WGAR News: "Stronger Futures legislation may not comply with Australia's human rights obligations"

Newsletter date: 3 August 2012

* Amnesty: Resolutions passed at our 2012 National AGM
* Background: Calls for 'Stronger Futures' laws to be subject to Human Rights scrutiny
* Geoff Scott: In the Trenches: A nation united in harming our most vulnerable
* Tracker: UN pressure continues on Gillard’s Stronger Futures
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Adam Brereton: Olympians Can't Leave Politics At Home
* Pro Bono News: Community Doco [Freedom Ride: 40 Years On] Named as Award Finalist
* Tracker: WA to review Kimberley gas hub decision
* Greens Rachel Siewert: Saving the Kimberley
* Background to Walmadan Tent Embassy, James Price Point, north of Broome, Kimberley Region, WA
* Background to the Aboriginal tent embassies
* Interview with Tully, one of the organisers of Lizard’s Revenge
* Background to expansion of Olympic Dam mine challenge
* Other articles


- Resolutions

Amnesty International Australia: Resolutions passed at our 2012 National Annual General Meeting
25 Jul 12: "Resolution 3:
NAGM 2012:
* Expresses outrage that the Stronger Futures legislation has been passed without free, prior and informed consent of the affected Indigenous communities.
* Is gravely concerned that the Stronger Futures legislation may not comply with Australia's human rights obligations.
* Voices its support for the Indigenous groups and organisations that have made statements critical of the Stronger Futures legislation. ... "

- Related News

Amnesty International Australia: Stronger Futures puts shame to Australia’s human rights record
29 Jun 12: "The passing of the Stronger Futures Bills today represents the Government's blatant disregard for its human rights obligations, Amnesty International has said. The organisation has condemned the legislation package passed by the Senate as a failure to meet international human rights standards, and the continued disempowerment of Aboriginal Peoples in the Northern Territory. ... "By not subjecting the Bills to scrutiny under the Parliamentary Human Rights Committee, the Government has missed its opportunity to respect the rights of Aboriginal Peoples in the NT, leaving the people who will bear the brunt of these policies under continued Government control for the next decade," said Monica Morgan."


Last updated: 2 August 2012



- News

newsTracker: In the Trenches: A nation united in harming our most vulnerable
1 Aug 12: "NATIONAL: The Australian Government has treated Aboriginal people with contempt. And in the process of trying to hide its actions internationally, it’s also disgraced this country before the United Nations, writes GEOFF SCOTT. ... The fifth anniversary of the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples falls on September 13, 2012. ... The Australian Government is, as I write this, putting into effect its perversely named 'Stronger Futures' legislation, which will place Aboriginal people under a racist, discriminatory regime for at least the next 10 years." By Geoff Scott, a Wiradjuri man, CEO of the NSW Aboriginal Land Council, Associate Professor with the University of Technology Sydney, over 25 years experience in the public service working in Indigenous policy


- News

UN pressure continues on Gillard’s Stronger Futures
newsTracker: http://tracker.org.au/2012/08/un-pressure-continues-on-gillards-stronger...
Perth Now: http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/breaking-news/australian-intervention-co...
2 Aug 12: "THE United Nations human rights commissioner fears the continuation of a federal government intervention program in Northern Territory Aboriginal communities won't benefit indigenous people. The Labor government's Stronger Futures legislation, passed by parliament in late June, continues for another 10 years the program begun under the Howard coalition government to address abuse and drunkenness. But the laws have been widely opposed by Northern Territory indigenous communities."


- News

ABC: Funding increase for Territory outstations
1 Aug 12: "The Northern Territory Government has announced it is increasing the amount of money it will spend on the Territory's 500 remote Indigenous outstations from next year. The Chief Minister Paul Henderson and the Indigenous Development Minister Malarndirri McCarthy are travelling to the remote Gan Gan Outstation, south of Nhulunbuy, to announce the funding increase. The Federal Government has already committed $200 million over 10 years for outstations. The Territory Government is now committing $100 million more over the next decade."

- Audio

Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association:
2 Aug 12: "Australia’s peak Aboriginal and Torres strait Islander representative body says it will make itself more available to people in the Northern Territory to hear their views about the Stronger Futures legislation."

Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association:
1 Aug 12: "The Federal Minister for Indigenous Health has rejected ongoing criticism of the Gillard Labor governments Stronger Futures Legislation in the Northern Territory and says those opposed to it have no idea what the Government is doing."


Last updated: 1 August 2012



Last updated: 1 August 2012




WGAR News: Congress: No apology needed for being proudly Aboriginal (1 Aug 12)

- Analysis / Opinion

New Matilda: Olympians Can't Leave Politics At Home
1 Aug 12: "Damien Hooper wore the Indigenous flag in a genuine outburst of political goodwill. The IOC, on the other hand, is all too ready to abandon the spirit of fair play, writes Adam Brereton. ... So let’s abandon the idea that the Games aren’t a place for politics. The real political interventions are on the part of the IOC and its associated national and code bodies. Genuine outbursts of political goodwill like Damien Hooper’s t-shirt are suppressed, while the powers-that-be will abandon the spirit of fair play that is the cornerstone of their organisation in order to avoid scandal." By Adam Brereton, Associate Editor of New Matilda, former Editor of Woroni - the ANU student newspaper, contributer to publications Arena Magazine and Crikey

- Related Analysis / Opinion

The Conversation: Damien Hooper, the Aboriginal flag and the right to freedom of speech
2 Aug 12: "There are many people who would like us to believe that sport and politics should never mix. The reason for this is sport is seen as the pure and noble practice where champions arrive after hard work and application and chancers and cheats are found out. Politics is seen as grubby and cynical, where body blows become part of the national discussion and big decisions come with small movements of the policy makers pen. But sport and politics have always been entangled. To take one from the other would be like taking a mother out of motherhood. Impossible and implausible." By Sean Gorman, Research fellow at Curtin University, studied and worked in the Indigenous Studies field for nearly 20 years

- Related Audio

Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association:
2 Aug 12: "Melbourne based social commentator has added his voice to growing calls for the Aboriginal flag to be legitimately recognised alongside the Australian flag."

audioBoo: Damian Hooper's statement - comments by Prof. Waterhouse
1 Aug 12: "Indigenous Australian boxer, Damian Hooper was forced to apologise after wearing a t-shirt featuring the Aboriginal flag into his first round bout, in lieu of his official uniform. Professor Richard Waterhouse, an Emeritus Professor in History and an Authority on Race in Sport spoke with Richard Glover on ABC's 702 Drive program."

Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association:
1 Aug 12: "Australian Aboriginal and Torres strait Islander representative body has shown its support for Olympic Boxer Damien Hooper and says he has nothing to apologise for being proud of who he is and where he came from."

- Related News

Koori Mail: Hooper sends love to supporters
[scroll down page] http://www.koorimail.com/index.php
1 Aug 12: "Damien Hooper. "Knowing use (sic) are all behind me back home gives me extra strength. Aussie Aussie Aussie!!" he posted on facebook this morning. ... OLYMPIC boxer Damien Hooper (pictured) has confirmed that he won't wear his Aboriginal flag t-shirt again while competing in the London games. "Unfortunately I can't wear my shirt again due to IOC rules but I'm so proud I did it n (was able to) represent. Lots of love!" he posted on Facebook this morning. Describing as 'awesome' the support he received after wearing the t-shirt into his opening bout against American Marcus Brown, Hooper said he was nervous but couldn't wait for his next fight on Saturday against former world heavyweight champion Russian Egor Mekhontcev."

ninemsn: Indigenous support for Hooper flag action
1 Aug 12: "Indigenous leaders have rallied behind Australian boxer Damien Hooper, saying he should not have to apologise for wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with an Aboriginal flag to his opening bout at the Olympic Games. Hooper, who wore the t-shirt into the ring before beating American Marcus Browne, apologised to Australian team chef de mission Nick Green and promised not to do it again. ... Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Mick Gooda said the rules should be changed because indigenous flags are recognised as official flags of Australia, ... "

