Moree sovereign union government gathering

Establishing the Goomeroi Sovereign Embassy in Moree


Saturday Jul 28
8.30 - 9.30 Registration of delegates and participants at Moree Embassy
10am. March through main street of Moree then to Embassy
11am welcome to Country and Dance of the Warriors
11.30. Introduction to Sovereign Union & Interim Government agenda for
28 - 29 July by Michael Anderson Euahlayi/Gomeroi
11.45. comments, questions and suggestions, additions and alterations to
Proposed agenda. Adopt agenda.
12.00. Feedback on developments and progress of the Sovereign Union
Facilitator: Toni Madden, Karuah
12.30. Lunch
1.30. Crown and Australia governments' responses to enquiries and
assertions of sovereignty
Facilitator: Alf Priestly, Gomeroi
Presenters: Fred Hooper, Murrawarri, Neville Chappy Williams,
Wiradjuri, Adrian Burragubbar, Wirdi and Michael Anderson, Euahlayi/Gomeroi
2.30. Asserting Sovereignty - Strategies for ways forward
Facilitator: Judulu, Yarrabah
Explanation by Michael Anderson
Q & A
3.00. Afternoon tea
3.15. Workshops on strategies for ways forward to assert sovereignty
4.45. Workshop reports to full gathering
Facilitator: Fred Hooper

5.30. Yarn Up and Sing- a-longs at the Embassy's fires

Sunday 29 July
9.00. Need for unity and alliances - Open Session
Facilitator: Donna Jackson, Larrakia nation, Darwin tbc
Presenter: Lara Pullin, Gundugarra, tbc
Coco Wharton, Kooma nation
10.30. Morning tea
11.00. Self-determination and governance
Facilitator: Adrian Burragubbar, Wirdi nation
Topics: United Nations Charter and UN resolutions on "Friendly
Relations " 1981
Community policing
Establishing First Nations judicial systems
Presenters: Alf Priestly and Michael Anderson
11.30. Workshop on above issues
12.30. Lunch
1.30. Feedback from workshops
2.00. International actions
Facilitator: Sandra Onus, Portland Aboriginal Embassy tbc
Presenters: Lara Pullin, Michael Anderson and other voluntary
3.00. Afternoon tea
3.30. Establishing Sovereign Union Secretariat and information bureau
Facilitator: Madeline McGrady, Gomeroi
Open and general discussion
4.00. Role of non-Aboriginal supporters in the Sovereignty movement and
The Sovereign Union
Facilitator: Dootch Kennedy, Kuradji Aboriginal Embassy,
Point and Alessandro Pelizzon
4.45. Announcement of next gathering of Sovereign Union Interim Government
and Closing ceremony - Alf Priestly

Hillary writes:

Talking is over it is now time for becoming pro-active in the sovereignty movement. If we are to be successful, we must take ownership of our movement and affairs. We must stand up and fight for what is our inherent rights. This is our country and we do have a stake in what happens on and to our country.
We must now find solutions, because the fascist Australian government will not talk us the fighters. They hide behind their uncle Toms and Aunt Mary's.
Nobody says liberation struggles are easy. In fact to be successful, sacrifices will have to be made, without these efforts we will not prevail.
We cannot permit ourselves to be divided and we must remain firm and committed to the cause.
Know who your enemy is. We must remain focused and let unity be our force.