Indigenous men dealing with daily life challenges sought for ABC documentary

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men at a crossroads in their life and wanting to address the issues affecting their life expectancy are being sought for an ABC television documentary series. They have to be open to being filmed for 12 months and ready to make work on their problems.

Following is from Michaela Perske, who is developing the series with director Adrian Wills.

“CLOSING MY GAP is a groundbreaking documentary series exploring the statistics regarding Aboriginal men and the factors that contribute to them - health, diet, housing, literacy, economic circumstances, isolation, addiction - to name a few.

“We are looking for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men of all ages who might be suitable for the series - men who are at a crossroads in their life and wanting to address the issue/s that are contributing to their life expectancy.

“We are the same team who made Boxing for Palm Island and we need men who are looking to make changes in their lives to stop them becoming part of the ongoing statistics. You might be facing health issues, struggling with addiction, dealing with unemployment, housing, family issues, whatever it is that you want to change in your life and that will make your life better, we want to hear from you.

“This series will look at the amazing journey and struggles these

men go on in an intimate and respectful way. It will be revealing

and moving, but it will also highlight the enormous obstacles that

can exist for some Aboriginal men in this country today.

“But please be aware...this production is about exploring the issues that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men face in day to day life, and the message of this film is to show that you can change your life SO...It is vital that to be a part of this film you are committed and open to being filmed for a period of 12 months and are ready to make those changes.

“To apply send an email to telling us your story - what it is you need to change and why and all emails

are private and confidential. For more information call 0407 700 827 Please feel free to contact me for further information or to discuss the project.

“Many thanks

Michaela Perske

Series Producer “



Is this another production by Cordell Jigsaw?

In any case, the number of cynical and lame documentaries/reality programs being produced about indigenous Australians while so many are fighting for their land and dying is offensive, exploitative and very disturbing.