fbi operative admits to cyberstalking and more

fbi assassins (i.e. J. Robert Upton) show their evil intent
by geral | 06.18.2012
Journey if you will into the sick criminal minds of fbi/cia homicidal sociopaths & operatives by reading their comments and threats to this Target.For example see comments by assassin J. Robert Upton (the living dead) at the following links:





The reader is invited to venture into the mind(s) of the fbi’s homicidal sociopaths in order to comprehend the clear and present danger posed against our citizens by the very officials who are sworn to protect and defend our fundamental human, civil, and constitutional rights. One method to gain an insight into the twisted thinking patterns of the murderers and torturers of the fbi/cia is to read their filthy comments which are recorded by Geral Sosbee as evidence that 1)the USA is destroyed from within by the fbi/cia agents, operatives, street thugs, assassins and torturers, such as J.Robert Upton and Johnny Smith and 2) all of mankind is threatened by the same unbridled brutality that attacks those of us Targets who are being harassed and tortured 24/7 for decades or for life. See this link for the criminal complaint that I filed against J. Robert Upton:


Note: My best friend and colleague Barbara Hartwell also provides her assistance in the documentation of the criminal cyberstalking described herein.
Here are the links for a study of the abnormal psychology of the United States officials at all levels and in all branches of government because all of them have largely ignored my reports and have thereby given their imprimatur to the criminal conduct reflected in the passages below. Note that in the first report below the fbi operative Upton comments on the food and drink that I consumed in my home (i.e.: wine and cheese); only one of the assassins who monitors me 24/7 and who enters into my home at will under the authority of a fraudulent court order (signed by a corrupt judge/magistrate)could possibly know the type of food and drink that I consumed on a given evening.










