Gerry Georgatos
Western Australia’s Greenough Prison has at this time no Aboriginal Visitors Scheme (AVS) according to AVS officer Joyce Capewell and confirmed by the Department of Corrective Services (DCS). In February, two young Aboriginal brothers, around 20 years of age, attempted suicide by hanging, were found in their cells and cut down - such is the despair in Greenough Prison which Mrs Capewell describes. The AVS officers were not allowed to assist the brothers.
Mrs Capewell , who has 20 years as an AVS officer, said she has been ostracised for speaking out and is involved in various mediation however has decided not to return to work till she can resolve reinstatement of the AVS and the full suite of her duties. The AVS scheme at this time is not in place at Greenough Prison. She, and Elders from the local Aboriginal communities are distraught as to the welfare of the predominant Aboriginal prison population. Greenough Prison does not have an impressive track record – it is where young Aboriginal man Marlon Noble spent ten years, from age 19, without a conviction.
Mrs Capewell is concerned for the many Aboriginal inmates she was assisting and is particularly concerned about the welfare of the two young brothers.
“I have realised that I can no long remain silent... The cessation of the AVS scheme for the time being hurts our prisoners, their families and all Aboriginal peoples, it hurts me too,” said Mrs Capewell.
She said that if the Department of Corrective Services did not instruct Greenough Prison to reinstate the AVS “then we are standing by and will watch deaths in custody continue their rise.”
Mrs Capewell said that the cessation of the scheme is not limited to Greenough however regionally it is increasingly widespread. “The scheme in our Yamatji regions has deteriorated to the extent where currently we do not have any AVS operating in our Yamatji lands.”
“(The) AVS has not operated in lockups in the Yamatji for the three years now. Similarly at Greenough between 2009 to 2011,” said Mrs Capewell.
There have been three custodial deaths at Greenough Prison during the last three years, and many suicide attempts, including multiple attempts.
“On February 8, myself and a new co-worker attended Greenough Prison at 9am. As we went through the front gate a ‘red code alert’ went out – accompanied by an emergency siren. We had to wait for an hour at the gate. There had been an attempted suicide by a twenty year old Aboriginal man. We soon learned that the previous night, his brother had attempted suicide,” said Mrs Capewell.
“Imagine our horror and dismay.”
“My first question was ‘Why weren’t the AVS called in last night?” said Mrs Capewell.
The National Indigenous Times has highlighted this question in a set of questions to the Department of Corrective Services.
Mrs Capewell said, “There was no response to my question... The AVS is on call, it is a 24/7 service. It’s what we are here for.”
In the event of a suicide the AVS need to be called in to be there for the grieving family however also for the prison’s inmates, and similarly when there is an attempted suicide, self harm or injury, or the need for psychosocial-like support and counselling.
“In my 20 years of AVS this is the only time I have come across two young brothers trying to take their lives.”
Mrs Capewell was not permitted to meet with the young man that had just attempted suicide and instead a little later he was taken away by ambulance.
“(Aboriginal) prisoners will advise, ‘We don’t want to talk to white-fellas when we feel no good. We want to see our mob, the AVS. White-fellas don’t know our ways.”
Mrs Capewell said she has often observed the mental anguish of many Aboriginal inmates who are not properly understood by prison support staff and non-Aboriginal prison counsellors. “There must be Aboriginal cultural awareness (training) for those dealing with our Aboriginal folk.”
She said current practices limit the opportunity for any sense of ‘rehabilitation’.
“Several days after the attempted suicide of the two young brothers they were sent to Casuarina Prison for various assessment,” said Mrs Capewell. “However, to my dismay, two weeks later they were just returned to Greenough Prison like nothing had ever occurred.”
“Some of the prison staff were shocked.”
“I wanted to assist the brothers but I was denied this because Corrective Services misused the need to roster a co-worker with me, and at the time this wasn’t possible. This is a senselessly racist policy.” The AVS has a requirement that AVS workers must work in pairs.
Mrs Capewell said there had been little activity in DCS recruiting AVS workers in and to the region.
“Then it got worse. All of a sudden I was informed that I was not able to enter the prison without a paired co-worker – I could not even do my other work, my follow-up work.”
“I had performed many AVS duties, on numerous occasions without a co-worker. I had attended crisis situations without a co-worker. I am sure that all of a sudden DCS and AVS management will deny this, as they quite often limit what they will publicly say. In fact for four months prior this sudden harassment of myself in trying to prohibit my work and contact with our people I had been without a partner, without a co-worker and doing my job well enough and working for those who need us.”
DCS spokesperson Brian Cowie said that the DCS is not at liberty to discuss the AVS and Mrs Capewell’s predicament at length. “The DCS is not in a position to discuss the employment status or personal details of employees, nor does the department comment on the management or health of individual prisoners.”
“The AVS has established itself as a successful initiative to assist in reducing the incidents of self-harm and deaths of Aboriginal people in custody in Western Australia through visiting prisons, juvenile detention centres and police lock-ups. The scheme has pioneered counselling techniques for Aboriginal people and promotes a greater understanding to government and other agencies of the particular needs and concerns of Aboriginal people in custody. AVS visitors are employed on a casual, rostered basis,” said Mr Cowie.
“AVS visitors work in pairs and currently the department is recruiting further visitors to complete the allocated two positions at Greenough Regional Prison,” he said.
The National Indigenous Times will continue to follow this story and has filed further questions with DCS and the state government as to why the two rostered AVS officers were not called in to the suicide attempt of the brother on the previous evening, and this may have prevented the suicide attempt of the other brother, had he received counselling from Mrs Capewell and her co-worker. Other questions include why Greenough Prison has been without AVS officers for so long, and similarly in other regional custodial facilities.
The Aboriginal Visitors Scheme (AVS) is a group of Aboriginal staff who visit prisons and detention centres around the state, providing support and counselling to Aboriginal people in custody
In response to recommendation twenty (20) of the Western Australian Interim Inquiry into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, which reads as follows, “Consistent with the effective management of Prison ad Police lockups an Aboriginal Visitor Scheme should be developed and Implemented”
The Aboriginal Visitors Scheme was established and introduced as a pilot program in the Goldfields town of Kalgoorlie in July1988. Due to the success of this initiative, the program was expanded to service other selected prisons and lockups. Today prisons and selected lockups in WA are serviced by the Aboriginal Visitors Scheme (AVS).
The Aboriginal Visitors Scheme was originally coordinated by the Aboriginal Affairs planning authority (AAPA) (now the Aboriginal Affairs Department) before being transferred to the Ministry of Justice in March 1994. Although administered by the Ministry, the Aboriginal Visitors Scheme has been able to retain its autonomy and confidentiality in providing an independent support service for indigenous people in custody
On 10 August 1987 Prime Minister Hawke announced the formation of a Royal Commission to investigate the causes of deaths of Aboriginal people while held in State and Territory gaols. The Royal Commission was established in response to a growing public concern that deaths in custody of Aboriginal people were too common and poorly explained. The Letters Patent formally establishing the Commission were issued by the Governor-General on 16 October 1987. Similar Letters Patent were issued by the States and the Northern Territory
While figures for 2009 could only be obtained for half of all Australian jurisdictions, data provided by state and territory coroners indicates more than 438 prisoners died in Australian jails in the decade to 2009, compared to 323 in the decade to 1989
Deaths from natural causes have become the most frequent cause of death in Australian prisons, consistently outnumbering hanging deaths
Deaths in custody
Fourteen witnesses are set to give evidence at an inquest into the death of a man in police custody in the state's north-west in 2010
Serious questions about the integrity, accountability and independence of death in custody investigations are still being raised by NSW coroners, despite sweeping changes following a Royal Commission
It is clearly evident that people come out of prisons worse than that what they went in
For most of these women, the notion of human rights is unheard of. They have lived all their lives believing that they have no rights at all
He says though we may have 70 to 80 deaths each year we have a "couple of hundred" post-release
A 33-YEAR-OLD woman has died in custody after she was found in pain in her prison cell at Greenough Regional Prison in Western Australia's Midwest
Prisoners won't be cuffed for 17 hours in transit: Corrective Services
The Greenough Regional Prison has been expanded to hold an additional 52 prisoners
Western Australia’s Indigenous incarceration rate remains the highest in the country, where an Indigenous person is 23 times more likely to be imprisoned than a non-Indigenous person
he Prison Officers Union says the Western Australian Government still has not acted to address overcrowding at Greenough Regional Prison
Australia's Indigenous Social Justice Commissioner, Mick Gooda, has joined calls for the conditions placed on a WA man's release from jail to be relaxed

One great journalist
Gerry, you are one great journalist, your exposes and musings and on Indymedia have been refreshing - you write stories at breakneck speed and get to the heart in ways other don't. I have a feeling you are going places with your crash through style journalism. Love reading your stuff.
