Banks taking a cut

The Big Four Banks are pocketing part of the latest rate cut, padding their bottom lines at our expense.

Tell them to pass their savings on to us.

click to sign the petition

Here’s how it’s supposed to work:

The Reserve Bank of Australia cuts interest rates in order to spur the economy. The banks pass those interest rate cuts on to their customers, lowering our mortgage rates and credit card interest.

But the system is breaking down. First, the Big Four banks have been stalling on passing the cut along to us, making $500,000 an hour for every hour they stall. Next, NAB has announced plans to pocket over one-third of the rate cut, and the other three banks may follow suit. If they’re allowed to get away with this, the Big Four will make over $1.5 billion this year in money withheld from us.

Sign our petition to the CEOs of Westpac, ANZ, Commonwealth Bank, and NAB telling them to pass on the full Reserve Bank interest rate cut to customers.

These are the same banks that have taxpayers to thank for their current profitability. The deposit guarantee by the Australian government is what kept our banks stable and profitable during the global financial crisis. Now, the banks are repaying us by testing out their oligarchy, seeing if they really have to stay competitive or if they can start pocketing the Reserve Bank’s rate cuts for themselves and their shareholders.

The banks are crying poor saying they face increased costs of accessing wholesale funding and that they need to cut costs. Not only are they increasing the cost of borrowing for Australian consumers, they are at the same time cutting staff and offshoring jobs to developing countries where labour is cheaper.

But Australian banks are still some of the most profitable in the world. The big four banks collectively posted more than $13 billion profit in the first half of the 2011 – 2012 financial year, on track to make this their most profitable year ever. In fact, ANZ has already decided to pass some of that money along as profits to shareholders instead of savings for customers.

- Taren, Kaytee and the rest of us


P.S. Like you, we think the banks’ arguments are quite absurd. We felt we ought to fight fire with fire, so we created a whole album full of absurd someecards telling the banks and the media exactly how we feel. Click here to check them out -- and be sure to like and share your favorites!

SumOfUs is a world-wide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy. You can follow us on Twitter, and like us on Facebook

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