Forbes Advocate: Indigenous leaders want rules changed
1 Aug 12: "INDIGENOUS leaders say the Olympic rules that outlaw Aboriginal flags at the Games should change, and have called on the Australian Olympic Committee to lobby for the longstanding protocol to be overturned. Dual Olympian 110-metre hurdler Kyle Vander Kuyp, former world champion boxer Anthony Mundine, and former politician and activist Phil Cleary - who said recognising both flags at the Games would ''affirm our real history and be a major act of reconciliation'' - led the voices supporting boxer Damien Hooper who breached International Olympic Committee rules ... "

The Standard: Clark: fly flag high and proud - just like Cathy
1 Aug 12: "THE Australian Olympic team and International Olympic Committee (IOC) are ignoring the set precedent for Aboriginal athletes displaying their flag, according to indigenous activist Geoff Clark. Team officials at London have warned Australian boxer Damien Hooper not to repeat his ring entrance with the Aboriginal flag emblazoned across his T-shirt before his opening match this week. But Mr Clark yesterday called on the IOC to recognise that sprinter Cathy Freeman was allowed to display the gazetted flag at the Sydney Olympics."

ABC Far North Queensland: Fighter questions Olympic Committee's stance on Aboriginal flag
1 Aug 12: "A far north Queensland Olympian has spoken out in support of boxer Damien Hooper's decision to wear a shirt bearing the Aboriginal flag before an Olympic bout. Paul Fleming fought as a featherweight in the 2008 Beijing Games losing in the first round to eventual silver medallist Khedafi Djelkhir. Mr Fleming, whose mother is a Malanjali and Waka Waka woman, said he was surprised by the stir Mr Hooper's shirt had caused. "He's a proud Aboriginal person and to me, I don't see anything wrong with it," he said. "They've made such a big thing out of it and it's not that big of a deal.""

Koori Mail: Flag uproar 'bureaucratic insanity'
[scroll down page] http://www.koorimail.com/index.php
31 Jul 12: "THE National Congress of Australia's First Peoples says Aboriginal boxer Damien Hooper has nothing to apologise for, after he upset Australian Olympic officials by wearing an Aboriginal flag t-shirt into the ring for his first Olympic bout yesterday. There've been reports that Hooper has apologised and agreed not to wear the t-shirt again but the Congress says the 20-year-old Queenslander has a right to show his identity as both Aboriginal and Australian. The representative body has issued a statement encouraging the Australian Olympic Committee to find a way through 'this bureaucratic insanity'."

newsTracker: Hooper warned not to wear Aboriginal flag again
31 Jul 12: "NATIONAL: He did it for his people, but officials are warning Aboriginal boxer Damien Hooper not to repeat his entry to the Olympic ring with the Aboriginal flag proudly emblazoned across his chest. Hooper, who hails from North Queensland, marked his Games debut by wearing a black T-shirt bearing the Aboriginal flag as he arrived for his impressive opening fight win against American Marcus Browne. It went against Australian team rules, which state athletes must only wear the official team uniform."

- Related Video

YouTube: Daniel Hooper: Aboriginal pride - includes fight footage
31 Jul 12: "7 News report"

YouTube: Damien Hooper:Off the Streets and Into the Ring
20 Aug 12: "When almost all was lost, Damien found boxing. Now off the streets, let's see what's waiting for him in the ring. Find out more at www.whyohgee.sg "


- News

Pro Bono News: Community Doco Named as Award Finalist
31 Jul 12: " A community anti-racist documentary produced on a $5000 grant has been named as a finalist in the Deadlies, the national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts and community awards, alongside acclaimed ABC drama "Mabo" and documentary, "The Tall Man". The film, entitled "Freedom Ride: 40 Years On", follows a group of Aboriginal and non-Indigenous young people as they retrace the journey of the historic 1965 Freedom Ride through regional NSW. It features extensive interviews with Aboriginal community members reflecting on the face of racism today, and the future for reconciliation."


- News

newsTracker: WA to review Kimberley gas hub decision
1 Aug 12: "WESTERN AUSTRALIA: The West Australian government is reviewing a decision to allow Woodside Petroleum’s proposed $30 billion Kimberley gas hub, because of the weight of opposition to it. Environment Minister Bill Marmion announced on Tuesday he had appointed former CSIRO chief executive Roy Green to review almost 250 appeals against the state’s Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) report recommending the Browse LNG project go ahead."

