Drones, etc.

See the evidence that murderous usa seeks to reduce Mankind to a trembling, fearful species, as may be needed to control earth & space.

Gentlemen- I hope and pray that Pakistan may be free from the assassins and mass murderers of the United States of America (the assassination nation). Best Wishes to each of you. geral.

Drones & Directed Energy Assaults are used for two purposes:
1) mass murder
2) kill the will of man.

Understand that the wholesale killing and torturing of people globally by
the fbi/cia/pentagon, and their operatives is executed by any means
available, including Drones, Directed Energy Weaponry, High Tech Chemical &
Biological Assaults.

The killers of this nation understand that mass murder
is not enough to stop the adversaries; one must also break the will of man
to defend his own country, his own life (& that of his family) and his own
sanity. Total psychological surrender is required.
Torture and the threat of torture are the new weaponry used by the United States Of America in
order to once and for all control all mankind and all nations. The USA's
own combat veterans and patriots are also subject to the deadly assaults
and torture. For more on torture see:


Early on in the efforts by the fbi to prevent me from reporting their
crimes, the fbi notified me that they will break me:
See broken toothpick message dated Feburary 8, 2002 at


For more info see:


