Ask Kenya to be a leader in cracking down on shoddy malaria drugs

Shoddy malaria drugs don't just hurt malaria patients; they are breeding a stronger strain of malaria and reversing hard-earned progress against its spread. Children and adults are dying of malaria every day; action must be taken immediately.

Urge the Kenyan government to crack down on fake malaria drugs today. »

Malaria victims in Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa are at about a 35% risk of being treated with a fake or ineffective drug, according to a recent study published by the Lancet Infectious Diseases journal.

Children are the most common victims of malaria, which claims 1.2 million lives annually.

But it doesn't have to be this way. Scientists agree that simple field testing, better regulations, and more international cooperation could put bad drug manufacturers out of business.

Ask Kenya to be a leader in cracking down on shoddy malaria drugs.

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