- Related News

newsTracker: No extra police for Brown’s gas hub protest
2 Aug 12: "WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Police have denied reports extra officers will be sent to Broome as Bob Brown joins protesters campaigning against Woodside’s Browse gas hub. The former Greens leader is currently on board the Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin as it sails to Western Australia’s Kimberley region to protest against the proposed $30 billion development at James Price Point north of Broome, particularly its impact on whales. Media reports on Wednesday suggested 120 police officers would be sent to Broome this weekend for Sea Shepherd’s arrival."


- Compilations

Greens Rachel Siewert: Saving the Kimberley
"The Australian Greens are continuing efforts to prevent the development of an LNG hub at James Price Point in the Kimberley region of WA.
We believe that James Price Point is not a suitable location for an LNG processing hub and that such a development will have long term negative impacts across the region.
A recent WA Supreme Court ruling- that the compulsory acquisition process undertaken by the WA Government was invalid- must lead to a complete review of the development.
The threat of compulsory acquisition was a significant factor in the deal struck with the Kimberley Land Council. The WA Government undermined the negotiation process by virtue of this threat, which has led to ongoing community dissent and unrest. ... "

Greens Rachel Siewert: The Kimberley & Northern Australia
"The Kimberley and Northern Australia are iconic regions under threat from the expansion of unsustainable industries which pose a cultural and environmental threat. The short term gains of exploiting natural resources cannot justify the long term cost of damaging this unique area. We are committed to protecting the region’s wilderness areas, coasts and rivers and to supporting and adequate resourcing of communities."


Repect and Listen: Save the Kimberley - Thinking of Walmadan (Christmas Eve 2011)
[James Price Point, north of Broome, Kimberley Region, WA]

WGAR News: Gerry Georgatos: Police amassing at James Price Point (16 May 12)
[scroll down page] http://indymedia.org.au/2012/05/16/wgar-news-brisbane-city-council-to-tr...
[James Price Point, north of Broome, Kimberley Region, WA]

WGAR News: Gerry Georgatos: Woodside and the shire of Broome taken to the Supreme Court by Elder (30 May 12)
[scroll down page] http://indymedia.org.au/2012/05/30/wgar-news-ampilatwatja-community-lead...
[James Price Point, north of Broome, Kimberley Region, WA]

WGAR News: "James Price Point is simply too valuable to be given over to industrialisation" Greens (20 Jul 12)
[James Price Point, north of Broome, Kimberley Region, WA]

WGAR News: "Bob Brown: why I’m leading the Sea Shepherd to the Kimberley" Crikey (28 Jul 12)
[James Price Point, north of Broome, Kimberley Region, WA]

Sovereign Union: Walmadan Tent Embassy (James Price Point)
[James Price Point, north of Broome, Kimberley Region, WA]


Facebook: Goolarabooloo and Lurujarri Heritage Trail

Hands off Country:

Kimberley Campaigner - Background

Save The Kimberley: Wilderness. Culture. Heritage


Last updated: 29 July 2012



- Audio Interview

3CR Community Radio 855 AM - Podcasts
[scroll down page] http://www.3cr.org.au/podcast
Radioactive Show - 29 Jul 2012
[download the program] http://pod.3cr.org.au/pod/3CRCast-2012-07-28-95365.mp3
29 Jul 12: "We talk to Tully, one of the organisers of Lizard’s Revenge, and Raff, one of the people arrested for the Breakfast Not Bombs action on the road to Olympic Dam. We also hear from Marcus Atkinson about what’s up in WA anti-nuclear business including the pinata-bashing at the Australian Uranium Conference last week and the upcoming protest walk "Walk Away From Uranium Mining"."

