- Support the resistence fight of the indigenenous people from Xingu and Teles Pires Rivers in the Amazon Forest - They are suffering state and farmers violence, treat by the mega-damns, and other projects, in a conspiration of silence; It’s time to let the voice of those who have something to say be heard! -

We are asking your support to help the noble representatives of the Mebengokré (Kayapó), Yudjá (Juruna), Kayabi, Trumai, Tapayuna, Panará, Apyaká, Terena from Iririr and Guarani from Pyakabana peoples travel to Rio+20/ People’s Summit, which starts next week in Rio de Janeiro.

Going against the mainstream “green energy” propaganda which, in practice, means an incalculable advance of agriculture frontiers and the destruction of Amazon’s ecosystems and rivers, the Original Peoples of the area have been fighting with all their strength against the Criminal Projects imposed by the Brazilian government’s Growth Acceleration Plan (PAC), executed without proper consultation, and all the institutional massacre that the indigenous people have been suffering – the reason why both government and key NGOs which stack it have avoided helping to bring them to Rio.

This is cowardice – and lack of calculation – since besides the silencing and neutralization strategy, would prevent those who, living in society for millennia on the American continent, would be the most able people to speak about “governance” and “sustainability”.

That is why we are asking for your support, so next week when Rio+20/Peoples Summit starts, we will be able to listen to the indigenous peoples speaking through their own voices.

For those who wish to help, please, make a deposit to:
Instituto Raoni CC: 19 001-2, agência 1779-5 Banco do Brasil. Contact: 55-66-3541-3588.