
WIKILEAKS and Julian Assange's (and his colleagues) commitment to the discovery of the truth has won THE WALKLEY.

Wikileaks and Julian Assange have won the WALKLEY for their commitment to the truth via citizen media, and in terms of inspiration. The Walkley is a mainstream media award of a media often accused as 'consdervative' however it is indicative of the swell of humanity that is within the mainstream media busting to break free from many of the restrictions that hold back the unfettered truth and more 'inclusive democracry'.

FROM the WALKLEY list of winners - Most outstanding contribution to journalism (Sponsored by Sky News)


What have FMG got to hide? Yindjibarndi cameras blocked for “safety” reasons

By Michael Woodley, CEO of Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation Yindjibarndi elders travelled to Fortescue Metal’s Solomon Project mining site on Friday 25 November to brief Registrar of Aboriginal Sites, Kathryn Przywolnik, check on the safety of sacred sites in the path of FMG’s massive blasting program, and video record the impact of FMG mining operations on their culture and land. Related:Unlawful FMG heritage dealing massive sites damage at Solomon Project -- Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation website
Mainstream press coverage: Sydney Morning Herald Coverage -- Australian Mining Coverage


Mobile Occupy Melbourne outfoxes council and police

The last few days have seen Occupy Melbourne develop some very creative tactics to prevent the convisgation of their property by the Melbourne City Council and Police. On Friday 25th of November after the Council served Notice of Compliance on the camp and came down with police protestors took their gear and left the park. However this wasn't enough a police and the police gave chase to the tents! One protestor, Sean Bedlam was arrested for "hindering council officers" whilst sitting on a tarp on the footpath outside the park.


Rally for Julian Assange

I took part in a rally to show support for Australian WikiLeaks Editor-in-chief Julian Assange on November 25th. It was held in Brisbane outside the Department of Foreign Affairs.Approximately seventy people attended the rally. We were there to demand that the Federal Government publically take action to protect Julian Assange from being rendered up to the United States.
Related:Friends of Julian Assange website -- Wikileaks Central -- Rally Facebook event page


Australia shatters its party on the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

by Gerry Georgatos It is indeed now common knowledge that Australian adult prisons are incarcerating children as young as 13. The human rights struggle to free these children from our adult prisons has been an arduous one, with the major obstacle the Australian government and the horrific prejudices and stereotypes they have shoved down throats so as to perceptually modify views. Many have now been freed, some brutally traumatised, one sexually abused, all of them losing some of the form and content of their youth to an unwarranted prison experience.
Related: Christmas at home for Bali boy however Christmas for many Indonesian children will be in Australian adult prisons -- Campaign Facebook page


We are not outraged…

We are not outraged…

The explosion of rage we see all over the world doesn’t start from joyfully indignant citizens, respectful of the constitutional State, who can afford the luxury of non-violence… but from us, exploited proletarians, in struggle against the every time worse conditions of survival imposed on us.

We are not outraged, shocked, indignant…

DSP caucus expels dissident WA Socialist Alliance member

A Perth branch meeting of the Australian Socialist Alliance held last November 16th ratified a decision made by the Perth branch executive to expel dissident member Graham Milner, after a motion was rammed through the branch meeting by the executive in Milner's absence. Milner had telephoned the branch convenor, Alex Bainbridge, before the branch meeting to ask Bainbridge to convey his apologies to the other comrades, as he was unable to attend the meeting.


Differing views to Mick Gooda's claim of the cause in the rise of intra-racial violence.

by Gerry Georgatos Aboriginal and Torres Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Mick Gooda has released statistics in his Social Justice and Native Title reports that there is an increase in serious violence within Aborginal communities. Mr Gooda said, "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities face many challenges and sadly some of the divisive and damaging harms come from within our own communities."

WA Nyungar Elder Ben Taylor said, "It is not right to blame our people for what has been done to them. (Non-Aboriginal Australia) has been killing our peoples for two centuries, and they haven't stopped, to this day they are still doing it. Look in our prisons what is happening."

