Launch of Fin Free Ranges to save the sharks

On April 13th 2012, Fin Free Ranges was launched in Belgrave with a showing of the documentary Sharkwater The aim of Fin Free Ranges is to work with local government, businesses and the community to help rid the Shire Of Yarra Ranges of the ecologically destructive delicacy of Shark Fin soup and to raise awareness of the plight of the worlds Sharks
Related:Fin Free Ranges on Facebook -- Sharwater Documentary

What is Shark Fin Soup?

Shark Fin Soup is a soup of Asian background, made up of a Sharks fin with a flavoring chicken or beef stock broth for flavor as the shark fin by itself is tasteless. The soup is a delicacy and is normally served at special occasions such as weddings and business meetings and is consumed as a status symbol by the elite.

Whats wrong with shark finning?

With the demand of shark fin soup increasing there has been a worldwide assault on shark populations, With shark populations dropping some 90%.

The decline is due to unregulated fishing, to meet this high demand for fins. Some 70 to 100 million sharks are killed every year according to many sources such as the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO), WildAid and Sea Shepherd.

But these statistics are hard to define as the UNFAO and many other organizations have found much of the shark fin industry is operated illegally and thus can’t be counted, But what we do know is it is over 75 million.

Sharks sexually mature late in life(8 to 10 years), grow slow and produce few young, thus making them very vulnerable to overfishing.

© Gary Stokes / Oceanic Love

How are the sharks fins acquired?

Shark fins are acquired in a process called shark finning. Where much of the time the shark is caught on a longline (which can reach up to 100km long). They are then hauled upon a vessel alive to have their fins cut off. Much of the time the Shark will be thrown overboard still alive with no fins, As sharks need movement to breathe they drown or are eaten alive by other fish and sharks. Wasting some 95% of the shark.

Many countries around the world such as the U.S and Australia have made it illegal to bring shark fins back to shore without the rest of the shark attached. But in many poorer nations there is no laws against this and a lack of law enforcement to up hold these laws if they were present.

But with 90% of Shark population gone, We shouldn't be taking any Sharks from the oceans, And we should lead by example.

Why are sharks important?

Sharks are the apex or top predator of the ocean ecosystem, they keep the oceans in balance or equilibrium, and have done so for the last 450 million years.

They keep the oceans clean and healthy by eating dead, dying, old, slow and genetically bad animals in the ocean, while also keeping the populations below them down to the right size to limit damage done to the ecosystem.

Without sharks whole ecosystems would crash, causing the over population of the fish below them.

As Sharks eat the small to medium sized fish which eat the tiny microscopic plant phytoplankton, any rise in fish numbers will lead to less phytoplankton.

As phytoplankton help give us 70% of our oxygen, if there is a rise in the small and medium sized fish numbers there will be a decline in phytoplankton which will lead to less oxygen being made and less carbon dioxide being taken out of the atmosphere, adding even more to the impeding climate catastrophe.

Sharks are not normally held in high esteem by many in our society, But what not many people know is that a planet without sharks, is a dead planet.

Photo credit Ernst Stewart

How Can You Help?

  • Don’t eat at restaurants that serve Shark Fin on their menu’s.
  • Don’t only not attend these restaurants, tell them why respectfully and encourage them to go Fin Free.
  • Don’t eat or consume any shark products including:
  • Products include shark cartilage and liver oil in tablets or powder forms, Jewellery with Shark teeth, Shark Jaw or skin souvenirs, and Flake

  • Educate yourself on the plight of Sharks worldwide.
  • Watch the film Sharkwater or go to the links at the bottom of this article.
  • Support groups that take action on shark conservation such as
  • -Sea Shepherd Galapagos
    - Great Barrier Resistance

  • Support Fin Free Ranges
  • If you would like to help out please email
    Or “Like” us on Facebook at “Fin Free Ranges”

  • Start your own campaign !
  • Tell your friends and family about the plight of sharks and show them the film Sharkwater and start your own fin free campaign in your area.

Through out the world there is a growing movement to stop the slaughter of the worlds sharks. With their populations diminished by some 90% people and governments are starting to take action.

  • The small country of Palau has established the worlds first Shark Sanctuary in 2001 with the Marshell Islands also creating a Shark Sanctuary in their waters in 2011.
  • Hong Kong Disney Land took Shark Fin Soup off their menu.
  • One of the Largest restaurant chain’s in Asia The Peninsula Hotel has taken Shark Fin Soup off their menu.
  • The University of Hong Kong has banned Shark Fin from there campuses.
  • The Malaysian government has banned Shark Fin Soup from official functions.
  • Leading Singapore supermarket chain Cold Store agreed to stop selling all shark fin and shark products in its 42 outlets across the country.
  • In 2010, Hawaii became the first state to ban the possession, sale and distribution of shark fins. Similar laws have been enacted in the states of Washington, Oregon, California, Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. While a similar bill is before the New York State Assembly.
  • A few cities in Southern Ontario, Canada have banned Shark Fin Soup through the passage of new bylaws. These cities include Toronto, Oakville, New Market, Mississauga and Brantford.
  • Unfortunately Australia is dragging their feet when it comes to shark conservation allowing shark fishing in the Great Barrier Reef and allowing fishing in Endangered Gray Nurse Shark habitat. With your help we can bring Australia into the 21st Century and protect Sharks

    More Info on Shark Finning

    End Shark Finning on the Great Barrier reef-
    or Facebook “Great Barrier Resistance”

    Shark Savers

    Watch “Sharkwater” Multi award winning

    Read the Fin Free Ranges PDF attached to this article

    Join the Shark Army
