Fracking - The Rest of the Story

As shale gas (or coal gas) fracking envelops Australia and the world - pay attention to the repression of information and victims in the United States.

This is a full program about the risks of fracking, with voices seldom heard. It's also about the failure of the US Environmental Protection Agency to regulate this industry (although it's hands were tied by Pres Geo Bush's exemption for the industry from the Safe Water Drinking Act).

On the one hand, we hear Republican Congressmen attack the EPA for daring to test polluted wells in Wyoming, in a "Hearing" stacked with industry spokespeople.

On the other, we see a weak defense from the agency - which we learn from whistleblower Coleman-Adebayo is loaded with racism, sexism, and corporate toadies.

Nobody wins. Both workers and residents get poisoned water, and dangerous air pollution.

The air pollution from fracking is seldom covered - because there is no monitoring or regulation! Theo Colborne does a good job explaining the risks. Folks whose land and lives are ruined can't get compensation, or even health care, because the blind-eye approach means they can't prove a thing.

Is fracking a dangerous scam?

For the full story, and more resouces to download (including complete teleconferences and Congressional Hearing) go to:

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An optional CD Quality version of this program (56 MB) is here: