
APY Lands face welfare controls

APY Lands face welfare controls
BY: SARAH MARTIN, SA POLITICAL REPORTER From: The Australian May 04, 2012 12:00AM
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THE quarantining of welfare payments on remote Aboriginal lands in South Australia is expected within months, as the government announced plans for a new wave of the federal intervention.

Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin, an advocate for income control in disadvantaged regions, will today announce the first step towards quarantining welfare payments in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands in SA's far north.


Exposition sélective

Je n'aime pas les intellectuels
Qui se prennent pour des intellectuels
Les Michel Onfray
Les Michel Houellebecq
Qui vont parler
Avec Nicolas Sarkozy
Qui sont invités
Par Nicolas Sarkozy
Et qui sont toujours
Mes chers balourds
Du côté du plus fort
Du côté du plus mort
Je n'aime pas les artistes
Qui se prennent
Pour des artistes
Les Gérard Depardieu
Et autres prie-dieu
Qui ne pensent qu'à l'argent
Qui ne sont que des dents
Intellectuels, artistes, du spectacle
Cela crache dans la soupe
Cela houspille, cela tacle
Cela s'affiche avec les tyrans
Cela aboie, c'est méchant

WGAR News: Yolngu Nations Assembly Statement concerning 'Stronger Futures' laws and NT policies

Newsletter date: 4 May 2012

* Yolngu Nations Assembly Statement
* Pro Bono: Is Income Management Working?
* Sydney launch of "NT Consultations Report 2011: By Quotations" - 4 May 2012
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Northern Murray-Darling Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) website
* Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous Nations (MLDRIN) website
* Video: Uncle Kevin Buzzacott at the Federal Court's decision
* Michael Anderson: Gomeroi activism stops Woolworths in Moree ...

The latest Shortwave Report (May 4) Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (May 4) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

This week's show features stories from NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

Turning a deaf ear to hearing losses in Aboriginal peoples - very little is being done

Gerry Georgatos
For several decades it has been known that Aboriginal children are more likely to suffer hearing loss than non-Aboriginal children and it is now a crisis with more neglect from governments the only response say rights advocates and various professionals.


Settlement with ABC Media Watch for defamation against me 13/4/2012

Again i come to this site to get the truth out to Australia and the World because main stream media Print and TV in NSW Australia won't release it to the public. As they say there is no interest in Schapelle Corby's being innocent and sitting in a Bali prison, read Expendable TV on Howard Government and others cover up saying no drug smuggling going on in Australian Airports at time of Schapelle's arrest in 2004.

Statement read out on the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court steps by one of the Boycott Israel 19

Statement read by Jerome Small - one of the Defend the Boycott Israel 19 on May 1st outside the Melbourne Magistrates Court, on the first day of their trial.

Our first task is to acknowledge that where we are standing right now is stolen land, and that the Wurundjeri people and the Kulin nations have never surrendered this land, nor given up their sovereignty.

Our next task is to acknowledge the colossal, life and death struggle being waged as we speak by Palestinian prisoners inside the jails of Apartheid Israel.


Rally and march highlight new Stolen Generation in Queensland and gain father his grieving rights

by Brisbane Sovereign Embassy, Musgrave Park on Wednesday, May 2 Aboriginal people and their supporters held a rally and march in Brisbane today (Wednesday 2 May) to highlight the continued genocidal practice of removing large numbers of Aboriginal children from their families and their culture.


An anarchist response to the police murder at a Rainbow gathering near Tenterfield NSW

On April 16 Ryan Pringle, the 33 year old son of a former Balmain rugby league star was shot to death by police at a rural commune called the “School of Happiness” in Northern NSW. The details of this sad day are not completely clear, but it seems that Ryan had arrived at the camp earlier that day, as a group called the Rainbow Family Australia was preparing for a 6 week gathering.

Claim of responsibility for graffiti attack on coal magnate's home

In the early hours of April 9 some Wollongong ecovandals redecorated a $5 million dollar mansion owned by Arun Jagatramka, executive chairman of Gujarat NRE Coking Coal, a mining company which has recently established itself in the Illawarra region.

Pokies at the supermarket

Coles and Woolworths are in a supermarket war, spending millions on advertising each year to win over customers on our TV screens. They proudly tout their fresh food and good value, but they're less than open about their huge involvement in owning and operating more dangerous high loss poker machines than the top five Las Vegas casinos combined.


Yolngu people to take court action against intervention

Leaders representing 8,000 Aboriginal people have launched a campaign against federal government intervention in the Northern Territory.

The statement by the Yolngu Nations Assembly representing Arnhem Land people calls on traditional leaders to refuse approval for exploration licences. Spokesman Djungadjunga Yunupingu said his peoples' experience with the intervention is that it has not been beneficial.

The declaration is a result of the first Yolngu Nations Assembly which bought together clan leaders from across Arnhem Land.

Gomeroi activism stops Woolworths in Moree as Aboriginal nations mobilise across Australia

By Michael Anderson

Gomeroi representatives at Moree in northwest NSW can proudly boast a victory against a big transnational corporate development: Woolworths.

It’s been announced that the Woolworths chain are withdrawing their proposed development and expansion of the network stores in Moree.

Woolworths are withdrawing because of the Gomeroi’s steadfast opposition to the store’s expansion, which would have seen a Rugby League oval demolished and a significant Gomeroi cultural site, where human remains have been located, totally disturbed and possibly destroyed.

Baillieu government budget fails the environment, public transport

Environment Victoria has said there is virtually nothing in the Victorian State Budget to improve Victoria's environmental credentials. Environment Victoria's campaign manager Mark Wakeham said the State budget was “deeply disappointing”. He described the budget as failing "to deliver on key environment election promises, significantly cuts environment and climate change policy funding, and ignores opportunities to create green jobs and reduce household energy and water bills."