And love your uncompromising fearlessness - it is much needed.
It's only a matter of time before everyone big is at your doorstep.
This is a very important story I have not read anywhere else.
Kudos and respect, Gail
I agree to all of that
I agree to all of that
How bloody shocking this is
This is a disgrace, why would you not get the AVS in, now wonder there are so many Aborigines who don't trust.
I agree with Gail you do write bloody well Gerry, and better than most, hopefully these tough stories are seen for what they are tough to the core investigative journalism and all of a sudden we see you writing them in The Australian, that'll shake things mate.
Bloody sad to think the country we live in sometimes.
Good work on shining the light
Person with 20 years of experience not allowed to assist
It sure is a damn disgrace!For an Aboriginal Person like myself, with 20 years of Experience and Skills not being allowed to assist,our Aboriginal Prisoners, during a time, such as this! I have attended these type of Crisis Situations numerous time, over the 20 year Period! I am very Passionate and Dedicated to the job, I was doing!!! Joyce.
That's it Blame the white man
They tried to kill themselves!Now you try to blame other people for their actions WTF
You miss the points that matter
Who is blaming who? What is being asked is the AVS were not called in?
It be wise to live your life free of racist jibes
Have I missed the points that matter?
People Like Gerry Georgatos are constantly blaming the white people of Australia for Aboriginal deaths in custody.Here is some of what Gerry has said on the matter under the head line, Racism gives Australia one of the world's worst deaths in custody records. "With 1 in 25 Aboriginal peoples incarcerated in WA prisons, Western Australia is the hotbed of racism in Australia"
I agree people should live life free of racist jibes
No you miss the point dude
Gerry is right and you are wrong. Gerry is not blaming anyone but only pointing out the wrongs. It's you mate with some of guilt complex, I am a white and I haven't taken offence to anything because no offending were done. He pointed out that there were two attempted suicides and that the AVS were not called in. Had they been called in at the first attempted suicide maybe the brother would not have despaired and attempted suicide himself 12 hours later. Do you get it?
I just see another layer of racism
Gerry is blaming racist Australia because 1 in 25 Aboriginals get locked up, because they break the law.I get nothing of what Gerry writes I just see another layer of racism.Do you get it Horst?
Don't you really get it?
Gerry is not blaming anyone but he is pointing out problems and causes. The stats are not the result of breaking the law but of the conditions people are born into as Gerry again and again quite rightly points out and explains. Don't you really get it?
You choice to sit on your arse and cry, or fix your situation
Did you know Aboriginal people are allowed to move out of these conditions, and come and live in the major cities where they can find work and better them selves like two Aboriginal people I work with Have????
Let's face it the journey out of remote communities is not as dangerous as the journey's Asylum seekers take what's your point?Australia is made up of people that had to move away from their home land and families to make a better life for themselves.Yes it's a big bad world out their but you gotta do, what you gotta do, to survive.It's their choice sit on your arse and cry,Or fix your situation.
Can you tell me how you end up in gaol by not breaking the law, but end up there because of the conditions you were born into?before you answer remember we are all responsible for our own actions and playing the victim does not wash that's a piss weak excuse.
You shift around blame rather than look at the issues
What sort of rant was that?
You shift around blame rather than look at the issues
Just bloody appalling
Just bloody appalling
So much for the wonders of human civilisation!
Anyone in suicidal anguish needs help, regardless of colour
(Editor has removed personal slagging - reluctantly)
In reply to "Blame the Whitefella", you need to get a life! I have assisted many White person, during my 20 year period of working with Suicidal People! No matter what Colour or Race a Person is,thats experiencing the Mental Anquish and Trauma of taking their own Life, help is required!!!!!
