
Drug Rehabilitation | Drug Information | Drug Education

Our overcrowded prisons are filled with offenders whose crimes involved drugs. Many of them were on drugs when they committed those crimes--and often the crime was committed to support their own drug habit.

But drug addiction and dependency are not happening just to the stereotypical "drug addict". People from all walks of life, and at all ages, are falling prey to drugs.


WGAR supports the Yolngu statement opposing the Stronger Futures laws


WGAR supports the Yolngu statement opposing the Stronger Futures laws

The Working Group for Aboriginal Rights stands in solidarity with the Yolngu Nations Assembly and strongly supports the Yolngu’s right to be independent and free nations living under their own Law.

Why Youth for Human Rights of Florida is sponsoring a fashion show?

Why Youth for Human Rights of Florida is sponsoring a fashion show?

On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights". The pursuit of human rights was a central reason for creating the UN. World War II atrocities and genocide led to a ready consensus that the new organization must work to prevent any similar tragedies in the future.

Justice for all: WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, the rights of the two women

“To radically shift regime behaviour we must think clearly and boldly for if we have learned anything, it is that regimes do not want to be changed. We must think beyond those who have gone before us and discover technological changes that embolden us with ways to act in which our forebears could not, “ Julian Assange.

Julian Assange is a 'war' hero in the battle of words and concepts, the argument for freedom of speech and the pursuit of various justices – however all sides, and there are many, in this war have their various heroes, some heralded like Julian, others not.


Julian Assange loses appeal against extradition - rallies to occur on the 31st of May

It has just been announced that Julian Assange has lost his appeal in the UK High Court against his extradition to Sweden. He legal team however has been granted a two week period to consider an appeal to have the case reopened on a technicality.


WGAR News: Ampilatwatja community leaders give their full support to Yolngu Nations Assembly

Newsletter date: 30 May 2012

* Leaders and Custodians from Ampilatwatja Community Australia give their full support to Yolngu Nations Assembly
* ALA applauds stance of Indigenous Elders against racist 'Stronger Futures' legislation
* Jeff McMullen: Fight for the homelands
* Punch: An NT intervention policy coming to a suburb near you
* Video of Jeff McMullen talking about "Stand for Freedom" campaign
* Stand for Freedom: The Kit
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention

Néo-malthusianisme et dénatalisme

Admittedly, overpopulation
Is enemy revolution
Admittedly, to make kids
In 2012, it is completely thrashes
It is complete insanity
It is criminal unconsciousness
It is a total misses decency
It is with the reason, the absence
And me, I never wanted children
And from this point of view, I am coherent
The women who were miennes
Of this option, endorsed
But the first which fought against the childbirth
That one makes undergo, with the women, by conditioning
Were anarchistic néo-Malthusians
Who practiced also clandestine abortions
Now, it is more the Neo-Malthusianism

Renters rights rally - WA - August 15, & national day of renters rights rallies - October 16

Gerry Georgatos
The Renters Alliance (RA) started only several months ago in Western Australia with a number of its original members from Bridgetown and the Blackwood region. The RA spokesperson Lea Keenan said the renters rights movement has spread Australia-wide after the RA was swamped with emails and calls from distressed renters.

To get involved write to

or phone 0430 657 309 or 0412 833 733


Bizarre QLD budget cut

Dear friends in Queensland,

If you heard about a program that was saving lives and dollars, while helping some of the most traumatised women in our society to heal and recover, you'd want to keep it running - right? With a budget of just $120,000 per year, the groundbreaking support program for women in prison, Sisters Inside, has been doing just that. Sisters Inside has been breaking the cycle of crime, poverty, trauma and recidivism.

Government accused of dipping into indigenous fund

From "The Australian"

ANGER is growing among indigenous leaders who oversee the Aboriginals Benefit Account, with committee members claiming the federal government is using the $400 million kitty as a slush fund.

ABA committee members have taken the unusual step of publicly criticising Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin over Labor's administration of the fund, amid tension between it and the ministry over funding decisions.

History sold out to the highest bidder

Gerry Georgatos
Premier Colin Barnett welcomed the announcement by Burrup Nitrates Pty Ltd that it will proceed with building a technical ammonium nitrate plant at an estimated investment of $800 million.

Premier Barnett also holds the ministerial portfolio of state development minister however just a few years ago he was calling for an end to development on the Burrup Peninsula.

Wiluna's folk unhappy about WA's first uranium mine

Gerry Georgatos
Aboriginal Elders from Wiluna have slammed WA's Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) in approving an application for a nearby uranium mine, and it now appears only a matter of time for the state government to approve the EPA decision.

The EPA has given their go-ahead for the Toro Energy company's proposal to develop the mine 30 kilometres from Wiluna - It will become WA's first uranium mine.

Walmandan Tent Embassy - young and old - will stand in the way of Woodside attempts to damage their heritage

Gerry Georgatos
Walmandan Tent Embassy has held strong for near a year at James Price Point however after it was recently uncovered that Woodside Petroleum had applied for clearances to drill on Aboriginal sacred sites it is clear that tensions between Traditional Owners and the state government backed Woodside-led-joint-venture to build a gas hub will escalate to new heights.

Goolarabooloo Senior Law Men Phillip and Joseph Roe, with family and community members are camped at Walmandan (the Goolarabooloo name for James Price Point).

WA's Aboriginal youth suffering

Gerry Georgatos
On the back of reports released on the well-being of Aboriginal youth, with figures tabled showing more than half of Aboriginal youth are developmentally vulnerable Western Australia's Commissioner for Children and Young People Michelle Scott has called upon the state for investment in programs.

Commissioner Scott released brief reports on "Indigenous education, risky behaviour and physical health" and said that the children were most vulnerable from their first year of school.

Government plans to squash Swan Valley Nyungahs with a park

Gerry Georgatos
Many of the Swan Valley Nyungah Community are still homeless after the government closed their community in Lockridge, Perth in 2003. Recently, Elder Herbert Bropho led a reclamation of the site for his peoples and he has refused to leave.

The site still maintains the rammed earth and mud houses which were home to many people however the state government announced that it is considering turning the heritage listed site into a "Nyoongar Park".