Protest at BHP Billiton AGM, Melbourne, 17 November 2011

Traditional owners and environmentalists descended on the Melbourne Convention Centre on Thursday 17 November for the BHP Billiton AGM. Using proxies, some twenty Aboriginal elders and supporters gained access to the meeting, while others held a protest outside.


Occupy Melbourne can do better.

At the 21st General Assembly of Occupy Melbourne held tonight a proposal to reaffirm non violent direct action was defeated. Specifically the motion attempted to clear up what was and was not appropriate action taken on behalf of Occupy Melbourne. The non violence advocated was for non violence against persons and property. This non violence policy was quite heavily defeated on the floor of the GA.


WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 20 events from 26 November 2011

Newsletter date: 26 November 2011

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Ongoing Protest: James Price Point, Kimberley, WA
Kimberley gas plant protest
Save the Kimberley info:
Kimberley gas plant threatens Aboriginal culture:
Aboriginal elder Elsta Foy at the protest camp:
Protest updates:


Stand against Macklin's decade of discrimination - No second Intervention!

Joint statement from Intervention Rollback Action Group (Central Australia), Darwin Aboriginal Rights Coalition and Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney - Friday November 25 2011

The Labor government has introduced Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory legislation that extends the racist NT Intervention for a further ten years.
Intergenerational trauma caused by past policies of assimilation and dispossession is at the root of many problems facing Aboriginal communities across Australia today.

WGAR News: "Cooperation not intervention: a call for a new direction in the Northern Territory"

Newsletter date: 26 November 2011

* Stronger Futures is the same intervention says Amnesty
* "Cooperation not intervention: a call for a new direction in the Northern Territory"
- Joint Statement from ACOSS, APO NT and many others
* "Stand against Macklin’s decade of discrimination - No second Intervention!"
- Joint Statement from IRAG, DARC and STICS
* SNAICC: Elders and representatives express anger over future of NT Intervention
* Pat Turner: Cutting Centrelink cash won't stop indigenous truancy
* Interview with Paddy Gibson about the new school attendance measures

The Shortwave Report 11/25/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (November 25) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Christmas at home for Bali boy however Christmas for many Indonesian children will be in Australian adult prisons - More to come tomorrow.

Gerry Georgatos The young boy convicted of marijuana possession will be home in Australia come Christmas. How many of Indonesia's most impoverished children, aged 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 years of age will be in an Australian adult prison on Christmas Day? More than fifty - even though the Prime Minister says 'only' 17, the Attorney-General says 27, the Australian Federal Police say 32.

New uncontacted pictures validate Brazil’s Yanomami territory 20 years on

New picture of an uncontacted Yanomami village in
Brazil. © Hutukara/Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, November 22, 2011 - - Survival International has released new pictures of an uncontacted Yanomami village in Brazil, 20 years after one of its crucial campaigns created the biggest forested indigenous territory in the world.

PHILIPPINES: $1-B Australian aid linked to two key issues

During his press conference upon his return from the Apec meeting in Honolulu, President Aquino thanked Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard for the $1 billion aid provided by the Australian government to “help the recent flood and typhoon victims.”

Before we applaud the Australian government and its prime minister for their apparent generosity, let us consider Australia’s national interests that are involved in the Philippines. There are two key issues that stand out.

WA heritage crisis deepens – FMG threat to sue state

Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation MEDIA STATEMENT
23 November 2011

The Yindjibarndi People have been battling for 4 years against an increasingly belligerent, litigious, and unscrupulous Fortescue Metals Group (FMG).

On 28 October, at FMG’s Solomon Project in the Pilbara, the Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation (YAC) discovered that FMG had desecrated an ochre quarry and destroyed part of a creek where sacred Gandi are found (stones used in initiation rituals).

Free assistance to South Sea Island descendants to trace their families

Hi everyone,

I have recently become aware that Sonia Minniecon from Mackay is providing free assistance for Australian South Sea Islander people who are trying to trace their family histories.

She is calling the service “Blackbird”. She has travelled to Vanuatu recently and has established relationships with several Chiefs who are facilitating family reunions.