Labor Party

To the beleaguered league from the future

by Christian Bentley

It is easy to notice that we have two Coalitions in this country, as the ever so observing Mr. Abbott so politely feels the need to whine about to every corner of Australia.

But who cares? Both are incompetent. Both are unwilling to change for the better. Both are old, both are obsolete, both are clueless, and both are so desperate to cling on to every and any form of power that they have left, so much so as that they'd sell their souls to keep it.


Nuclear dump opposed from Muckaty to Melbourne

Community opposition to Martin Ferguson's nuclear waste dump at Muckaty Station continues to grow. About 40 people convened at short notice outside Martin Ferguson's electoral office on High Street Preston in a colourful protest of speeches, song and street theatre. 'Martin Ferguson' gets 'splashed' with Muckaty nuclear waste in the street theatre performed outside his office.

Related: Traditional owners at Northcote Town Hall | Protest by traditional owners in Tennant Creek | Photos outside Martin Ferguson office on Flickr | Youtube Video
