Heritage Committee (WHC) decided, at its July 2012 session in Russia, to accept what was described as a "minor boundary change" of the site.

Australian government authorises forced interrogation of refugees

By Mike Head 9 August 2012 Reposted from WSWS Australia’s Labor government has given the go ahead for forced interrogations of asylum seekers who have arrived in the country by boat. Australian Crime Commission (ACC) chief executive John Lawler told the Australian this week that his agency has already conducted 31 compulsory questioning sessions in the past 18 months and plans to hold more before the end of the year.


August 5 Sydney: banners dropped in solidarity with Toronto G20 Prisoners

On August 5 some anarchists dropped two banners from the Cahill expressway bridge outside the Canadian consulate. The action was in response to a call for August 5 solidarity actions for Kelly Rose Pflug-Back, an anarchist hostage of the Canadian state, recently sentenced to 15 months in prison for her resistance to the 2010 Toronto G20. The banners read:



Sex, Lies & Uranium - a Hiroshima Day Event

'I shall write peace upon your wings, and you shall fly around the world so that children will no longer have to die this way.'Haiku attributed to Sadako Sasaki, a Japanese girl who was two years old when the atomic bomb was dropped on August 6, 1945, on Hiroshima. Sadako is remembered through the story of a thousand origami cranes before her death, and is to this day a symbol of innocent victims of war. She died in 1955, aged 12.


De Pod 2012-08-04 mp3

Nachrichten Kommentar mit Wolfgang

Olympisches Gold ein Verlust Geschaeft, Wir bewundern jetzt wieder England und die USA, Olympische Skandale und Entaeuschungen, Das Gummi Band von Berlin nach Bruessel, USA und Europa warten aufeinander, Zitate der lokalen Presse "Nimbin Good Times"

Refugee left in limbo attempts suicide in MITA

A Kurdish refugee in his mid-30s attempted suicide at approximately
6.00am at the Melbourne Immigration Transit accomofdation centre. He
was unsuccessful as he was stopped by his friends and SERCO guards.
Fearing for his mental health, SERCO and police officers sent him to
a hospital at approximately 6.30am.

This attempted suicide is the result of SERCO and immigration
detention policies leaving him in limbo. He has been in detention for
14 months and was given refugee status after 7 months.

He remains detained after Serco branded him a "person of interest".


The space elevator demystified

The space elevator should really be called a space syringe, ideally the space elevator or space syringe is used to transport processed materials into outerspace preferably in some sort of raw processed format so as construction of spaceships & spacetankers can be done in outerspace, nobody has done any studies which state how many space elevators or space syringes planet earth could have but it could well be possible that planet earth could have quite a large number of them, perhaps the entire planet earth all the way down to the central core, including the earths atmosphere can all be

Australian engineering a lost cause

In the 1970's most cars were built in Australia, we also used to build alot of other machinery here as well, however the now high Australian dollar makes it hard for Australia to compete in engineering with other countries, especially when other countries have a much higher population than Australia & a lower dollar value than Australia, thus these days alot of machinery is imported into Australia from overseas ports.

WGAR News: "International Olympic Committee rules need review" Australian Human Rights Commission

Newsletter date: 6 August 2012

* NIT: Damien Hooper, strikes trouble for wearing T-shirt with the Aboriginal flag to his Olympic Games debut
* AHRC: International Olympic Committee rules need review
* Background to Damien Hooper wearing the Aboriginal flag
* Misha Schubert: NT poll a judgment on intervention from the people most affected
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* ABC: Council implored to oppose Muckaty nuclear dump

Where all is competitiveness To be aggressive is completely encouraged

Where all is competitiveness
To be aggressive is completely encouraged
It is even a strict normality
And to want to refuse any aggressiveness
Is regarded as perfect abnormality
Aggressiveness with its staphylococcus aureus
This spiral logarithmic curve of a Zeus
That more no antibiotic can stop
Through everywhere, to have misused it
Thus let us go to the attack of all the chokes
In order to more make us have
All that is in a standard
Return within a framework of normality
All that is of another form
Is in the dustbin of the abnormality
One perhaps large

Iceland's amazing and peaceful revolution - still not in the news

Iceland’s peaceful revolution is a stunning example of how little our media tells us about the rest of the world.
An article at WakeUpWorld says that “The Icelandic economy will outgrow the eurozone in 2012 and is set to outgrow the entire developed world on average, according to estimates.
Now Iceland is proceeding to actually prosecute some of their formerly most powerful bankers and the Icelandic special prosecutor has stated that it very well may indict some 90 people.