48 hours to protect our privacy

We have this week to convince technology companies to stand up for our privacy and drop their support of CISPA!

The privacy of internet users around the world is up for a vote this week, and we have a chance to do something about it.

The US Congress is considering the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, which would allow the websites you use, like Facebook and Google, to share your personal information with the US government - even if you aren't a US citizen. 

Since we launched our petition, over 25,000 people from around the world have signed. Now, the media is sounding the alarm, lawmakers are backtracking, and the White House has come out in opposition to CISPA.

If the law passes, it will be a blueprint for countries around the world. But the success of the bill hinges on technology company support. That is why we're asking you to sign our open letter to the more than 20 companies supporting CISPA, urging them to stand for user privacy and drop their support of CISPA.


Keep up the fight,
The Access Team 


Access: CISPA: The latest attempt to establish a massive surveillance state
ACLU: Comparison of Cybersecurity Information Sharing Legislation
Center for Democracy & Technology: CISPA Resource Page
Electronic Frontier Foundation: Rogers’ “Cybersecurity” Bill Is Broad Enough to Use Against WikiLeaks
TechDirt: CISPA Is A Really Bad Bill, And Here's Why
Bloomberg: Lawmaker Defends Cyber Bill as Groups Plan Internet Protest

BL_STACK_cr.jpg Access is an international NGO that promotes open access to the internet as a means to free, full and safe participation in society and the realization of human rights. To help protect the internet around the world, you can donate to Access. To reply, please email info@accessnow.org