Help stop the free-range egg farce!

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Sign our open letter and support CHOICE's campaign for free-range standards that meet your expectations.

Millions of Australian households each year choose to pay a premium for free-range eggs.

CHOICE believes that consumers who make this decision should have confidence that they are getting what they pay for.

The Australian Egg Corporation is proposing a new standard that would allow stocking densities of 20,000 chickens per hectare.

This is 13 times greater than the current standard. Less than one per cent of the consumers we surveyed supported this higher limit.

You can help stop this by signing our open letter calling on the ACCC to reject the Australian Egg Corporation's Certification Trade Mark Application.

Free range eggs


CHOICE calls on Qantas to justify sky-high surcharges

CHOICE has estimated that Qantas may be collecting more than $200 million per year in unfair surcharges and pocketing much of it in profits.

Our analysis shows that Qantas's transaction costs may be closer to $94 million. That would be a price gouge of over $100 million going straight from the pockets of consumers to the airline's bottom line.

With the Reserve Bank expected to announce new rules limiting excessive surcharges in the next few days, we'll be campaigning for retailers to bring their surcharges back down to earth.

Qantas surcharges


CHOICE campaigns deliver for consumers

CHOICE celebrated a major victory for consumers earlier this month as regulators announced that all unpackaged beef, sheep and chicken meat must now bear a country of origin declaration.

Cutting out country of origin loop holes and confusing jargon has been central to our Better Food Labelling Campaign.

Another big victory this month came after Bank of Melbourne announced it will scrap withdrawal fees for customers under 18, following pressure from the People's Watchdog last week.

CHOICE is continuing to call on other banks to follow suit and deliver a fair deal for young account holders.

CHOICE delivers for consumers