Support same-sex marriage in Australia

An upper house motion to allow same-sex marriage has passed in New South Wales, which now joins Tasmania and the Capital Territory on ending the ban. This is a historic moment in Australian history. But the argument’s not over yet.

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MP Cate Faehrmann compares the ban on same-sex marriage to the 1950s code prohibiting Aboriginal men to marry white women, and Catherine Cusack points to the “enormous harm and hurt” the ban causes.

But Labor leader Foley opposes it because his definition of marriage is a ''procreative relationship open to the possibility of children'' - a view that shouldn’t sit well with any couple that either cannot or decides not to have children. 

As usual, arguments in favor of same-sex marriage are logical and compassionate and promote equal rights, and those opposed reflect ignorance and fear.

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Same sex marriage is definitely something that I embrace and believe should be allowed.
We have diversity of families in Australia and that diversity of families enriches our society.
The hurt and harm, as said in this article, that prejudices of any kind toward gay people is intolerable and needs to be lifted. One way is to give marriage rights to same sex couples
Supporting same sex marriages is the right thing to do.
Saying this not all same sex couples even as they have a comittment with each other choose marriage. Fair enough.
For this blog's reasons and truth, same sex marriages are fair and just, I totally support same sex marriages.
Thanks Indy

Why would you want to support homosexual marriage?Sodomy is disgusting!AIDs is a Homosexuals disease out all people with AIDs in Australia 84% are male Homosexuals why promote a behaviour that spreads AIDs?I'm not a troll just someone with decent morals.