shale gas

WGAR News: March and Music for Muckaty, Tennant Creek, May 25: BNI Beyond Nuclear Initiative Audio

Newsletter date: 26 June 2013


* BNI: Audio uploaded - March and Music for Muckaty, Tennant Creek, May 25
* Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump

* ABC Video: Aboriginal group to challenge shale gas agreement
* Tracker: Native title challenge to Canning gas bill
* Hands off Country: Why does this government pretend that it does not need to speak to anybody?
* Background to Mabo and Native Title

* Jeff McMullen, Tracker: The Way Ahead: The new land grab
* Emma Murphy, Green Left: Traditional owners battle for a healthy river

Fracking - The Rest of the Story

As shale gas (or coal gas) fracking envelops Australia and the world - pay attention to the repression of information and victims in the United States.

This is a full program about the risks of fracking, with voices seldom heard. It's also about the failure of the US Environmental Protection Agency to regulate this industry (although it's hands were tied by Pres Geo Bush's exemption for the industry from the Safe Water Drinking Act).