Martin Ferguson

Martin Ferguson rebuffs Coal CEO Twiggy Palmcock in launching Energy paper

While Federal Resources and Energy minister Martin Ferguson was launching a white paper on energy, the press conference was interrupted by that scallywag Victorian Coal CEO Twiggy Palmcock who thanked the Minister for his support of the fossil fuel industry.

Related: 2012 Energy white paper | RenewEconomy: Ferguson spies a green energy future … and steps on the gas | The Conversation: Energy White Paper plans to burn, burn, burn it all | Tony Abbott rebuffs Victorian coal mining magnate


Bonjour - Delivery of radioactive waste

This morning (5th March 2012) Friends of the Earths- ACE & Yellow cake road collectives, delivered a barrel of radioactive waste to Martin Ferguson's electoral office in Preston. The stunt was a response to the Federal Governments lack of community consultation & lack of ability to have an open transparent national discussion about the safe storage of the nations radioactive waste. In 2014-2015 Australia is due to receive back spent fuel rods from France, that have been sent for processing.


Climate activists protest spying and surveillance authorised by energy minister Martin Ferguson

Martin Ferguson, Minister for Resources and Energy has pushed for increased surveillance of environmental and climate activists protesting coal-fired power stations and coal export facilities, after he was directly lobbied by coal and energy infrastructure companies.

Climate and Environment activists along with Occupy Melbourne paid a call on thursday afternoon to Martin Ferguson's electoral office at 159 High Street, Preston. The office, of course, was closed early supposedly on occupational health and safety grounds, and had a Federal and Victorian police presence.

Related: Northcote Independent - That's a pretty clear "No" to Ferguson's NOSIC | Photos by Takver

National Check in with Martin Ferguson campaign launched

Some very clever climate activists have launched a National Check in with Martin Ferguson campaign on Facebook as a response to the revelations of his spying on climate activists on behalf of the coal and power multinationals - see below

Australian Taxpayers money is being spent to monitor the activities of community climate groups.


Protest as Martin Ferguson arrives at Growth Challenge conference in Melbourne - 30 June 2011

The speakers list at a conference entitled ‘Growth Challenge – Riding the Resources Boom to Lasting Prosperity’ had been described as “A Who’s who that’s Screwing You” (see the callout on this site - ), but in the event it was only Energy and Resources Minister Martin Ferguson who attracted a concerted protest, courtesy of Friends of the Earth ACE collective, who brought Mr Nuke Death with them…


Protest at Ferguson's office opposing Muckaty nuclear waste dump

On Tuesday about 50 people gathered outside Federal Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson's electoral office in Preston to say Don't Let Martin Ferguson Dump on Muckaty in regard to inflicting a nuclear waste dump on an indigenous community who do not want it. For 18 months anti-nuclear organisations & activists have succesfully kept Minister Ferguson National Radioactive Waste Management Bill from becoming an act. In April 2010 250 Traditional indigenous owners and anti-nuclear activists protested in Tennant Creek in opposition to the proposed Muckaty Station Nuclear Waste Dump.

Related: Nuclear waste legislation must wait until Muckaty landowners objections heard in Federal Court | Audio from Canberra June 14 rally

No dump at Muckaty! Protests continue in Martin Ferguson's electorate, 24 February 2011

To mark the one-year anniversary of the announcement of Muckaty in the Northern Territory as the chosen site for a proposed national radioactive waste dump, members of Friends of the Earth ACE (Anti-nuclear and Clean Energy) Collective* toured part of Energy and Resources Minister Martin Ferguson's Batman electorate in search of an alternative dumping ground.


Nuclear dump opposed from Muckaty to Melbourne

Community opposition to Martin Ferguson's nuclear waste dump at Muckaty Station continues to grow. About 40 people convened at short notice outside Martin Ferguson's electoral office on High Street Preston in a colourful protest of speeches, song and street theatre. 'Martin Ferguson' gets 'splashed' with Muckaty nuclear waste in the street theatre performed outside his office.

Related: Traditional owners at Northcote Town Hall | Protest by traditional owners in Tennant Creek | Photos outside Martin Ferguson office on Flickr | Youtube Video


Muckaty nuclear waste dump protested by traditional owners in Tennant Creek

250 Traditional indigenous owners and anti-nuclear activists protested in Tennant Creek on Saturday April 3 in opposition to the proposed Muckaty Station Nuclear Waste Dump. Anger was particularly directed at Federal Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson, and to the Northern Land Council.