- Past Event

Event: 14 to 18 (or 20) July 2012: Olympic Dam, SA
The Lizard's Revenge:
Olympic Dam expansion music/art/festival/protest
"Sleeping underneath the ground there is an old lizard,
Kalta the sleepy lizard. The lizard ain’t so sleepy anymore.
BHP is mining right into that Lizards body. The government
has just approved an expansion of the Olympic Dam uranium
mine, making it the biggest uranium mine in the world.
Kalta is angry and wants revenge.
Arabana elder Kevin Buzzacot is calling the people of the
world to help the lizard shut down the mine. He is calling
for people to come and heal the land in the name of peace
and justice for the next 10,000 generations to come."
Event details: http://indymedia.org.au/the-lizards-revenge-olympic-dam-expansion-musica...
Background: http://londonminingnetwork.org/2011/10/australia-approves-20-30bn-bhp-bi...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/224524544273924
Website: http://lizardsrevenge.net/
Road Trip for Change Tue 3 - Fri 20 July 2012: http://indymedia.org.au/road-trip-for-change-step-outback-and-learn-from...
Invitation from uncle Kevin Buzzacott: http://bhpbillitonwatch.net/2012/06/16/invitation-to-the-lizards-revenge/


Last updated: 3 August 2012



- News

National Indigenous Radio Service: APY Lands resident contradicts income management reports
1 Aug 12: "An executive member of the APY Lands Council says people in the remote South Australian communities don't want income management in their region. This comes despite recent media reports suggesting some senior APY women want the strategy to be rolled-out in an attempt to address social problems. But Murray George says he travelled to six community meetings on income management in May, where people overwhelmingly rejected proposals to introduce it. Mr. George says many Aboriginal people don't understand the concept."

National Indigenous Radio Service: Gomeroi man: So-called Indigneous 'leaders' don't represent us
1 Aug 12: "A Gomeroi man from Moree in northern New South Wales has criticised the media and governments for referring to prominent Indigenous public figures as 'leaders'. Alf Priestley is an advocate for Indigenous sovereignty. He says individual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island communities and countries should be able to decide who their own leaders are, not the mainstream media."

Koori Mail: Plans for Aboriginal 'refugee camps'
[scroll down page] http://www.koorimail.com/index.php
31 Jul 12: "THE Indigenous Sovereign Union led by Aboriginal Tent Embassy co-founder Michael Anderson says it will establish an Aboriginal 'refugee camp' in northern NSW in the coming months. About 50 people attended a gathering of the self-proclaimed national unity government in Moree at the weekend and resolved to establish such camps encompassing self-help and education programs as well as separate police and judicial systems. The group also plans to issue 'citizenship identity cards' in their respective Aboriginal nations and to appeal to international organisations and overseas countries for assistance. Michael Anderson told the Koori Mail a further meeting would be held this Sunday and the location of the first refugee camp revealed after that. "Once we start this one up and get the process up and running, a lot of people will no doubt follow," he said. "We need to get runs on the board and get focused and show people there is a way.""

- Audio

ABC PM: APY leaders wary of Federal Govt store review
1 Aug 12: "Leaders from a group of Aboriginal communities that have been enduring hunger and poor nutrition say they fear a government proposal to take over their stores. They say the community-owned stores in South Australia's remote APY Lands may have to increase food prices because they'll be required to run at a profit instead of being subsidised. But the Federal Government says it needs to make the stores more sustainable. Jeff Waters travelled to north-western South Australia to file this report."

Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association:
31 Jul 12: "* A former National President of the Australian Labor Party has urged the Gillard government to start listening to Aboriginal people.
* Warren Mundine the first Indigenous Australian to serve as President of an Australian political party has challenged the Government to come on board with Indigenous people, Indigenous communities and industries across the country and start making things happen for his people as far as real jobs
* Senior APY leader rejects claims that communities want income management."

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About WGAR News:


Subscription to 'WGAR News' is free.

'WGAR News' monitors the media, including alternative media, focusing on:

* the Australian Federal government intervention into Northern Territory (NT) Aboriginal communities;
* the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and tent embassies;
* other Aboriginal rights issues; and
* upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia.

'WGAR News' publishes information and opinions from a wide range of sources. These opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of WGAR.

The e-newsletters include media releases, opinion pieces, news items and events. Subscribers can expect to receive about 4 e-newsletters each week.

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WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)
WGAR Website: http://wgar.wordpress.com/


How did we all let this happen to our NT brothers and sisters? How can we assist them now? This is blatant racism and, of course totally against human rights principles. Not only that, I have heard that Bankstown has been Chosen as a pilot for the new site for Income Management. Is Australia to become one massive Police State with Federal government and bureaucrats in control? Does anyone know Labour’s incidious plans for the future? Regards. Ros.