
Mission to shut down Darwin's Marine base launched at Lavarack Barracks, Townsville

Media Release 4 June 2012
A national campaign to shut down the recently established US Marine base in Darwin will be launched at the gates of Lavarack Barracks with an open mike Speak Out against the US Alliance and the unveiling of a mural. The campaign has been initiated by long time, itinerant peace activist, Graeme Dunstan of

Locals blockade Baillieu’s vandalism of iconic Yarra Valley mountain

Local residents and environmentalists have this morning (4th June) blockaded the Baillieu government’s logging of the Yarra Valley’s most iconic mountain, Mt St Leonard.

Last week, the Baillieu government’s logging company VicForests sent bulldozers in to Mt St Leonard, one of the most controversial logging locations of recent years. Logging on the side of Mt St Leonard can be viewed from as far away as Kinglake and has residents who survived the 2009 fires fuming.


De Pod 2012-06-02 mp3

Nachrichten Kommentar mit Wolfgang

Wetter Kriege, US Inc. ohne America, Julian Assange und die Australische Regierung, Spanishe Paella Bonds, Zirkus Australicus, Germanische Piraten, Nimbin Hookups, Australisches Jagen und Fischen in National Parks - Musik von Nicky Bomba

18:12 min 128 kbps stereo 17 MB

Aunty Bonita Mabo, wife of Eddie ‘Koiki’ Mabo: My reflections on the Mabo Decision 20 years on

Courtesy of The National Indigenous Times - Wednesday May 30 edition - Editor Stephen Hagan's interview with Aunty Bonita Mabo, wife of Eddie 'Koiki' Mabo

Who's your mob Aunty Bonita?

I was born in Ingham in north Queensland. My people (Neehows) are from the Malanbarra Clan from Palm Island on my mother's side.

My Dad can trace his people to Tanner Island in Vanuatu.


SEP meetings on June 10th: Defend Wikileaks editor Julian Assange

The Socialist Equality Party will be holding public meetings in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth on Sunday, June 10, to defend WikiLeaks’ editor and Australian citizen Julian Assange. The British Supreme Court has rejected his appeal against attempts to extradite him to Sweden on dubious sexual assault allegations, for which he has not even been charged. The Swedish authorities are functioning as nothing more than a tool of the US Obama administration, which wants to force Assange to Sweden.


Australian government backs US campaign against Syria

Reprinted from the WSWS By Peter Symonds 2 June 2012 The Australian Labor government has again demonstrated its role in international affairs as the loyal point man for Washington, with the announcement on Tuesday that two Syrian diplomats, including the chargĂ© d’affaires, had 72 hours to leave the country.

Muckaty nuclear waste dump update

June 2012

Hi everyone,

Some short updates on the Muckaty nuclear waste dump and news links are below. There is a lot of energy and momentum in the campaign at the moment thanks to all of the support activities people have been undertaking around the country. 

1- Australian Council of Trade Unions votes to support Muckaty campaign

How to start a revolution: Learn from Iceland!

By Deborah Corwyn

The ladies of Iceland have taken another stand against the tyranny brought to their country by a handful of so called elite bankers proclaiming to know better what’s good for them. Iceland is now the shining example of what can be done when Mama is fed up.

Mama needs to be heard around the globe. We will not tolerate what these morally bankrupt and spiritually dead men have in store for our children and grandchildren. We outnumber and can outthink them.

To all women everywhere and any man with the intestinal fortitude to join them 

Rights campaigner Julian Assange acknowledges his Torres Strait Islander form and content

Gerry Georgatos
Global justice campaigner and WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange has contributed his life to standing up for the oppressed and in challenging the world’s most powerful governments and clandestine institutions.

Mr Assange was born in Townsville, Queensland however he readily acknowledges a diverse heritage which he proudly said includes a Torres Strait Islander great-great-grandparent. In his form and content is that of a Thursday Islander, his (step) great-great-grandmother.


WGAR News: Stand for Freedom campaign calls for organisations to support the Yolngu Statement

Newsletter date: 2 June 2012

* Interview with Richard Downs, Eastern Region Alyawarr spokesperson
* Stand for Freedom campaign calls for organisations to support the Yolngu Statement
* WSCF strongly support the Yolngu Nations Assembly’s Statement
* Reconciliation for Western Sydney (R4WS): Letter to Senator Evans
* WGAR supports the Yolngu statement opposing the Stronger Futures laws
* SMH: Lowitja O'Donoghue Oration [by Michael Kirby]
* Interview with Randa Kattan spokesperson for the Bankstown Coalition
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles

Moree Gomeroi go on rental strike, slam Land Council

Inverell, northeast NSW, 1 June 2012 - - Gomeroi tribal people in the Moree area have been advised by their clans to stop paying rent for houses they live in as part of an assertion of sovereignty.

They have also slammed the NSW Aboriginal Land Council for “contemptuously” and “tyrannically” doing lease deals with state and commonwealth governments.

Ask Kenya to be a leader in cracking down on shoddy malaria drugs

Shoddy malaria drugs don't just hurt malaria patients; they are breeding a stronger strain of malaria and reversing hard-earned progress against its spread. Children and adults are dying of malaria every day; action must be taken immediately.

Urge the Kenyan government to crack down on fake malaria drugs today. »

Malaria victims in Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa are at about a 35% risk of being treated with a fake or ineffective drug, according to a recent study published by the Lancet Infectious Diseases journal.

The Shortwave Report 6/01/12 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (June 1) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

This week's show features stories from NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and the Voice of Russia.

Robber barons and greedy thieves

Banker man grows fat, working man grows thin...

Rocker Bruce Springsteen touched on a nerve of widespread discontent with the financiers and bankers at a Berlin concert on Wednesday, railing against them as "greedy thieves" and "robber barons."

Springsteen, a singer-songwriter dubbed "The Boss" who has long championed populist causes, played to a sold-out crowd at Berlin's Olympic Stadium, singing from his album "Wrecking Ball" and speaking about tough economic times that have put people out of work worldwide and led to debt crises in Greece and other countries.