Green Left Weekly backs war on Syria

By Tim Anderson
In a betrayal of all decent principles of solidarity and anti-imperialism, Green Left Weekly has jumped on the bandwagon of war against the independent nation of Syria. Apparent acceptance of the corporate media line that the ‘Assad regime’ is on its last legs seems to have encouraged this attack.

In his 12 August article Tony Iltis discounts the possibility of Syrian resistance, claiming that the Syrian government ‘no longer controls the country’ and that the ‘50 year role of the Ba’ath party … looks to be effectively over’. He goes on to assert that, while ‘anti-democratic forces have become more prominent within the opposition … most FSA (‘Free Syrian Army’) groups are not foreign armed’ and that sectarianism comes more from the government than from the FSA.

Another article by Reese Erlich, reprinted from a US website on 26 August, presents the romantic view of an FSA group leader who is against the fundamentalists and against foreign intervention. Nevertheless he, like all other FSA groups, wants a Libyan style ‘no fly zone’ – that is, bombing of Syria in support of an FSA takeover. The FSA know very well they have no hope of success against the Syrian army without direct US-NATO military backing.

This pro-FSA line goes against the better instincts of many of those who have worked with the GLW / Socialist Alliance group. Some have taken more seriously the group’s solidarity with Venezuela and Cuba, and have listened to the arguments for international solidarity coming from Latin America and best expressed by the eight-nation ALBA group, earlier this year:

“The Heads of State and Government of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America ratified their rejection of the systematic intervention and destabilization policy in the sister nation of the Arab Republic of Syria aimed at forcefully imposing a change of regime to the Syrian people … condemned the acts of armed violence that irregular groups supported by foreign powers have unleashed against the Syrian people, and fervently hope that calm and a peace are restored in the Syrian society … reasserted their support for the policy of reforms and national dialogue bolstered by President Bashar Al Assad, which are intended to find a peaceful solution to the current crisis, with respect for the Syrian people’s sovereignty and the territorial integrity of that Arab sister nation.”

Such ideas are apparently not shared by the GLW leadership. They don’t listen, and they refuse to acknowledge some basic facts:

- The armed attacks on the Syrian state (not just the government) were foreign backed and sectarian from the start, back in Daraa in March 2011;
- Vicious religious sectarianism is the central to the FSA attacks on Syria’s strong secular state;
- Saudi Arabia and Qatar have been used as conduits for US-NATO weapons precisely because the fundamentalist leadership of the FSA does not want direct western links, even though they depend on and demand outside air power.

The latest GLW article romanticises a ‘poster boy’ FSA leader in Aleppo who opposes the fundamentalists and refuses western arms (yet in the same breath demands a ‘no fly zone’). But the paper said nothing about appalling atrocities committed by the FSA in Aleppo, such as the kidnapping, torture and executions of pro-government people, mostly civilians, even when these crimes have been widely reported on YouTube and even in the corporate media.

GLW did nothing to oppose the destruction of the Libyan state, they support the current attacks on Syria and they are likely to support attacks on Iran, a country more vulnerable to human rights criticisms than Syria.

Nevertheless, Iran, like Syria and Libya, deserves support as an independent nation confronted with imperial aggression. People must maintain the right to determine their own systems and build their own nations. That has always been the founding post-colonial principle – but a principle the GLW leadership does not seem to understand. So, stupidly and opportunistically, they back imperial war.



"People must maintain the right to determine their own systems and build their own nations."

It always amazes me how some people think that a dictatorship that kills its own citizens is equivilent to letting the people of that country "determine their own systems and build their own nations".

Read Tony Iltis' article

It clearly does not *back* the Saudi-Western backed FSA.

Nor does it support the Assad regime's attacks on its own people.

Those who say you *have* to back Assad or else you *are* supporting the West-Saudi interference in Syria are simply wrong.

The National Co-ordination Body for Democratic Change (NCBDC) in Syria has opposed Western direct and indirect intervention and blamed Western aid for the increasingly religious-sectarian nature of the conflict. They do not support the Assad regime.

The argument that Assad is a great anti-imperialist fighter is absurd for many reasons.

Firstly there's the fact that any "anti-imperialist" rhetoric he uses is complete bullshit: he's been complacent with US imperialism in the region when it suits him (example: supporting the First Gulf War).

Secondly, it conveniently leaves out the fact that Russia and China are backing Assad. So to say that Assad is an anti-imperialist, you have to either argue that Russia and China aren't imperialist nations (remind anyone of Stalinism?), or completely change the meaning of "Imperialism" to only refer to US backed military intervention.

Green Left Weekly used to be so informative, I hope it hasn't turned.
It's not run by the political Greens by the way.
Haven't read the news they put out on Syria as stopped reading their rags since they closed the website on comments about our Australian Forced Baby Adoptions.
Green Left Weekly takes you so far then sometimes doesn't want you to hear what the civilians of Australia or elsewhere have to say. They want to have their say however.
For all the good they do cool.
If or for they're supporting any wars, suppressing people's voices in these or other news streams, they'll lose their patronage and support.
That would be a shame as Green Left Weekly used to have a lot of good hard copy as well as online news media.
I'll have to look at this a bit more before making any informed comment or judgement further.
I'm very against GLW closing the Senate Inquiry into forced adoptions website; disallowing people to go online and report their knowledge about that Ausalian social injustice. Have they done this with other social issues they deem not worth further discussion, debate etc.
Has someone got to them now they're aiming for television airing, what's going on with GLW?
They want a lot, have to give the civilians of Australia and elsewhere their voices, allow the comments to keep going, not drop them as if the civilians comments don't matter, they GLW are civilians too.
GLW need to have a look at their ways and means with more humanity.I'll rebuy the rag when they do.
I'll re-read their online news when they do.
If they've supported war on Syria, this is bloody rediculous, leaves a lot of questions to be asked of the editors and whole journalistic team at GLW.
Could be some confusion here, I'm investigating this with my colleague.

as the church widens for patronage so has their message watered down to a thin layer so they can get a wider audience just like the australian greens but they become something else, rather than stay true to what they were about, changing the systems but like the australian greens the green left weekly and socialist alliance are becoming more like the system to get into the system like television opportunity

they are trying to come across as less controversial and radical and come across as social commentators but without challenging opinions blogged or as letters from the audience

like the australian greens they are ceasing to listen to the members and supporters and become more about themselves and their party room so to speak

the cause was strong when it was open to the members and supporters but hierarchy always becomes like plebiscite and power unto thyself

from the inside

too right mate, the glw is nothing more than a tabloid now, a tabloid of the few, for the few, with a mish mash of soft opinions and the odd john pilger copy and paste, the glw is just another mouthpiece securing votes for the oz greens anc certainly they are no coherent voice of any coherent left

the real left in oz mate is just some individuals who the centrists and moderates like the glw cut out rather than give rise to in their glory searches for overseas commentators like pilger and chomsky or any television celebrity

Thank you Tim for this insightful article. GLW is silent on the crimes committed by the terrorists (FSA & SNC), therefore GLW is aiding and abeting by not denouncing their crimes. Good point. Keep at it.