Still time to make submission on 10-year extension of the Intervention

Important: Please forward widely!

By Sabine Kacha

Dear All,

If you haven’t lodged your submission yet regarding the 10 Year extension of NT Intervention measures which allows for massive human rights breaches towards Aboriginal peoples to continue and is in non-compliance with Australia’s International obligations, you still have a chance to have your voice heard!

The Federal Government has extended the deadline for submissions on the legislation that replaces the Emergency Intervention into Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory…

Submissions posted can be viewed at

So far I have read the brilliant submissions number 87 by ‘concerned Australians’ as well as no. 63 Ian Thorpe’s Fountain for Youth, highly recommendable reading.

If you haven't already made a submission regarding the Senate inquiry re the Stronger Futures which will extend key NT Intervention measures for another DECADE, I would strongly recommend still lodging one, it can be just a few sentences, doesn't have to be long, most submissions already up on the website are very short! Please do have your voice be heard!! Thanks so much for considering.

Submissions can be sent to the Senate at

For further background info and a fantastic submission guide, please see:

A big thanks to all who already have made a submission and encouraged other individuals and organizations to make one.

