
WGAR News: "To make Native Title meaningful government must ...Drop proof of ownership" NIT

Newsletter date: 11 June 2012

* NIT: To make Native Title meaningful government must ...Drop proof of ownership
* Michael Anderson: Mabo Judges Perverted The Course Of Justice
* Congress: Keep door open for more substantial Native Title reform
* Mick Gooda: Native title reform could go closer to fulfilling Mabo's legacy
* Greens Rachel Siewert: Onus of proof omission a native title letdown
* The Wire: Native Title reform fails to make key change to law
* Mabo and Native Title News

See it to believe it: 3 minute video clip - two human rights activists charged for singing Christmas Carols

Human Rights belong to everyone

Our justice system struggles to find the time to prosecute major criminality however has the time to persecute ordinary folk in the business of awareness-raising

Rally outside the Perth Magistrate Court on June 28

Expose about two pro-Palestine activists facing court on June 28, 2012 in Perth, Australia.

Miranda Wood and Alex Bainbridge were charged with trespass for singing modified Christmas carols in December 2011. They face a two day trial beginning 28 June 2012.

Background to support for the Yolngu statement and opposition to the 'Stronger Futures' laws

Last updated: 8 July 2013


* Yolngu Nations Assembly Statements and Media Releases

* Compilations calling for:
support for the Yolngu statement of 24 April 2012 and
the abandonment of the Stronger Futures laws

* Supportive Statements, Media Releases and News (14 March 2012 - 8 July 2013)


WGAR News: Yolngu Nations Assembly Statement concerning 'Stronger Futures' laws and NT policies (4 May 12)

WGAR News: Even more organisations state support for the Yolngu Nations Assembly Statement

Newsletter date: 10 June 2012

* ARDS welcomes the Yolngu Nations Assembly’s decision to reject the federal government’s Stronger Futures Bill
* CORE supports the Yolngu Nations Assembly Statement and calls on all Senators to vote against the Stronger Futures Bills
* UNOH: A statement of support for Yolngu Nations Assembly’s rejection of 'Stronger Futures' Bills
* HRLC Statement in support of the Yolnu Nations Assembly Statement
* ACSJC: "An alternative to the 'Stronger Futures' legislation must be found"
* Women’s Web Statement re Stronger Futures Legislation

From the cradle to the grave one injustice after another - Rex Bellotti Jr

Gerry Georgatos
Three and half years have passed since a police-four-wheel-drive struck down 15 year old Rex Bellotti Jr, dragging him underneath the undercarriage of the vehicle, nearly amputing his right leg at the knee which hung on by torn tendons.

The WA Police have languished in their duty to settle the insurance pay out to the Bellotti family who are now bitterly in debt to meet the costs of convalescence for their eldest child, and as they watch the trauma of being blind-sided by the WA Police impact upon their five other children.


Drones, etc.

See the evidence that murderous usa seeks to reduce Mankind to a trembling, fearful species, as may be needed to control earth & space.

Gentlemen- I hope and pray that Pakistan may be free from the assassins and mass murderers of the United States of America (the assassination nation). Best Wishes to each of you. geral.

Drones & Directed Energy Assaults are used for two purposes:
1) mass murder
2) kill the will of man.

Understand that the wholesale killing and torturing of people globally by
the fbi/cia/pentagon, and their operatives is executed by any means



- Support the resistence fight of the indigenenous people from Xingu and Teles Pires Rivers in the Amazon Forest - They are suffering state and farmers violence, treat by the mega-damns, and other projects, in a conspiration of silence; It’s time to let the voice of those who have something to say be heard! -

We are asking your support to help the noble representatives of the Mebengokré (Kayapó), Yudjá (Juruna), Kayabi, Trumai, Tapayuna, Panará, Apyaká, Terena from Iririr and Guarani from Pyakabana peoples travel to Rio+20/ People’s Summit, which starts next week in Rio de Janeiro.

Human Rights Alliance media release - The Australian Government is lying - they told me they knew, and face to face

The piecemeal release of a score of Indonesian children from adult prisons is not enough

Another four children have been released from Australian adult prisons, following the three children released several weeks back, and therefore they were wrongly convicted. It is good they are going home to their families.

Yachties may be banned from sailing on Australia's lake below the sea

The Arabana people are rejoicing after their native title rights to the Lake Eyre area in central Australia were acknowledged recently by the Federal Court...but members of one local club fear the decision could lead to their traditional, common law rights being drained from under them.

Lake Eyre Yacht Club members try to sail on the lake on the rare occasions when it fills (once every few years on average...but every year recently).

Psychogéographie paraphysique

Patrice Faubert (2012) pouète, puète, peuète, paraphysicien, Pat dit l'invité sur ""

It is necessary for us to make
A psychogeography of the commonplaces
It is necessary for us to make
A psychogeography of the prejudices
It is necessary for us to make
A psychogeography of the value judgments
Thus there are people well everywhere
Thus there are idiots and bitches everywhere
There are idiots and bitches among anarchists
And of people well among anarchists
There are people well at the Communists

The Shortwave Report (June 8) Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (June 8) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

The Shortwave Report (June 8) Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (June 8) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Support same-sex marriage in Australia

An upper house motion to allow same-sex marriage has passed in New South Wales, which now joins Tasmania and the Capital Territory on ending the ban. This is a historic moment in Australian history. But the argument’s not over yet.

Click to add your name if you agree that same-sex couples deserve marriage rights too. »

Open letter to arch-enemy Billionaire Charles Koch now on Youtube! Charles Koch you suck!

This i found on Youtube when i was ACTUALLY researching the StreetArtist BANKSY,DeWeaver and Banksy are old mates and oddly enough have the same sort of furious rage against big corporations.This was on DeWeaver's blog.
He's taking on BILLIONAIRES people!we need to get behind people like him and others if we're ever gonna get some change!
DeWeaver:"I felt this video completely necessary for the Koch brothers, my feelings on these two are hardly any secret by now, the video is completely appropriate for these two low lifes"!

The week that was, in nuclear news, by Christina Macpherson

Source articles and links for all these items can be found at and at


Can’t help it – I’ve had to go mostly for renewable energy news – so much more is really happening – world-wide – and on the brink in Australia. It’s happening at the grassroots – with solar panels popping up on more and more houses , and with campaigners like the Australian Youth Climate Coalition. New survey shows that 94% of Australians want big solar power development.

Mabo judges perverted the course of justice

By Michael Anderson
National Convenor of the Sovereign Union, National Unity Government

While the 1992Mabo judgement was a major milestone in Aboriginal history, we must remember that the judges in this case presented the same cowardice as Justice Blackburn in the Millirrpum Gove case in the 1970s.
