Help us to stop hunger and to start growing



What do you think Julie Goodwin and Kylie Kwong, two prominent Australian chefs, have in common with Chandrani, a Sri Lankan mother of three?

Like you, these three women understand the importance of providing good food for their families.

For Julie and Kylie, providing healthy food brings a sense of satisfaction and reward. For Chandrani, it’s much more serious. She needs to provide nutritious food to stop her children becoming some of the 400,000 Sri Lankan children who will go hungry tonight.

You can provide vital support to families like Chandrani’s, so they can stop hunger and start growing.

“Please join me and Oxfam in partnering with these mothers, to provide the tools and seeds they need to grow food for their families.”

Julie Goodwin

We are so thankful that Julie and Kylie have come on board to help spread awareness about our campaign. And they have generously provided two delicious eggplant recipes for you to try.

Chandrani was one of millions of Sri Lankans who lost their source of food in floods last year. She was struggling to feed her children more than one meal a day.

With your help today, we’ll equip women like Chandrani with the seeds, tools and confidence to grow nutritious vegetables right in their own backyards.

With a thriving home garden, Chandrani now has another thing in common with Julie and Kylie — they are all making a living through food.

Please join Julie and Kylie in helping women like Chandrani grow vegetables that will keep their children safe from malnutrition. Also, when you give before 30 June, you can also claim your tax benefit this year.

Families like Chandrani’s are waiting to hear that help, and a handful of vegetable seeds, are on the way.

Thanks so much for your support.

Andrew Hewett
Executive Director

PS: Families like Chandrani’s urgently need your gift so they can stop hunger and start growing.

How your donation can help:




  • $50 can provide a family with tools for home gardening so they can grow their own food and stop hunger.
  • $120 can provide vegetable seeds to feed six families for a whole year, giving children the nutrition they need to be healthy.
  • $300 can help a woman kick-start a vegetable business and start earning profits after four months.


Walk Together this Saturday
At 1pm on Saturday 23 June 2012, in capital cities and regional centres across Australia, thousands of Australians will walk in unity to celebrate all that diversity adds to our society, culture and nation.

‘Walk Together’ is an opportunity to symbolically recognise that we have all walked different paths to become part of the combined Australian journey. Each walk will finish at a local place of significance with a small festival celebrating the diverse cultures that make up the Australian experience.

Walk Together is organised by Welcome to Australia, a non-partisan movement that provides everyday Australians with practical opportunities to welcome asylum seekers, refugees and other new arrivals to our nation. We'd like to change the public conversation around these issues and believe that the most effective way of achieving this is to facilitate authentic relationships between people of different backgrounds.

Welcome to Australia are supported by more than 35 organisations, including Oxfam, along with the Refugee Council of Australia, Amnesty International and Mission Australia.

More information is available at


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Oxfam Australia works with communities around the world to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice. ABN: 18 055 208 636
Oxfam Australia, 132 Leicester Street, Carlton VIC 3053, Australia
Phone 1800 088 110, 9am - 5pm AEST | |



"they are all making a living through food."

1. You are not making a living 'through' food, but through earning money.
2. I'm making a living by eating food. OK ?