Another point to make to your arrogance and Ignorance is - up until recently, my own Son was a Fully Qualified Police Officer! He has a White Father, as I have!!!!!!
Are white police officers contributing to deaths in custody?
According to all the accusations that get thrown around, it is white Police officers that contribute to deaths in custody.Can you set the record straight and tell us are white Police officers in general guilty of the racist crimes they are constantly accused of?I don't believe it to be true but it would be nice to hear the opinion of someone who is close to the issue.
What is with your obsession with 'white'?
What is with your obsession with 'white'? Is this some sort of guilt? Gerry Georgatos explains clearly the causes and doesn't degenerate to white and black but to the probs.
I'm not the one bagging whites.Read what Gerry writes!
" Aboriginal children and their families live in unconscionable abject poverty. Nevertheless, our Government uses the weakest sophisms to thinly veil its racism and discriminatory identity." sounds like a Black white thing to me
Gerry always plays the black white card here is more of what he writes
"Mr Pell said this is what shook him most about the police presence, the look in their eyes - one filled with racism. "The look in their eyes is what our people on the banks of the Murray River during the Pinjarra massacre must have seen in the eyes of those just before they slaughtered them - men, women and children." Don't tell me that is not pointed at the white man.
Here is more!
"When we call for an end to Aboriginal disparity and the effects of our crimes upon them which have led to inter-generational poverty, we are really calling for an end to racism".
" Navi Pillay, a South African, describe what I have at all times known during the 49 years of my life, "a racist Australia".
"The greatest shock for me was when I struggled to have practices implemented in a particular tertiary institution, which should be a bastion of identity-formation and higher knowledges, and where one high ranking staff member said to me, in front of a witness, 'Gerry, why do you bother, what do these blacks want, an education? Send them back to the bush where they belong'."
" I have been made aware of the colour of my skin, of my parents' country-of-origin, of the fact that I must assimilate in order to have prospects of personal advancement"
"For every one black man who is imprisoned, ten white men get rich off that,"
"Given the ongoing racist attacks by the Victorian police, enforcing and perpetuating the racism of the Australian state more generally, this Forum will discuss both the problem of racist police violence and what we can do about it."
Just read what Gerry writes and you think I have a obsession with 'white'?Gerry always plays the racist card against white Australia look at 80% of what he writes it's all pointed at white Australia. I got no Guilt. I have done nothing to the Aboriginal people except work and pay my taxes that some of it goes to the Aboriginal people.If it was up to me I would stop the apartheid mentality and build houses for Aboriginal people to live with us all in the suburbs and ask for a aboriginal family to live next door to me.I would stop all foreign aid and spend the money on the Aboriginal people until the problems are fixed I would give all Aboriginal people first option on Government jobs until there was 100% employment.But we all know people like Gerry would find a problem with that idea don't we?
There's only one police force
Actually. I have never come across any News Headlines stating the White Police Force or The Black Police Force. I have always perceived the Police Force as the Police Force!!!!!!!!
A lot of non white racists in this country
Gerry had a forum on racist police violence,That was pointed at white police where have you been Joyce Capewell?
Here's more
This is one where Indians call police racist.In this story they tell how a Indian man and his car was set on fire by racist Australians.It was later found the Indian man set fire to himself and his car doing a insurance Job.No one has said sorry for pointing the finger after the international media acted like a lynch Mob.
And lets not forget more anti white Police statements like this one
"Mr Pell said this is what shook him most about the police presence, the look in their eyes - one filled with racism. "The look in their eyes is what our people on the banks of the Murray River during the Pinjarra massacre must have seen in the eyes of those just before they slaughtered them - men, women and children."
Joyce all of this is pointed at white Police and white people in General.I see who the Racists are in this country and there a a lot of non white racists.
Your logic is weird
Oh mate you can have views but to set one of comments straight, Gerry did not organise a forum on police violence instead he was invited to panel at the forum on Police Brutality and Racism of which he was one of four panelists. The forum was actually very well attended with a 100 people there.
I have read where Gerry says that police should have independent inspectorates investigating major complaints against them and this protects their rights too, he says many times over that there are good and bad everywhere and there should be one rule for all in process and judgment for all people including police, doesn't this make sense to you?
