Urgent petition to stop racist legislation in parliament next week

We have just heard that despite intense community and civil society opposition the "Stronger Futures" legislation is being put to the vote in Parliament next week. This is before the Senate Inquiry has a chance to submit its report on the legislation on 13th March. The Stand For Freedom campaign is ready to spread like wildfire, and we need your support. www.standforfreedom.org.au

The Government clearly wants to rush this through before the nation gets a wind of what they're up to.

In the same way the NT Intervention got passed.

We need to act NOW.

Every time the petition is signed, a personal email is sent to the Ministers.

Together, we can stop this racist legislation in its tracks.

Challenging the extension of the NT Intervention for 10 more years under the Stronger Futures legislation.

Please send out widely to your networks.

Thank you for your help spreading the campaign far and wide.

In solidarity,
Damien & Sinem

OUR GENERATION - Land, Culture, Freedom
email: info@ourgeneration.org.au
phone: (+61) 0424 722 705 / (+61) 0420 400 284