Save the coelacanth bay

Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e.V.)

Save the coelacanth bay

Highly endangered: the coelacanth (Photo © Arnaz Mehta)

Dear friends of the rainforest,

the coelacanth really is a living fossil. Thought to have died out some 65 million years ago, a few of these ancient fish are still swimming around the African coast. In 2009 a Marine Protected Area was established along the Tanzanian coast to ensure the conservation of the coelacanth.

It seems that this fish is the last survivor of a group of animals which developed into four-legged vertebrates millions of years ago. 

But now construction plans for a deepwater port threaten the coelacanth population as their protected habitat could soon be entirely destroyed.

Please demand the protection of the coelacanth bay.

Take Action

Many thanks and best regards,

Reinhard Behrend
Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e.V.)