You don't think it's a problem some of the police violence we see even if all police are not like that? If some people in society harm others that does not mean all do but as Gerry points out the rule of law brings those people to account.
This is not about colour
This is not about black and white, it's about wrong. Aborgines are done over all the time and in it's wrong, there are good white people but there are people who see wrong because they do have biases.
I think Joyce is top notch for stepping up on this and Gerry his usual cool dude self for writing this.
Another threat from Aboriginal Visitors Scheme management
I received another Threat today. from the DCS, Greenough Regional Prison and Aboriginal Visitors Scheme Management! Accussing me of Disruptive Behaviour and that is the reason why I am Barred from the Prison! Strange that, the last few months I have been informed by them,I was Barred when I did not have a Co-worker! This is the first time in 20 Years,I have been accused of Disrubtive Behaviour, within the Prison! Matter of fact, I have never been accused of Disrubtive Behaviour, within the Community or any other Workplace! The only Disruptive behaviour I perceive, is all the Bullying and Harassment, I have been receiving from them! Thanks - This is not about colour!!!!!!
Government preparing to outsource prisons to private operators
me thinks that the government is reducing resources and reducing standards in our prisons in preparation for out sourcing the running of our prisons to private operators.
If this happens, god help anyone who goes to prison. And may god help our society.
A Corrective Services whistleblower has come forward to describe a litany of problems with private company SERCO's delivery of the prisoner transport contract. 'Tom' spoke to 6PR's Paul Entwistle about major problems that have jeopardised lives in WA's prisons.
Hey Loved, methinks you are correct!
Police have nothing to do with operating prisons
Pointed at the Police - You need to know what you are talking about, before you make Senseless Comments! The Police Have nothing whatsoever to do with the Operations of any Prisons!!!! The Article is Soley regarding the Poor Operations of the Prison System!!!!! As for the Forum against Police - I missed it!!!! Matter of fact I was informed in Recent Months by the Local Police, there would not be a Problem Whatsoever with my having Access to the Police Station to Perform my Work Duties! It's great to be Reconized for the Value your Work Services Provide - within the Police Station! Actually, by Brother is one of the Police Sargents in the Local Police Station!
AVS Management was at Fault - as well!!!
Pointed at Police, another Comment for your Racist Narrow-minded Misconceptions is - the DCS Management Operations of the AVS is Managed by all Aboriginal Staff! AVS Management was at Fault - as well!!!
More power to you Joyce
More power to you Joyce,
Thanks,Your Logic is Weird - now I know why I missed the Forum Gerry gave - Pointed at Police - CAUSE IT DIDN'T EXIST!!! I Received another Threatening Based Allegation Letter from the DCS, today - which may RESULT in a Termination Outcome for myself! Being Accussed by a Staff Member within the Aboriginal Visitors Scheme Office, of another Hideous Conconted Allegation!!! Typical of those within DCS - No WRITTEN PROOF of EVIDENCE from the ACCUSER! NO NAME of the ACCUSER given! Or WRITTEN PROOF of the Source of the so called Allegation or Day, Time and Date it Occurred - WONDER WHY!!!
Government should take serious action to stop suicide attempts
I am very sad to see this news. The government should take serious action to stop suicide attempts by the peoples, whatsoever the reasons may be.
AVS will be in Geraldton Thursday and Friday
AVS will be in geraldton Thursday and Friday for community meeting
No AVS service since the two brothers tried to kill themselves
Pity, AVS (Aboriginal Staff) did not attend Geraldton for the Yamaji Elders and Community Meeting on 13th July - to Address the Failed AVS Service within the Greenough Regional Prison.
And the Non - Operations of the AVS at the Geralton Police Station for the last 4 Years - I can Assure anyone these Matters are no MYTH!!!
Disgracfully there is NO AVS SERVICE at Greenough Regional Prison, since the 2 Brothers tried to Committ Suicide!!! And still NO AVS Service after 4 Years - at the Geraldton Lock -up!!
Pity AVS Management did not come to Geraldton to Meet and Support the AVS Workers and Aboriginal Prisoners - when 2 Deaths occurred within 2 weeks Relating to GRP, in the Year 2008!